Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 40, Issue 22, 2212004(2020)
Crack Diagnosis Method of Wind Turbine Blade Based on Convolution Neural Network with 3D Vibration Information Fusion
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Yingfu Guo, Weiming Quan, Wenyun Wang, Hao Zhou, Longzhou Zou. Crack Diagnosis Method of Wind Turbine Blade Based on Convolution Neural Network with 3D Vibration Information Fusion[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2020, 40(22): 2212004
Category: Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology
Received: Jun. 23, 2020
Accepted: Aug. 3, 2020
Published Online: Oct. 25, 2020
The Author Email: Wang Wenyun (