Photonics Research, Volume. 12, Issue 1, 27(2024)
Direct amplification of femtosecond optical vortices in a single-crystal fiber
Fig. 1. Schematic of the two-stage amplification system for the FOV with azimuthal mode index of
Fig. 2. Simulated pump light spatial intensity distribution in the SCFs, where (a) represents the first-stage 30-mm-long SCF pumped by the 940-nm LD, (b) displays the second-stage 40-mm-long SCF pumped by the 915-nm LD, and (c) shows the corresponding normalized on-axis intensity distribution along the SCFs.
Fig. 3. Average laser power and the corresponding gain of the (a) SCF amplifier stages and (b) power stability measurement. The bottom panel shows the recorded far-field (FF) and near-field (NF) intensity profiles and the corresponding self-interference patterns, where (c)–(e) correspond to the seed beam at 2 W, (f)–(h) show the FOV after the first amplifier stage at 12.5 W, (i)–(k) show the laser beam at 10.3 W which serves as a seed for the second amplifier stage, and (l)–(n) correspond to the second stage output at the highest power of 23 W. RMS, root mean square.
Fig. 4. (a) Spectral evolution of the FOV in the two-stage SCF amplifier system, and the SHG-FROG characterization (
Fig. 5. (a) Intensity profile, (b) off-axis interference fringe pattern, and (c) the retrieved screw-like phase structure for the 12.5-W FOV from the first amplification stage. (d)–(f) represent the corresponding images after the second amplification stage at 23 W. (g) shows the calculated relative modal weighting for both cases.
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Changsheng Zheng, Tianyi Du, Lei Zhu, Zhanxin Wang, Kangzhen Tian, Yongguang Zhao, Zhiyong Yang, Haohai Yu, Valentin Petrov, "Direct amplification of femtosecond optical vortices in a single-crystal fiber," Photonics Res. 12, 27 (2024)
Category: Lasers and Laser Optics
Received: Oct. 4, 2023
Accepted: Oct. 31, 2023
Published Online: Dec. 14, 2023
The Author Email: Yongguang Zhao (