Advanced Photonics, Volume. 2, Issue 3, 036003(2020)
Transmission of vector vortex beams in dispersive media
Ilaria Gianani1,2, Alessia Suprano1, Taira Giordani1, Nicolò Spagnolo1, Fabio Sciarrino1,3、*, Dimitris Gorpas4,5, Vasilis Ntziachristos4,5, Katja Pinker6, Netanel Biton7, Judy Kupferman7, and Shlomi Arnon7
Author Affiliations
1Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Fisica, Rome, Italy2Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Scienze, Rome, Italy3Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Roma, Italy4Technische Universität München, Biological Imaging and Center for Translational Cancer Research, Munich, Germany5Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Germany6Medical University of Vienna, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy, Molecular and Gender Imaging Service, Vienna, Austria7Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Beer Sheva, Israelshow less
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