Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 51, Issue 8, 20220322(2022)
Research progress of wide-field imaging technology based on speckle correlation (invited)
Fig. 2. Three different types of spatial correlations in disordered media. (a) The optical “tilt” memory effect; (b) The anisotropic “shift” memory effect; (c) Generalized optical memory effect[45]
Fig. 3. Experiment results of spectral memory effect. (a) Examples of the speckle patterns at the output of a sample for three totally uncorrelated wavelengths; (b) Normalized spectral correlation functions of different strongly scattering media[47]
Fig. 4. Experimental results of scattering imaging based on optical memory effect. (a) Speckle; (b) Autocorrelation of speckle; (c) Original object; (d) Reconstructed object[25]
Fig. 5. Schematic of single-frame imaging based on speckle autocorrelation. (a) Schematic of imaging model; (b) Speckle; (c) Speckle autocorrelation; (d) Reconstructed objects[26]
Fig. 6. Experimental results of scattering imaging based on shower-curtain effect. (a) Original object; (b) Object is far away from thin scatter; (c) Object is close to thin scatter; (d) Principle of scattering imaging system based on shower-curtain effect; (e) Process of object reconstruction[30]
Fig. 7. (a) Experimental results of reflective configuration based on Fourier-domain shower-curtain effect; (b) and (c) correspond to the objects "π" and "Z", respectively[51]
Fig. 8. Imaging results of dynamic scattering media. (a)-(d) Random intensities recorded by the CCD camera for the digit 6 for the angular velocity of the rotating ground glass of 4 r/min, 6 r/min, 8 r/min, 22 r/min, respectively; (e)-(h) Autocorrelation of speckle patterns; (i)-(l) Reconstruction image[52]
Fig. 9. Principle behind non-invasive imaging of obscured moving objects. (a) Experimental light path; (b) Speckle images are acquired by the camera sensor at different times; (c) Process of object reconstruction[53]
Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of the optical structure and experiment results[55]
Fig. 11. Schematic and numerical simulation results of tracking a moving objec in the lateral direction (a) and axis direction (b)[56]
Fig. 13. Flowchart of the proposed two-step deep learning correlation strategy[61]
Fig. 14. (a) Object; (b) Reconstruction results of the HIO algorithm (c) Reconstruction results of the CHIO algorithm[67]
Fig. 15. Reconstruction results of imaging through an opaque ground diffuser. (a) Speckle images; (b) The estimated Fourier amplitude; (c) The estimated Fourier phase; (d) Reconstruction objects (display in intensity); (e) The objects[39]
Fig. 16. Experimental imaging through a standard scattering medium. (a) Reference speckle pattern (PSF) of a single pixel on projector, the white dash circle denotes the exit pupil; (b) Speckle pattern of unknown object on projector; (c) Retrieved image from (a) and (b) by a deconvolution algorithm; (d) Large view imaging of a resolution target (signed as optics worldwide) to confirm the FOV size. The insert dash rectangle shows the first three letters at the edge of the FOV; (e) Measurement of the FOV by shifting a point target along
Fig. 17. (a) Experimental setup; (b) Spatial distribution of the objects on the object plane, red circles indicate the spatial positions of point sources for measuring the various spatial PSFs; (c) Superposed reconstruction image, dashed red circle indicates the enlarged FOV[75]
Fig. 18. (a) Schematic of deconvolution 3D imaging beyond DOF limit through a scattering medium, virtual PSFs from virtual point (green) can be calculated with PSF from a real pinhole (red); (b) Reconstruction of objects with different DOFs[76]
Fig. 19. Experimental set-up and PSF calibration. (a) Schematic of experimental setup; (b) The calibrated PSFs in the measurement range and the stacked PSF by superimposing these calibrated PSFs[78]
Fig. 20. Imaging two objects at different positions along the optical axis. (a) Schematic of experimental setup; (b) Images obtained with a conventional imaging system without and with diffuser; (c) The recorded PSFs and the reconstructed images; (d) The reconstructed results in 3D coordinates[78]
Fig. 21. Schematic of experimental setup of imaging through scattering layers exceeding OME range (a) and experimental results of imaging extended object through scattering layers (b)[82]
Fig. 22. Flow chart of multi-object antialiasing imaging technology based on independent component analysis[83]
Fig. 23. Experiment results of multi-targets' imaging beyond 3D OME range through a scattering layer. (a) Raw captured speckles; (b) Extracted independent speckles from (a) using ICA; (c) Equivalent model of the ground truth object; (d) Autocorrelations of (a) and their corresponding retrieved objects directly using the speckle correlation method; (e) Experiment results of imaging through a scattering layer using ICA. Scale bars in (a) and (b) are 1 mm[83]
Fig. 25. Schematic of the experimental setup and reconstruction principle. (a) Schematic view of experimental setup. A coherent light source illuminates a rotating diffuser in order to excite the fluorescent object through a scattering medium with a random modulated speckle pattern. Once excited, the emitted signal from the fluorescent objects is recorded with a camera.
Fig. 27. (a) Experiment setup uses an DMD as the object; (b) Test PDSNet’s ability to reconstruct targets through several scattering media[86]
Fig. 28. (a) Schematic of the physics-informed learning method for scalable scattering imaging; (b) Generalization results of imaging exceeding OME range with different complexity objects[62]
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Teli Xi, Yuzhi Wang, Ruoyu Liu, Mengze Zhao, Zengzeng Fan, Wenhai Liang, Yangfan Sun, Jinpeng Liu, Meng Xiang, Fei Liu, Xiaopeng Shao. Research progress of wide-field imaging technology based on speckle correlation (invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2022, 51(8): 20220322
Category: Special issue——Scattering imaging and non-line-of-sight imaging
Received: May. 9, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Jan. 9, 2023
The Author Email: Shao Xiaopeng (