Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 2, 020201(2022)
Dark state atoms trapping in a magic-wavelength optical lattice near the nanofiber surface
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of a nanofiber with 500 nm in diameter. (b) Schematic of the apparatus. The atomic arrays are trapped in the evanescent field near the nanofiber surface. The magic-wavelength optical lattice consists of two pairs of counter-propagating beams, including red detuning standing wave light (935 nm) to make the attractive potential and blue detuning traveling wave light (686.1 nm, 686.5 nm) to make the repulsive penitential. DM, dichroic mirror; HW, half-waveplate; SPCM, single photon counter module. (c) Energy level diagram of cesium. T, trapping light; R, repumping light; D, depumping light.
Fig. 2. Temperature measurement of atoms trapped from DMOT and normal MOT. After turning off the magnetic field, the atoms are probed with different flying times.
Fig. 3. (a), (b) Absorption of nanofiber trapped atoms loading from normal MOT. The corresponding frequency transitions are separately 6S1/2, F = 3 → 6P3/2, F′ = 2 and 6S1/2, F = 4 → 6P3/2, F′ = 5. (c), (d) Absorption of trapped atoms loading from DMOT with the same transitions as in (a) and (b). Each dot is averaged from 10 experimental runs with the error bar representing the standard errors in photon statistics. The solid lines are the fitted consequence in theory.
Fig. 4. Saturation measurement of power absorption for nanofiber trapped atoms with DMOT. (a) For transition 6S1/2, F = 3 → 6P3/2, F′ = 2. The inset shows the lifetime of nanofiber trapped atoms in the optical lattice with exponential fitting (blue line). (b) For transition 6S1/2, F = 4 → 6P3/2, F′ = 5. The black and red lines are fitted results following a generalized Beer’s law. The data are averaged 10 times with a standard error bar.
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Dianqiang Su, Xiateng Qin, Yuan Jiang, Kaidi Jin, Zhonghua Ji, Yanting Zhao, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, "Dark state atoms trapping in a magic-wavelength optical lattice near the nanofiber surface," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 020201 (2022)
Category: Atomic and Molecular Optics
Received: Aug. 1, 2021
Accepted: Nov. 2, 2021
Posted: Nov. 3, 2021
Published Online: Nov. 19, 2021
The Author Email: Yanting Zhao (