Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 41, Issue 9, 903007(2014)
Picosecond Laser Fabrication of Large-Area Surface Micro-Nano Lotus-Leaf Structures and Replication of Superhydrophobic Silicone Rubber Surfaces
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Lin Cheng, Zhong Minlin, Fan Peixun, Long Jiangyou, Gong Dingwei, Zhang Hongjun. Picosecond Laser Fabrication of Large-Area Surface Micro-Nano Lotus-Leaf Structures and Replication of Superhydrophobic Silicone Rubber Surfaces[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2014, 41(9): 903007
Category: laser manufacturing
Received: Mar. 17, 2014
Accepted: --
Published Online: Aug. 15, 2014
The Author Email: Cheng Lin (