Mechanical properties play an essential role in the physiological processes of soft tissue, with the onset of many diseases associated with changes therein [
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, Volume. 19, Issue 1, 2023028(2023)
Brillouin scattering spectroscopy for studying human anatomy: Towards in situ mechanical characterization of soft tissue
Brillouin light scattering (BLS) spectroscopy is a label-free method of measuring the GHz-frequency viscoelastic properties. The measured longitudinal modulus is acutely sensitive to the degree of hydration, crosslinking, and temperature, which can be indicative of tissue health. As such, performing in situ measurements on humans is particularly desirable for exploring potential clinical translation, however, is not possible with existing designs which are coupled to bench-top microscopes. Here we introduce a robust fiber coupled hand-held BLS probe and demonstrate its reliability for measuring excised human tissue. We verify its accuracy using confocal BLS microscopy and further show that it is possible to distinguish veins, arteries, nerves and muscles based on their BLS-measured viscoelasticity. This provides a necessary first step towards in situ clinical BLS viscoelasticity studies of human tissue.
1 Introduction
Mechanical properties play an essential role in the physiological processes of soft tissue, with the onset of many diseases associated with changes therein [
To this end optical elastography techniques are particularly promising due to their non-invasive label free nature [
An important step towards exploring broader clinical applications would require a hand-held probe that can be operated by medical professionals and used directly in clinics for rapid in situ measurements of different tissue types. Here we introduce a robust and versatile fiber-coupled hand-held BLS-spectroscopy probe with this in mind. We confirm its reliability by comparing standard confocal BLS microscopy measurements on the same excised soft tissues, and demonstrate that it can be used to reliably identify differences in the microscopic viscoelastic properties of different tissues as well as the same tissues at different sites. Our study here appears to present the first demonstration of such a device, as well as uncover previously unknown differences in the BLS viscoelasticity of various human tissue of direct biomedical interest under as close to homeostatic conditions as is possible without actually performing measurements on living persons.
1.1 BLS spectroscopy
Spontaneous BLS spectroscopy is a somewhat unique optical elastography approach, in that it measures the velocity of inherent GHz-frequency hypersonic waves (acoustic phonons) [
Here ρ and n are the mass density and refractive index of the probed sample volume, λ0 the free space wavelength of the probing laser, and ΓB the linewidth of the resonant BLS scattering peaks. This modulus is distinct from that obtained in most other elastography approaches, and it is worth taking a minute to revie1w this aspect, as it is relevant to the interpretation and potential applicability. M is related to the shear modulus (G) and bulk modulus (K) via: M = K + 4/3 G. K represents a distinct mechanical property to G, that describes the compressibility of a material. Given liquids at physiological pressures are effectively incompressible (K ≈ 2.2 GPa for water), K in soft tissue will be very large, and the BLS measured modulus will be very sensitive to water content [
Several studies have reported empirical correlations between the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)-measured tensile modulus, and the BLS-measured longitudinal modulus in different biological and biorelevant systems [
It is also apparent from the above that while in model systems, such as hydrogels or one/two-component mixtures, first-principle theoretical descriptions for changes in M may be attempted [
The realization of an easy-to-use probe for in situ measurements would have distinct design requirements to those for imaging and endoscopy purposes. These include: (1) A single acquisition should measure an average over a suitably sized volume. This is necessary to avoid anomalies resulting from microscopic heterogeneities that “point” measurements are susceptible to. Homogeneously illuminating and detecting over a large probing volume has the undesirable effect of exposing the sample to high overall laser intensities. Alternatively, scanning a tightly focused point requires significant technical automation and compromises the technical complexity, robustness, cost and size. To this end the illumination and detection from a random or structured spatial pattern is desirable. (2) The probing laser intensity and acquisition time should be sufficiently low, so as to avoid perturbing the sample, and hence measurements by incurred photodamage and/or temperature changes. To this end a high coupling efficiency between the probe and spectrometer is desirable. In addition, features such as adequate suppression of elastic scattering and parallel or straight-forward sequential measurements on reference samples for spectral registration should also be addressed. (3) The measurement geometry should be such that the samples do not need to be excised and the user can obtain a measurement from one side, e.g. by simply pointing the probe at the region of interest. This, and to some extent also (2), negates the potential of using stimulated BLS which (at least in currently demonstrated implementations [
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Tissue excision/prep
Human tissues were collected from the left upper limb of a male body donor, who, by free will had given written consent to donate his dead bodies to the Division of Anatomy of the Medical University of Vienna. His age at death was 77 years.
The muscles of the proximal forearm and the great subfascial arteries, veins and nerves were exposed using forceps and scalpel. Then 2 tissue samples (~10 × 5 × 5 mm3) were harvested from muscles with longitudinal fiber arrangement (biceps brachii and pronator quadratus muscle), 2 from veins (brachial and medial cubital vein), 3 from muscular arteries (1 from brachial and 2 from radial artery), and 3 from the median nerve (1 from near its fork, 1 from distal to the pronator teres muscle, and 1 from distal to the carpal tunnel). The tissues were placed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) until their further measurement by Brillouin scattering spectroscopy.
2.2 Hand-held probe
The housing of the hand-held probe was constructed from readily available opto-mechanical components available from commercial vendors (Thorlabs, Edmund Optics and Newport) together with custom printed 3D spacers. The entire probe measures approximately 150 mm × 200 mm, can be comfortably held in one hand and easily maneuvered to point at desired regions of interest. The basic optical principles are not too different from those of a conventional fiber-coupled Brillouin scattering confocal microscope [
Figure 1.(A) Sketch showing approximate location on arm of the excised tissues studied. (B–D) Distribution of BLS frequency shift (νB) and linewidth (ΓB) for the different tissue samples obtained from large-area confocal grid scans. Distributions are each fitted with a Gaussian distribution (dashed lines) and results are collated in
The Brillouin spectrometer employed was a cross-dispersion VIPA spectrometer (free spectral range 30 GHz at 532 nm) previously described [
Data was analyzed using a custom Matlab (Mathworks, Germany) code which performed least squares fitting of two Lorentzian curves and spectral registration from reference sample data, as previously described [
Measurements on samples were performed by placing freshly excised tissue samples in a petri dish with Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) heated at 37 °C, and holding the probe directly against (in contact with) the sample. Acquisition was triggered by opening the shutter in front of the laser for the extent of the camera acquisition time. As such the sample would never be illuminated longer than the acquisition time. The entire acquisition process could be instigated by the single click of a shutter button connected to the computer that can also be held by the user. The laser power used for measurements on tissue were 10–25 mW (at the sample) and acquisition times were 100–750 ms (adjusted to obtain spectra with adequate signal to noise). We note that this variability in the acquisition times and laser power does not affect the result in regard to inducing any tissue damage/change (we are only performing a single measurement, and comparable laser exposure for orders of magnitude longer times is routinely used in spontaneous BLS confocal microscopy of live tissue with no adverse side effects [
2.3 Scanning confocal Brillouin microscopy
Measurements were performed using the same double-VIPA spectrometer as for the hand-held probe, but this time coupled (using a single-mode fiber) to an inverted microscope (iX-73, Olympus, Japan) equipped with a sample scanning motor stage (ASI, USA) and 3-axis piezo stage (Physik Instrumente, Germany) described previously [
3 Results
BLS confocal scanning microscopy measurements of freshly excised tissue, in PBS and heated to 37 °C were performed as described in
In order to check the reliability of the hand-held probe we performed measurements on each of the same samples under the same conditions using the hand-held probe. A schematic and photograph of the hand-held probe is shown in
Figure 2.(A) Schematic of the hand-held BLS probe (PBS = Polarizing Beam Splitter; λ/4 = quarter waveplate; λ/2 = half waveplate; IP = intermediate image plane; L1 & L2 relay lenses; L3 focusing lens;
The hand-held probe can also be used to identify changes in properties of the same tissue-type at different locations. This is shown in
Figure 3.
(A) Sketch showing approximate locations along the arm of the excised tissues studied. (B and D) Collated results of independent measurements of
The shape of the Point Spread Function (PSF) is an important factor in that it will determine the structural features one is sensitive to and define the scattering wavevectors probed. This can (as described above) be tuned in our hand held probe. In our implementation the excitation PSF will essentially resemble the output from the fibers, and consist of 7 separated points, and one is thus probing an area over hundreds of microns. The shape of the true effective PSF (excitation × detection) is less trivial, and will depend on the (angular) alignment of the excitation–detection fiber bundles (which is optimized manually as best possible to achieve a maximum through put/coupling). In practice for heterogeneous and anisotropic tissue this is additionally complicated on several levels, starting with the fact that the BLS scattering cross section will be dependent on such structure, and ending in that the coupling efficiency into the fibers will depend on the wavefronts which will also be perturbed. In between one has the effects of multiple scattering in the sample, and as such measurements thereof, which are important for understanding what is really probed, should be undertaken on an application specific basis.
4 Discussion
Of the measured samples, we find artery walls have a higher storage modulus M′, than those of veins, which in turn have a higher modulus than skeletal muscle tissue. Except for the Median cubital vein (MCV), the loss modulus M″ show the opposite trend. It is well known that veins are significantly more compliant than arteries [
The feasibility of the hand-held probe to measure an averaged spectra over an extended area is evident from
Our results using the hand-held probe also show that it is possible to observe changes in the BLS modulus within the same tissue at different locations. For the Brachial/Radial artery we find an increased BLS frequency shift νB further up the arm (
To date numerous studies have suggested the BLS modulus may have medical diagnostic value [
We have for the most part focused largely on the frequency shift νB (and corresponding M′) as opposed to the linewidth ΓB (and loss modulus M″), which will be addressed more thoroughly in a future communication. We note here though, that while more challenging to extract correctly with imaging spectrometers [
A potential issue of the current design of the hand-held probe (which is also relevant for BLS spectroscopy/microscopy and indeed most mechanical testing techniques) is that the mechanical properties are measured in a given direction. As such, in tissue with anisotropic mechanical properties, measurements will be sensitive to the direction from which the tissue is probed. While typically associated with “hard” tissue, mechanical anisotropy is also significant in soft tissue such as muscles [
The refractive index and density may in of themselves also be significantly perturbed in different pathologies [
The sensitivity of the probe is dependent ultimately on the fiber coupling efficiency. We routinely can achieve >50%, however, this is dependent on the wavefront deformation due to the sample, and as such this will be tissue and region specific. This affects the accuracy with which the BLS peak position and line width can be determined, since this is primarily a localization problem, not unlike that in super-resolution localization microscopy, with comparable scaling with respect to photon statistics. To this end the use of multimode fibers certainly helps, however we note that some light is additionally lost on the spectrometer side due to mode cleanup prior to entering the VIPA’s (see above). The photon statistics will also depend on the Brillouin scattering cross section, namely intrinsic material properties, and will be affected also by the transparency of the tissue (which would affect the size of the effective point spread function). As such the issue of sensitivity and accuracy needs to be approached in a sample/application specific manner, considering also the maximum laser power that the specific tissue can be exposed to before causing irreversible damage or affecting its properties. In VIPA spectrometers one can adjust the number of pixels over which the peak is spread on the EM CCD camera (and thereby the number of photons per pixel) by changing the VIPA tilt, and this may also be optimized in an application specific manner to allow for the maximum signal with the minimum required accuracy. In our case the uncertainty in the parameters was significantly smaller than the statistical sample-to-sample variability and could thus be neglected. We note that ultimately the resolution of the spectrometer will also come into play (despite spectral deconvolution), however this is generally much smaller than that from the statistical uncertainty of different samples and can thus also be safely ignored.
Finally, it needs to be emphasized that while our results are based on multiple measurements on different regions of tissue, they are from a single person. While this is an essential first step in developing and optimizing suitable probes, to draw general conclusions would require measurements from many people.
5 Summary and outlook
In summary, we have introduced and demonstrated the feasibility of a robust hand-held BLS probe for studying various freshly excised human tissue, that can readily also be applied for anatomical studies as well as potentially in clinics. A key feature of the probe is that it acquires the average spectra over an extended spatial area, in a single (<1 s) measurement. It does so by simultaneously illuminating a pattern of spots in the sample, and yields a value of νB in good agreement with the mean value from more-timely confocal microscopy scans of the same samples. We show this allows one to distinguish different tissue types with a single shot measurement and minimal laser exposure (which would not be possible from a point measurement given the heterogeneous properties of many tissues). While the probing area in our implementation is approximately 2 mm in diameter, this can readily be modified by changing the focal length of the relay lenses in the probe. For certain application this instantaneous averaging feature may not be desirable, in which case more elaborate scanning probes need to be realized. Though the aim of this study was a proof-of-principle demonstration of the hand-held probe, we in doing so also obtain insight into the properties of different tissues, that may form the basis of future investigations. For example, our results for vasculature suggest the storage modulus M′ increases further up the arm (towards the torso). We also observe that the measured BLS moduli of skeletal muscles, veins, arteries and nerves appear to follow a similar trend to what is observed in quasi-static tensile measurements (i.e., are largest for nerves and smallest for skeletal muscles). Despite the clear difference in the moduli probed, this is promising in so far that it may mean that variations of the BLS measured moduli could also be sensitive to pathological abnormalities associated with changes in the quasi-static tensile mechanical properties. To what extent BLS can prove useful for classifying the health of tissue and assessing pathologies in clinical settings however remains to be seen, and the introduced hand-held probe offers a tool suitable for further investigating this in situ.
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Paata Pruidze, Elena Chayleva, Wolfgang J. Weninger, Kareem Elsayad. Brillouin scattering spectroscopy for studying human anatomy: Towards in situ mechanical characterization of soft tissue[J]. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 2023, 19(1): 2023028
Category: Research Articles
Received: Mar. 27, 2023
Accepted: Apr. 29, 2023
Published Online: Aug. 31, 2023
The Author Email: Elsayad Kareem (