Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 37, Issue 9, 2278(2010)

Advances in Passively Q-Switched Yb3+-Doped Laser Materials Microchip Solid-State Lasers

Dong Jun* and Ma Jian
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    CLP Journals

    [1] Zhu Shaolan, Zhao Wei, Liu Baiyu, Shi Wei, Yang Yanlong. Cavity Dumped Laser Using Fast GaAs Photoconductive Switch[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2011, 38(5): 502003

    [2] Li Menglong, Meng Peibei, Yan Fanjiang, Shi Wenzong, Feng Wen, Luo Pingping. Progress on Passively Q-Switched Solid-State Lasers[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2015, 52(9): 90001


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    Dong Jun, Ma Jian. Advances in Passively Q-Switched Yb3+-Doped Laser Materials Microchip Solid-State Lasers[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2010, 37(9): 2278

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    Category: reviews

    Received: Apr. 19, 2010

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Aug. 19, 2010

    The Author Email: Jun Dong (

