Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 4, 043201(2022)
Spintronic terahertz emitter with integrated electromagnetic control
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Yunqing Jiang, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Yongshan Liu, Pierre Vallobra, Sylvain Eimer, Fan Zhang, Yinchang Du, Fengguang Liu, Yong Xu, Weisheng Zhao, "Spintronic terahertz emitter with integrated electromagnetic control," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 043201 (2022)
Category: Ultrafast Optics and Attosecond/High-field Physics
Received: Dec. 10, 2021
Accepted: Feb. 16, 2022
Posted: Feb. 17, 2022
Published Online: Mar. 10, 2022
The Author Email: Xiaoqiang Zhang (, Yong Xu (, Weisheng Zhao (