Deep ultraviolet (DUV) light has various applications in the areas of air/water purification, disinfection, sterilization, and free-space optical communication[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 8, 082503(2021)
Cascaded deep ultraviolet light-emitting diode via tunnel junction
The AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet (DUV) light-emitting diode (LED) is an alternative DUV light source to replace traditional mercury-based lamps. However, the state-of-the-art DUV LEDs currently exhibit poor wall-plug efficiency and low light output power, which seriously hinder their commercialization. In this work, we design and report a tunnel-junction-cascaded (TJC) DUV LED, which enables multiple radiative recombinations within the active regions. Therefore, the light output power of the TJC-DUV LEDs is more than doubled compared to the conventional DUV LED. Correspondingly, the wall-plug efficiency of the TJC-DUV LED is also significantly boosted by 25% at 60 mA.
1. Introduction
Deep ultraviolet (DUV) light has various applications in the areas of air/water purification, disinfection, sterilization, and free-space optical communication[
Recently, the implementation of the tunnel junction (TJ) structure has gained remarkable attention in the development of high-efficiency group-III-nitride-based LEDs. In one aspect, the high-resistance -type AlGaN contact layer is replaced by a relatively low-resistance AlGaN-based TJ. Therefore, the current injection efficiency can be significantly improved in the DUV LEDs[
2. Device Architecture
In this study, three devices are constructed and investigated. Firstly, a conventional DUV LED (C-DUV LED) emitting at 284.5 nm, experimentally reported by Yan et al.[
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Figure 1.(a) Schematics of the C-DUV LED and (b) the TJC-DUV LED.
The simulator is provided by Crosslight Inc. APSYS (version 2018), which is widely used in the investigation of the III-nitride-based LEDs in both academia and industry[
3. Results and Discussion
The optical performance of the investigated three DUV LEDs is exhibited in Figs. 2(a)–2(d). We found that the simulated results [blue curves in Figs. 2(a) and 2(d)] perfectly matched with those experimental results extracted from the reference LED (orange squares from Yan et al.[
Figure 2.(a) LOPs as functions of the injection currents for the C-DUV LEDs with five QWs, 10 QWs, and the TJC-DUV LED, respectively. (b) The EL spectra of the three DUV LEDs. (c) The LOPs and IQEs as functions of the number of the QWs in the C-DUV LED at 60 mA. (d) The current-voltage characteristics of the three investigated samples.
There is one question to be answered: can we simply increase the number of QWs to boost the optical performance instead of using a complex TJC structure? In other words, it might not be necessary to build a TJC structure to enhance the performance of the DUV LED device. To address this issue, we investigated the LOP and IQE performance of a C-DUV LED by increasing its number of QWs from 1 to 10. The results are shown in Fig. 2(c). When the QW number increased from 1 to 4, the LOP and IQE of the C-DUV LED can be enhanced dramatically, attributed to the decreased electron current overflow[
The output power of the TJC-DUV LED is much larger than that of the C-DUV LED with the same power supply, as compared in Fig. 3(a). The WPEs for C-DUV LEDs and a TJC-DUV LED are demonstrated in Fig. 3(b). The C-DUV LED with 10 QWs exhibits a lowered WPE than that with five QWs due to the trade-off between the number of QWs and carrier concentration in the active region. In comparison, the WPE of the TJC-DUV LED is significantly increased, resulting from the reduced injection current level at the same value of LOP among the three devices. It can be noted that the WPE of the TJC-DUV LED is a little smaller at a low current level, but it has a much larger value at a high current level than that of the C-DUV LED with five QWs. To be more specific, the WPE of the TJC-DUV LED is significantly boosted by 25% at 60 mA than that of the C-DUV LED with five QWs. It is mainly attributed to the increasing operation bias of the TJC-DUV LED compared with the bias of the C-DUV LED with five QWs.
Figure 3.(a) Required input power of the C-DUV LEDs with five QWs, 10 QWs, and TJC-DUV LED, respectively, as a function of output power. (b) The corresponding WPE values of the three devices as functions of current.
Figure 4 represents the band diagrams of the TJC-DUV LED. In the C-DUV LED, the recombination of the electrons and holes takes place only once within the active region to generate photons. In contrast, the photon generation process can occur in both active regions in the TJC-DUV LED, enabling a dual radiative recombination process, as illustrated in Fig. 4. A mode of smooth carrier transport and injection can be provided by the TJ structure, which bridged the two active regions. Specifically, the electrons in the side move inside the valence band to the TJ, which transfers these valence band electrons into the conduction band of the second active region. In the meantime, the holes in the side of the TJ move in the opposite direction until they reach the first active region. Finally, the photon generation process can be repeated in the second active region of the TJC LED.
Figure 4.Energy band diagram for the TJC-DUV LED at 60 mA.
The e–h concentrations and radiative recombination rate profiles in the active regions are further investigated to explore the underlying mechanism of the performance enhancement for the TJC-DUV LED. As illustrated in Figs. 5(a1) and 5(b1), the e–h concentration in each QW is drastically reduced when the number of QWs is increased from 5 to 10 in the C-DUV LED. Consequently, the C-DUV LED with 10 QWs exhibits lower radiative recombination rates within the active region in comparison with the C-DUV LED with five QWs, as exhibited in Figs. 5(a2) and 5(b2). On the contrary, the e–h concentration within the two active regions (10 QWs in total) in the TJC-DUV LED remains at the same level as those in the C-DUV LED with five QWs, according to Figs. 5(a1) and 5(c1). The enhanced e–h concentration within the two active regions of the TJC-DUV LED can be ascribed to the dual injection of the electrons and holes in two PIN junctions connected via a TJC structure. Besides, the multiple radiative recombination behavior is also observed in both two active regions, as illustrated in Fig. 5(c2). As shown in Figs. 5(d) and 5(e), the non-radiative recombination rates of the TJC-DUV LED are obviously lower in each QW than that of the C-DUV LED. Hence, with the same radiative rates, the TJC-DUV LEDs possess a significantly higher IQE, as presented in Fig. 5(f), which is attributed to the LOP enhancement of the TJC-DUV LED rather than that of the single C-DUV LED by more than 100%.
Figure 5.e–h concentrations within active regions for (a1) the C-DUV LED with five QWs, (b1) the C-DUV LED with 10 QWs, and (c1) the TJC-DUV LED, respectively. The radiative recombination rates within the active regions for (a2) the C-DUV LED with five QWs, (b2) the C-DUV LED with 10 QWs, and (c2) the TJC-DUV LED. The non-radiative recombination rates within the active regions at 60 mA for (d) the C-DUV LED and (e) the TJC-DUV LED. (f) The IQE values of the two devices as functions of current.
4. Conclusion
In summary, we have numerically investigated the unique TJC-DUV LED with cascaded active regions connected by a TJ. The simulation results show that introducing the TJC structure in the DUV LEDs can successfully enable the repeated use of electrons and holes for radiative recombination and consequently produce a significantly enhanced LOP and WPE of the device. The proposed TJC structure provides a reliable and cost-effective method to achieve high-performance DUV LEDs, even possibly in high-power DUV lasers of the future.
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Huabin Yu, Zhongjie Ren, Muhammad Hunain Memon, Shi Fang, Danhao Wang, Zhongling Liu, Haochen Zhang, Feng Wu, Jiangnan Dai, Changqing Chen, Haiding Sun, "Cascaded deep ultraviolet light-emitting diode via tunnel junction," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 082503 (2021)
Category: Optoelectronics
Received: Dec. 17, 2020
Accepted: Feb. 2, 2021
Published Online: Apr. 27, 2021
The Author Email: Haiding Sun (