Acta Laser Biology Sinica, Volume. 32, Issue 4, 297(2023)

Research Progress on Au NPs/UCNPs Composite Nanosystem in Fluorescence Imaging Guided Photothermal Tumor Therapy

HAIREGU Tuxun, HUANG Gaofei, ZHANG Chi, ZHAO Huiyu, FAN Huimin, and NUERNISHA Alifu
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    HAIREGU Tuxun, HUANG Gaofei, ZHANG Chi, ZHAO Huiyu, FAN Huimin, NUERNISHA Alifu. Research Progress on Au NPs/UCNPs Composite Nanosystem in Fluorescence Imaging Guided Photothermal Tumor Therapy[J]. Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2023, 32(4): 297

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    Received: May. 5, 2023

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    Published Online: Jan. 26, 2024

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