Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 43, Issue 11, 1113001(2023)
Non-Volatile Polarization-Insensitive Silicon-Based 1×2 Optical Mode Switch Using Phase-Change Materials
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Dongfei Zheng, Dejun Kong, Jian Lin, Changhui Hong, Pengjun Wang, Qiang Fu, Jun Li, Weiwei Chen. Non-Volatile Polarization-Insensitive Silicon-Based 1×2 Optical Mode Switch Using Phase-Change Materials[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2023, 43(11): 1113001
Category: Integrated Optics
Received: Nov. 30, 2022
Accepted: Feb. 9, 2023
Published Online: Jun. 13, 2023
The Author Email: Li Jun (, Chen Weiwei (