Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 51, Issue 1, 0101004(2024)
Research Progress of Beam‐target Neutron Source and Applications Driven by Ultra‐short Pulse Laser (Invited)
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Wei Qi, Shukai He, Bo Cui, Zhimeng Zhang, Wei Hong, Zongqing Zhao, Yuqiu Gu, Weiming Zhou. Research Progress of Beam‐target Neutron Source and Applications Driven by Ultra‐short Pulse Laser (Invited)[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2024, 51(1): 0101004
Category: laser devices and laser physics
Received: Oct. 16, 2023
Accepted: Dec. 7, 2023
Published Online: Jan. 19, 2024
The Author Email: Gu Yuqiu (, Zhou Weiming (