High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 11, Issue 5, 05000e55(2023)
Data-driven science and machine learning methods in laser–plasma physics Editors' Pick
Fig. 1. Overview of some of the machine learning applications discussed in this manuscript. (a) General configuration of laser–plasma interaction setups, applicable to both experiments and simulations. The system will have a number of input parameters of the laser and target. Some of these are known and actively controlled (e.g., laser energy, plasma density), some are monitored and others are unknown and essentially contribute as noise to the observations. Predictive models take the known input parameters and use some models to predict the output
. These models are discussed in
Fig. 2. Illustration of standard approaches to making predictive models in machine learning. The data were sampled from the function with random Gaussian noise,
, for which
. The data have been fitted by (a) nearest neighbor interpolation, (b) cubic spline interpolation, (c) linear regression of a third-order polynomial and (d) Gaussian process regression.
Fig. 3. Gaussian process regression: illustration of different covariance functions, prior distributions and (fitted) posterior distributions. and
using different covariance functions (white noise, radial basis function and periodic).
and the indicated covariance functions. Note that the sampled functions are depicted with increasing transparency for visual clarity.
, where
is random Gaussian noise with
. Note how the variance between observations increases when no noise term is included in the kernel (top row). Within the observation window the fitted kernels show little difference, but outside of it the RBF kernel decays to the mean
dependent on the length scale
. This can be avoided if there exists prior knowledge about the data that can be encoded in the covariance function, in this case periodicity, as can be seen in the regression using a periodic kernel.
Fig. 4. Sketch of a random forest, an architecture for regression or classification consisting of multiple decision trees, whose individual predictions are combined into an ensemble prediction, for example, via majority voting or averaging.
Fig. 5. Example of gradient boosting with decision trees. Firstly, a decision tree is fitted to the data. In the next step, the residual difference between training data and the prediction of this tree is calculated and used to fit a second decision tree
. This process is repeated
times, with each new tree
learning to correct only the remaining difference to the training data. Data in this example are sampled from the same function as in
Fig. 6. Simplified sketch of some popular neural network architectures. The simplest possible neural network is the perceptron, which consists of an input, which is fed into the neuron that processes the input based on the weights, an individual bias and its activation function. Multiple such layers can be stacked within so-called hidden layers, resulting in the popular multilayer perceptron (or fully connected network). Besides the direct connection between subsequent layers, there are also special connections common in many modern neural network architectures. Examples are the recurrent connection (which feeds the output of the current layer back into the input of the current layer), the convolutional connection (which replaces the direct connection between two layers by the convolutional operation) and the residual connection (which adds the input to the output of the current layer; note that the above illustration is simplified and the layers should be equal in size).
Fig. 7. Real-world example of a multilayer perceptron for beam parameter prediction. (a) The network layout[29] consists of 15 input neurons, two hidden layers with 30 neurons and three output neurons (charge, mean energy and energy spread). The input is derived from parasitic laser diagnostics (laser pulse energy , central wavelength
and spectral bandwidth
, longitudinal focus position
and Zernike coefficients of the wavefront). Neurons use a nonlinear ReLU activation and 20% of neurons drop out for regularization during training. The (normalized) predictions are compared to the training data to evaluate the accuracy of the model, in this case using the mean absolute
error as the loss function. In training, the gradient of the loss function is then propagated back through the network to adjust its weights and biases. (b) Measured and predicted median energy (
) and (c) measured and predicted energy spread (
Fig. 8. Tomography of a human bone sample using a laser-driven betatron X-ray source. Reconstructed from 180 projections using statistical iterative reconstruction. Based on the data presented by Döpp
Fig. 9. Deep-learning for inverse problems. Sketch explaining the relation among predictive models, inverse models and fully invertible models.
Fig. 11. Deep unrolling for hyperspectral imaging. The left-hand side displays an example of the coded shot, that is, a spatial-spectral interferogram hypercube randomly sampled onto a 2D sensor. The bottom left shows a magnification of a selected section. On the right-hand side is the corresponding reconstructed spectrally resolved hypercube. Adapted from Ref. [192].
Fig. 12. Pareto front. Illustration of how a multi-objective function acts on a 2D input space
and transforms it to an objective space
on the right. The entirety of possible input positions is uniquely color-coded on the left and the resulting position in the objective space is shown in the same color on the right. The Pareto-optimal solutions form the Pareto front, indicated on the right, whereas the corresponding set of coordinates in the input space is called the Pareto set. Note that both the Pareto front and Pareto set may be continuously defined locally, but can also contain discontinuities when local maxima become involved. Adapted from Ref. [199].
Fig. 13. Genetic algorithm optimization. (a) Basic working principle of a genetic algorithm. (b) Sketch of a feedback-optimized LWFA via genetic algorithm. (c) Optimized electron beam spatial profiles using different figures of merit. Subfigures (b) and (c) adapted from Ref. [194].
Fig. 14. Bayesian optimization of a laser–plasma X-ray source. (a) The objective function (X-ray counts) as a function of iteration number (top) and the variation of the control parameters (bottom) during optimization. (b) X-ray images obtained for the initial (bottom) and optimal (top) settings. Adapted from Ref. [196].
Fig. 15. Illustration of different optimization strategies for a non-trivial 2D system, here based on a simulated laser wakefield accelerator with laser focus and plasma density as free parameters. The total beam charge, shown as contour lines in plots (a)–(c) serves as the optimization goal. The position of the optimum is marked by a red circle, located at a focus position of and a plasma density of
. In panel (a), a grid search strategy with subsequent local optimization using the downhill simplex (Nelder–Mead) algorithm is shown. Panel (b) illustrates differential evolution and (c) is based on Bayesian optimization using the common expected improvement acquisition function. The performance for all three examples is compared in panel (d). It shows the typical behavior that Bayesian optimization needs the least and the grid search requires the most iterations. The local search via the Nelder–Mead algorithm converges within some 20 iterations, but requires a good initial guess (here provided by the grid search). Individual evaluations are shown as shaded dots. Note how the Bayesian optimization starts exploring once it has found the maximum, whereas the evolutionary algorithm tends more towards exploitation around the so-far best value. This behavior is extreme for the local Nelder–Mead optimizer, which only aims to exploit and maximize to local optimum.
Fig. 16. Sketch of deep reinforcement learning. The agent, which consists of a policy and a learning algorithm that updates the policy, sends an action to the environment. In the case of model-based reinforcement learning, the action is sent to the model, which is then applied to the environment. Upon the action to the environment, an observation is made and sent back to the agent as a reward. The reward is used to update the policy via the learning algorithm in the agent, which leads to an action in the next iteration.
Fig. 17. Data treatment using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM).
Fig. 18. Correlogram – a visualization of the correlation matrix – of different variables versus yield at the NIF. Color indicates the value of the correlation coefficient. In this particular representation the correlation is also encoded in the shape and angle of the ellipses, helping intuitive understanding. The strongest correlation to the fusion yield is observed with the implosion velocity and the ion temperature
. There is also a clear anti-correlation observable between the down-scattered ratio (DSR) and
and, in accordance with the previously stated correlation of
and yield, a weak anti-correlation of the DSR and yield. Note that all variables perfectly correlate with themselves by definition. Plot was generated based on data presented by Hsu
Fig. 19. Illustration of common computer vision tasks. (a) Classification is used to assign (multiple) labels to data. (b) Detection goes a step further and adds bounding boxes. (c) Segmentation provides pixel maps with exact boundaries of the object or feature.
Fig. 20. Application of object detection to a few-cycle shadowgram of a plasma wave: the plasma wave, the shadowgram of a hydrodynamic shock and the diffraction pattern caused by dust are correctly identified by the object detector and located with bounding boxes. Adapted from Ref. [273].
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Andreas Döpp, Christoph Eberle, Sunny Howard, Faran Irshad, Jinpu Lin, Matthew Streeter. Data-driven science and machine learning methods in laser–plasma physics[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(5): 05000e55
Received: Nov. 30, 2022
Accepted: May. 24, 2023
Published Online: Aug. 18, 2023
The Author Email: Andreas Döpp (a.doepp@lmu.de)