High Power Laser and Particle Beams, Volume. 34, Issue 10, 104018(2022)
Design of the photocathode drive laser system for high current electron beam operation of DC-SRF-II gun
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Tong Wu, Hang Xu, Jinqiang Xu, Jingyi Li, Senlin Huang. Design of the photocathode drive laser system for high current electron beam operation of DC-SRF-II gun[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 34(10): 104018
Category: High Brightness Beam Physics and Technology
Received: Aug. 9, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Sep. 9, 2022
The Author Email: Xu Hang (xuhang@ihep.ac.cn), Huang Senlin (huangsl@pku.edu.cn)