Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 40, Issue 11, 1114002(2020)
Influence of Substrate Cooling Condition on Properties of Laser Deposited AlSi10Mg Alloys
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Yuhui Zhao, Zhiguo Wang, Jibin Zhao, Zhenfeng He, Yuan Gao, Hongwei Zhang. Influence of Substrate Cooling Condition on Properties of Laser Deposited AlSi10Mg Alloys[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2020, 40(11): 1114002
Category: Lasers and Laser Optics
Received: Feb. 27, 2020
Accepted: Mar. 23, 2020
Published Online: Jun. 10, 2020
The Author Email: Zhao Yuhui (