Collection Of theses on high power laser and plasma physics, Volume. 13, Issue 1, 71006(2015)
Characteristics of dynamic fracture of aluminum and metallographic analysis of recovered samples in laser experiments
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Zhang Fan, Huang Xiuguang, Shu Hua, Xiao Dawu, He Lifeng, Xie Zhiyong, Ye Junjian, Dong Jiaqin, Jia Guo, Fang Zhiheng, Zhou Huazhen. Characteristics of dynamic fracture of aluminum and metallographic analysis of recovered samples in laser experiments[J]. Collection Of theses on high power laser and plasma physics, 2015, 13(1): 71006
Received: Feb. 11, 2015
Accepted: --
Published Online: May. 26, 2017
The Author Email: Fan Zhang (