Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 44, Issue 2, 0200002(2024)
Research Advances in Ionization Dynamics of Molecules for Bi-Wavelength Circularly Polarized Laser Field
Fig. 1. Attoclock scheme using bi-circular fields for the dissociative reaction of H2 molecules[45]. (a) The bound electron escapes from the potential through tunneling and moves in the combined potential created by Coulomb field of H2 molecule and laser field; (b) experimental geometry, and fragmentation of H2 molecules by two-color corotating bi-circular fields is measured by COLTRIMS spectrometer
Fig. 2. Joint photoelectron-nuclear energy spectrum and photoelectron momentum distributions of different dissociative channels[45]. (a) Joint photoelectron-nuclear energy spectrum of above-threshold multiphoton dissociative ionization, and the nuclear energy spectrum integrated over the electron energy spectrum is shown in the left panel; measured photoelectron angular distributions correlated to (b) net-1ω channel, (c) net-2ω channel, and (d) net-3ω channel
Fig. 3. Experimental and simulated molecular orientation-dependent photoelectron angular distributions[45]. (a)-(c) Correlated electron emission angle with H+ ion emission angle for the net-1ω; (d)-(f) correlated electron emission angle with H+ ion emission angle for the net-2ω; (g)-(i) correlated electron emission angle with H+ ion emission angle for the net-3ω
Fig. 4. Potential curves of H2+ for 1s σg and 2p σu states, and nuclear distances and EN of three dissociative channels are labeled[45]
Fig. 5. The most probable electron emission angle θele as a function of the molecular orientation angle for three dissociative channels, respectively[45]. (a) (c) (e) The most probable electron emission angle θele as a function of the molecular orientation angle for three dissociative channels; (b) (d) (f) results calculated by MO-QTMC model without Coulomb potential
Fig. 6. Offset angle caused by the long-range Coulomb potential in different channels[45].(a) net-1ω; (b) net-2ω; (c) net-3ω
Fig. 7. Distribution of initial phase and initial phase gradient[45]. (a)-(c) Initial phase
Fig. 8. Double-hand attoclock scheme for measuring asymmetrical CO molecule[48]. (a) Schematic of double-hand attoclock scheme for measuring the ionization dynamics of asymmetrical CO molecule; (b) measured photoelectron momentum distribution integrated by molecular orientations
Fig. 9. Measured molecular orientation-dependent photoelectron angular distribution[48]. (a) Photoelectron angular distribution with respect to C+ ion emission angle for SB1 peaks; (b) photoelectron angular distribution with respect to C+ ion emission angle for ATI2 peaks
Fig. 10. Simulated molecular orientation-dependent photoelectron angular distribution[48]. (a) Simulated result of SB1 peak by TDSE; (b) simulated result of SB1 peak by the nonadiabatic MO-QTMC; (c) simulated result of ATI2 peak by TDSE; (d) simulated result of ATI2 peak by the nonadiabatic MO-QTMC
Fig. 11. Molecular orientation-dependent most probable electron emission angle[48]. (a) The most probable electron emission angle for the SB1 peak changed with molecular orientation; (b) the most probable electron emission angle for the ATI2 peak changed with molecular orientation
Fig. 12. Electron angular distribution caused by initial phase and initial phase distribution[48]. (a) Molecular orientation-dependent electron angular distribution corresponding to SB1; (b) molecular orientation-dependent electron angular distribution corresponding to ATI2; (c) initial phase as a function of molecular orientation angle θion and initial momentum pi for SB1; (d) initial phase as a function of molecular orientation angle θion and initial momentum pi for AIT2
Fig. 13. Initial phase gradient ϕ′iniand Wigner time delay[48]. (a) Initial phase gradient ϕ′ini as a function of initial momentum pi and molecular orientation θion; (b) constructed orientation-dependent Wigner time delay as a function of electron kinetic energy
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Zhenning Guo, Yunquan Liu. Research Advances in Ionization Dynamics of Molecules for Bi-Wavelength Circularly Polarized Laser Field[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2024, 44(2): 0200002
Category: Reviews
Received: May. 30, 2023
Accepted: Jul. 10, 2023
Published Online: Jan. 11, 2024
The Author Email: Liu Yunquan (