Advanced Photonics, Volume. 2, Issue 2, 024002(2020)
Spatiotemporal rotational dynamics of laser-driven molecules
Fig. 1. Approaches for inducing molecular UDR. (a) Double-pulse scheme for excitation of unidirectional molecular rotation (adapted from Ref. 53, CC BY). (b) A train of linearly polarized laser pulses are spaced in time by a fixed delay
Fig. 2. Illustration of an optical centrifuge pulse. The vector
Fig. 3. Experimentally observed RDS for deuterium molecules. (a)–(c) The spectra, shown as 2-D color-coded plots, were measured with a probe scan delay of 150 fs around the midway point between the pump pulses. (d)–(f) Normalized spectra measured at the probe delay time that produced the maximum signal [indicated by the horizontal gray lines in (a)–(c)]. Vertical black line marks the central wavelength of the unperturbed probe. (a), (d) A single pump pulse is applied, resulting in no UDR and no RDS. (b), (e) The molecules are set to rotate in the same sense as the CP probe, producing a red shift. (c), (f) The molecules are set to rotate in the opposite sense, producing a blue shift. This figure is reproduced with permission from Ref. 80.
Fig. 4. Time-dependent Raman shifts. From the (a) clockwise and (b) counterclockwise centrifuged oxygen molecules. As the molecules spend more time in the centrifuge, the observed Raman frequency shift increases, providing direct evidence of accelerated molecular rotation in one, well defined, direction. An additional time-independent Raman signal originates from the molecules lost from the centrifuge. This figure is reproduced with permission from Ref. 63, © 2020, APS.
Fig. 5. COLTRIMS experimental setup for molecular UDR measurements. The measurement is performed in an ultra-high-vacuum apparatus of COLTRIMS. A supersonic gas jet of nitrogen molecules is impulsively aligned by a linearly polarized (along
Fig. 6. Time-dependent angular distributions of UDR molecules. (a) Experimentally measured angular distribution of (
Fig. 7. Field-free enantioselective orientation of PPO molecule. (a) Schematic illustration of the experimental geometry. Cold PPO molecules in a seeded helium jet are spun in an optical centrifuge and Coulomb exploded with a probe pulse between the plates of a conventional VMI spectrometer, equipped with an MCP detector and a phosphor screen. The inset shows the fixed frame axes and the definition of angles
Fig. 8. Trajectories of the polarization vector tip of the OTC pulse in case (a) when the amplitude of the FW is greater than that of the SH and (b) vice versa. (c) Optical layout for constructing a collinearly propagating two-color field by nonlinear optical-mixing technique. MPA, most polarizable axis and SMPA, second most polarizable axis. Notice that in case of
Fig. 9. 1-D model describing the OTC pulse-induced orientation. (a)
Fig. 10. Coincidentally measured momentum distributions of
Fig. 11. A sequence of two short-orienting pulses
Fig. 12. Filamentation of the phase-space density distribution. In this figure,
Fig. 13. Left: Hahn’s famous spin echo analogy on the cover of
Fig. 14. Left: (a) Birefringence signals as a function of the pump–probe delay
Fig. 15. Experimentally measured time-dependent angular distributions of the rotated echo in
Fig. 16. (a) Experimental results of the maximal echo amplitude (
Fig. 17. Time constants of collisional relaxation of
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Kang Lin, Ilia Tutunnikov, Junyang Ma, Junjie Qiang, Lianrong Zhou, Olivier Faucher, Yehiam Prior, Ilya Sh. Averbukh, Jian Wu, "Spatiotemporal rotational dynamics of laser-driven molecules," Adv. Photon. 2, 024002 (2020)
Category: Reviews
Received: Jan. 21, 2020
Accepted: Mar. 11, 2020
Posted: Mar. 11, 2020
Published Online: Apr. 23, 2020
The Author Email: Faucher Olivier (, Prior Yehiam (, Averbukh Ilya Sh. (, Wu Jian (