Advanced Photonics, Volume. 6, Issue 3, 034001(2024)
Two-dimensional materials for tunable and nonlinear metaoptics
Fig. 1. (a) Electrons and holes bound into excitons for the 3D bulk and 2D materials. (b) The transition from 3D to 2D is expected to lead to an increase of both the bandgap and the exciton binding energy (indicated by the dashed red line). (c) Binding energy of excitons in some common 3D and 2D semiconductors. The yellow dotted line represents the thermal energy at RT. Panels (a) and (b) were reproduced with permission from Ref. 51 © 2014—APS, and panel (c) was reproduced with permission from Ref. 52 © 2022—AIP.
Fig. 2. (a) Illustration of the exciton and trion. (b) Optical absorption spectrum of an h-BN-encapsulated
Fig. 3. Excitonic metaoptics working at low temperature. (a) Micrograph of the measured heterostructure. The
Fig. 4. Excitonic metaoptics working at RT. (a) A Fresnel zone plate lens made on monolayer
Fig. 5. Tunable graphene plasmon polaritons for mid-IR applications. (a) Schematic of tunable graphene plasmonic resonator for mid-IR radiation. (b) Carrier density dependence of the change in emissivity. (c) Conceptual view of tunable graphene plasmonic biosensor. (d) Extinction spectra of the sensor for bias voltages from
Fig. 6. Tunable 2D plasmon polaritons in near-IR: (a) measurement configurations of tunable
Fig. 7. Tunable PhPs. (a) Schematic of the s-SNOM measurements for gate-tuning PhPs in a square h-BN nanoantenna. (b) Near-field images of PhPs in an h-BN nanoantenna with different graphene Fermi levels. (c) Corresponding calculated images of PhPs. (d) Calculated near-field mid-IR spectra of the h-BN nanoantenna with different graphene Fermi levels. (e) Schematic of the graphene/
Fig. 8. SHG from
Fig. 9. HHG from TMD metasurfaces. (a) Concept of unidirectional SHG and THG using
Fig. 10. Quasi-BIC h-BN metasurface. (a) SEM images of the fabricated metasurface unit cell on h-BN with an increasing scaling factor and (b) the corresponding excited high-
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Zeng Wang, Kandammathe Valiyaveedu Sreekanth, Meng Zhao, Jinpeng Nong, Yincheng Liu, Jinghua Teng, "Two-dimensional materials for tunable and nonlinear metaoptics," Adv. Photon. 6, 034001 (2024)
Category: Reviews
Received: Dec. 13, 2023
Accepted: Apr. 18, 2024
Published Online: May. 22, 2024
The Author Email: Teng Jinghua (