Photonics Research, Volume. 9, Issue 8, 1531(2021)
Nonlinear Fourier transform enabled eigenvalue spectrum investigation for fiber laser radiation
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Yutian Wang, Songnian Fu, Jian Kong, Andrey Komarov, Mariusz Klimczak, Ryszard Buczyński, Xiahui Tang, Ming Tang, Yuwen Qin, Luming Zhao, "Nonlinear Fourier transform enabled eigenvalue spectrum investigation for fiber laser radiation," Photonics Res. 9, 1531 (2021)
Category: Lasers and Laser Optics
Received: Apr. 19, 2021
Accepted: Jun. 9, 2021
Published Online: Jul. 28, 2021
The Author Email: Luming Zhao (