Acta Laser Biology Sinica, Volume. 33, Issue 6, 496(2024)

The Composition and Research Methods of Rumen Microbiota in Ruminants

HE Guangzu1, YANG Hua2, YE Huihui1, LI Ye2, LI Fengzhen1, ZOU Zhenxing1, WANG Bin2, and HU Zhan2、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1Hunan Polytechnic of Environment and Biology, Hengyang 421005, China
  • 2Hunan Institute of Microbiology, Changsha 410009, China
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    HE Guangzu, YANG Hua, YE Huihui, LI Ye, LI Fengzhen, ZOU Zhenxing, WANG Bin, HU Zhan. The Composition and Research Methods of Rumen Microbiota in Ruminants[J]. Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2024, 33(6): 496

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    Paper Information


    Received: Apr. 19, 2024

    Accepted: Feb. 27, 2025

    Published Online: Feb. 27, 2025

    The Author Email: Zhan HU (

