Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, Volume. 58, Issue 12, 1210013(2021)
An Object Detection Algorithm Based on Contextual Self-Calibration And Dual-Attention Mechanism
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Junkai Luo, Baohua Zhang, Yanyue Zhang, Yu Gu, Yueming Wang, Xin Liu, Yan Ren, Jianjun Li, Ming Zhang. An Object Detection Algorithm Based on Contextual Self-Calibration And Dual-Attention Mechanism[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2021, 58(12): 1210013
Category: Image Processing
Received: Sep. 9, 2020
Accepted: Sep. 30, 2020
Published Online: Jun. 18, 2021
The Author Email: Zhang Baohua (