High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 9, Issue 4, 04000e49(2021)
Recent progress of laboratory astrophysics with intense lasers
Fig. 1. The experimental neutron yield of deuterium–tritium (DT) fuel implosion per 10 kJ laser energy is indicated with solid circles. The neutron yields obtained with one-dimensional implosion simulations are shown with marks, where the values are the corresponding neutron yield for all solid circle experimental data. The other three data sources are obtained by including the
type turbulent mixing model in the one-dimensional implosion code in the final stagnation phase. This indicates how the turbulent mixing is serious in the final stagnation phase through which the kinetic energy of imploding fluid is converted into the thermal energy of DT plasma[2].
Fig. 2. The time evolution of hard X-ray emission flux as a function of the day after the supernova SN1987A explosion. The observation data are plotted with solid circles with error bars. The time history predicted by one-dimensional supernova simulation is shown with a dashed line. It is clear that the signals came earlier by 150 days than the prediction. Such a long-time appearance of the X-ray was modeled with artificial uniform mixing and mixing with a clumpy structure: long-wavelength deformation. It is concluded that the clumpy mixing could explain the explosion hydrodynamics. This is the serious start for supernova physics to include three-dimensional effect as a standard model. It is noted that the hard X-rays at 18–26 keV are generated after the Comptonization of the gamma-rays generated by nuclear decay of created Ni in the central region of the supernova[9].
Fig. 3. The four steps of laboratory astrophysics are described. The physics in both the laser plasma and astrophysical plasma is connected in general with help of computer simulation.
Fig. 4. The cover of the journal ‘
Fig. 5. Three-dimensional simulation of supernova explosion. The green surface is the surface of a shock wave propagating outward[13].
Fig. 6. Two lasers are irradiated to generate two magnetic fields to drive magnetic reconnection[22].
Fig. 7. Proton backlight images and reconstructed magnetic field structures[24].
Fig. 8. Result of a PIC simulation of laser-driven magnetic reconnection phenomenon. The trajectories of electrons accelerated in the reconnection zone are plotted with color, where the red shows higher energy of accelerated electrons[27].
Fig. 9. Proton backlight image of the magnetic field generated by Rayleigh–Taylor instability of a foil accelerated by laser ablation[35].
Fig. 10. Magnetic turbulence experiment driven by the Biermann battery effect in two colliding jets. Black is by Schlieren image[33].
Fig. 11. Power spectrum of the magnetic field spatial profiles measured at different pump-probe delays. The inset shows the power spectra derived from two-dimensional PIC simulations[37].
Fig. 12. Schematics for modeling astrophysical shock and counter streaming plasmas. The black layer is the shock front. The green arrow shows the velocity of shock front and the red is the flow in the compressed region by the shock wave. In the frame moving with the shock front, the flow velocities of the front and behind are shown as red arrows. The counter-streaming plasmas can model such shock wave formation in both sides of the plasmas. Laser ablation plasma is used to model the counter streaming plasma situation.
Fig. 13. A snapshot of density, current density and magnetic field strength from a two-dimensional PIC simulation at the time when the shock wave region with filamentary structure is formed around the center of the figures. The density profile averaged in the
Fig. 14. Schematics of the cut view of the nonlinear stage of Weibel instability. The collisionless plasma flows perpendicularly to the figure surface. In the nonlinear phase of Weibel instability, current filaments are produced as in (a). Then, Lorentz force between the current and induced magnetic field works as shown in (a). If the purple circle is the current channel from the top to bottom direction of the figure, the force shown with red is attractive force, whereas the force with a channel with the opposite directional current in green is repulsive. As a result, the filaments become larger by reconnection in a later time as shown in (b).
Fig. 15. Time evolution of measured and computational size of filaments in the nonlinear phase of Weibel instability in the counter-streaming plasma. It is found that the average size of filaments increases in proportion to time with an effective speed of the value shown.
Fig. 16. Demonstration of the nonthermal high-energy electrons produced experimentally in the counter-streaming ablation plasma flow as shown with two red lines in (a), whereas far fewer high-energy electrons are measured in the case of single flow. This is indirect proof of the formation of collisionless shock and particle acceleration, which is obtained in two-dimensional PIC simulation as shown in (b)[46].
Fig. 17. PIC simulations of the counter-streaming of relativistic pair plasmas for laser-driven laboratory parameters. Magnetic field structure and transversely averaged density profile (inset). The formation of a shock with near-future laser systems: (a) 7 kJ; (b) 22 kJ[49].
Fig. 18. The observation data of energy spectra of cosmic rays updated on December 2020. All results obtained in 19 observatories worldwide are plotted with different colors. Most of the cosmic rays are protons and it is clear that all data has the same power law below the knee and the ankle. The power law shows some nonthermal acceleration physics in the universe. The collision energy of the largest accelerator LHC is also indicated as a reference[52].
Fig. 19. Image of AGN jets from the central massive blackhole [from Wikipedia].
Fig. 20. Electron distribution functions obtained from the linear combination of nonlocal and local diffusion models[55]. In the heating model, the blue line case is obtained with 100% nonlocal heating, whereas the orange line is for 10% nonlocal and green is for 1% nonlocal heating.
Fig. 21. Electron distribution function obtained in the LFEX experiment at Osaka (courtesy of S. Kojima)[56].
Fig. 22. Experimental data (blue with error bars) of positron numbers. Others are computational results or models[49].
Fig. 23. Structured targets result in a dramatic increase in the number and temperature of hot electrons[62].
Fig. 24. Artistic picture of EOS experiment with irradiation of many laser beams (courtesy of LLNL).
Fig. 25. Phase diagram of hydrogen around the solid state. The marks are experimental data to explore the metallic hydrogen[74].
Fig. 26. Shock Hugoniot curves from different initial densities[75].
Fig. 27. Opacity experiment: (a) a configuration of the experiment and (b) the resultant opacity spectrum of the experiment (black) and code (red)[71].
Fig. 28. A compact binary system. Strong X-ray from the accretion disc photoionizes the surface of a huge normal star[80].
Fig. 29. Time evolution of radio emission after the explosion of SN1993J[94].
Fig. 30. A micro shock tube with X-ray backlight diagnostics in a multibeam laser facility. Richtmyer–Meshkov instability growth is measured on the right by X-ray exposure[101].
Fig. 31. Time evolution of the neutrino-driven explosion of a 15M star as obtained in a multidimensional hydrodynamic simulation, visualized by a mass-shell plot. The star collapses at
Fig. 32. A three-dimensional explosion simulation at about 0.5 s after the core ignited. The bluish, almost transparent surface is the shock front with an average radius of 1900 km (MPA)[108].
Fig. 33. DT neutron yield versus measured X-ray enhancement ratio for the layered low-foot (blue) and high-foot (green) laser implosions with NIF[109].
Fig. 34. The spatial transitions of physical quantities are plotted: from top to bottom, the - and
-components of ion velocity, the
- and
-components of electron velocity, the
-component of electric field corresponding to the wakefield, and the
-component of magnetic field corresponding to the light precursor waves[119].
Fig. 35. Relativistic perpendicular collisionless shock in a pair plasma: from top to bottom, electron density (), the electron density averaged over
direction (
), the
component of magnetic field corresponding to the precursor waves (
), the line profile of
component of electric field averaged over
direction corresponding to the wakefield
, and the
components of electron velocity. The shock front is located at
Fig. 36. Relativistic perpendicular collisionless shock in an electron–ion plasma: from top to bottom, the component of the magnetic field corresponding to the precursor waves (
), the line profile of
, the
component of the electric field corresponding to the wakefield (
), the averaged
direction (
), and the
components of electron and ion velocities. The shock front is located at
Fig. 37. The precursor wave energies are plotted in terms of the magnetization parameter from various simulation runs[57].
Fig. 38. Energy spectra of electrons in the upstream rest frame shown in both logarithmic scales[57].
Fig. 39. Wakefield acceleration due to an intense laser pulse with large spatial scale in a plasma: (a)–(c) the laser electric field, (d)–(f) the electron number density, and (g)–(i) the wakefield are shown in two-dimensional space; (j)–(l) the electron momenta in the direction parallel to the laser propagation ()
are shown in terms of
; (m)–(o) the energy distribution functions of electrons are plotted in both logarithmic scales. The time passes from left to right panels[120].
Fig. 40. Electron energy distribution functions show power-law spectra with an index of –2 independent of (a) the normalized vector potential, (b) frequency ratio between plasma and laser frequency, and (c) the pulse shape[129].
Fig. 41. (a) Schematic of the experimental setup. (b) Energy distribution functions obtained from the experiment[132].
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Hideaki Takabe, Yasuhiro Kuramitsu. Recent progress of laboratory astrophysics with intense lasers[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2021, 9(4): 04000e49
Category: Research Articles
Received: Feb. 8, 2021
Accepted: Jul. 8, 2021
Posted: Jul. 12, 2021
Published Online: Oct. 18, 2021
The Author Email: Hideaki Takabe (takabe@eie.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp)