Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 51, Issue 19, 1901005(2024)
Power Scaling and Wavelength Extension Enabled by Random Fiber Laser (Invited)
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Qirong Xiao, Tiancheng Qi, Dan Li, Shanshan Du, Lele Wang, Guohao Fu, Yousi Yang, Guanzhong Li, Yijie Zhang, Ping Yan, Mali Gong, Qiang Liu. Power Scaling and Wavelength Extension Enabled by Random Fiber Laser (Invited)[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2024, 51(19): 1901005
Category: laser devices and laser physics
Received: Jun. 13, 2024
Accepted: Sep. 4, 2024
Published Online: Oct. 11, 2024
The Author Email: Liu Qiang (