Opto-Electronic Engineering, Volume. 46, Issue 7, 190167(2019)

Review of advances in LiDAR detection and 3D imaging

Liu Bo*, Yu Yang, and Jiang Shuo
Author Affiliations
  • [in Chinese]
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    CLP Journals

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    [2] LUO Jiacheng, LIU Bo, HUA Kangjian. Research on Range Walk Error and Timing Jitter of Photon Counting Lidar[J]. Semiconductor Optoelectronics, 2020, 41(5): 695

    [3] Liu Bo, Jiang Shuo, Yu Yang4, Chen Zhen. Macro/sub-pulse coded photon counting LiDAR[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2020, 47(10): 200265

    [4] Yu Jing, Huang Lujun, Tang Hailong, Huang Guiyu, Chen Guangping. Incoming Vehicle Detection and Planning System for Automatic Loading[J]. APPLIED LASER, 2022, 42(1): 91


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    Liu Bo, Yu Yang, Jiang Shuo. Review of advances in LiDAR detection and 3D imaging[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2019, 46(7): 190167

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    Paper Information


    Received: Apr. 11, 2019

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Jul. 25, 2019

    The Author Email: Bo Liu (boliu@ioe.ac.cn)

