Photonics Research, Volume. 1, Issue 2, 96(2013)
Imaging in focusing Kerr media using reverse propagation [Invited]
Fig. 1. Sensitivity to noise of high-intensity features. (a) Input of the simulation: super-Gaussian beam modulated in amplitude (25% modulation) by an image (portrait of Sir Isaac Newton by Godfrey Kneller). (b) Output after nonlinear propagation showing constellation patterns and filaments. The same perturbation in amplitude is added in points 1 and 2. (c) Reconstruction showing a defect on point 2 where the intensity in the output was larger. In point 1, the perturbation is not visible. Axis units are pixels of the simulation grid. The real size of the image is 3 mm by 3 mm, the propagation distance is 100 mm,
Fig. 2. Experimental apparatus for nonlinear imaging experiments. The general structure is that of an interferometer. The object is placed in the signal beam and is projected onto the input window of the nonlinear medium (glass cell filled with acetone) by a
Fig. 3. Reconstruction of an object by DRP from experimental digital off-axis holograms. The object is a label digit in a 1951 US Air Force resolution chart illuminated with a plane wave. The images in the first two columns are the amplitude and the phase of the recorded holograms for different pulse energies. The third and fourth columns show the amplitude and the phase of the corresponding nonlinear reconstruction. Axes are in millimeters, the propagation distance is 23 mm, and
Fig. 4. This graph shows the evolution of the inner product
Fig. 5. (a) Best reconstruction energy versus measured power. (b) Quality of the reconstruction as a function of pulse power. (c) Relative improvement
Fig. 6. Time-dependent SSF-BPM simulation of the propagation of a 150 fs pulse, taking SPM and dispersion into account, and the corresponding experimental images. The similarity of the observed defect in experiment and simulation suggests that time-dependent SPM is the main factor that impairs the image quality at high pulse energies.
Fig. 7. Regimes of nonlinear propagation. Applicability of the DRP as a function of propagation power.
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Alexandre Goy, Demetri Psaltis, "Imaging in focusing Kerr media using reverse propagation [Invited]," Photonics Res. 1, 96 (2013)
Category: Nonlinear Optics
Received: Apr. 26, 2013
Accepted: May. 18, 2013
Published Online: Jan. 18, 2019
The Author Email: Alexandre Goy (