Journal of Synthetic Crystals, Volume. 50, Issue 8, 1534(2021)
Lithography-Free Interdigitated Back Contact Silicon Solar Cells with Solution-Processed PEDOT∶PSS as the Efficient Hole Transport Layer
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SUN Zongheng, SHEN Rongzong, SHI Yanbin, ZHOU Yurong, ZHOU Yuqin, LIU Fengzhen. Lithography-Free Interdigitated Back Contact Silicon Solar Cells with Solution-Processed PEDOT∶PSS as the Efficient Hole Transport Layer[J]. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2021, 50(8): 1534
Received: May. 6, 2021
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Published Online: Nov. 6, 2021
The Author Email: Zongheng SUN (