Photonics Research, Volume. 9, Issue 5, 649(2021)

Over 255 mW single-frequency fiber laser with high slope efficiency and power stability based on an ultrashort Yb-doped crystal-derived silica fiber

Ying Wan1, Jianxiang Wen1、*, Chen Jiang1, Fengzai Tang2,4, Jing Wen3, Sujuan Huang1, Fufei Pang1, and Tingyun Wang1,5
Author Affiliations
  • 1Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks, Joint International Research Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Advanced Communication, School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
  • 2WMG, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
  • 3Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
  • 4e-mail:
  • 5e-mail:
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    A single-frequency distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) fiber laser at 1030 nm has been demonstrated using a 0.7 cm long homemade Yb:YAG crystal-derived silica fiber (YCDSF). The absorption and emission cross sections of the YCDSF are 4.93×10-20 cm2 at 980 nm and 1.1×10-20 cm2 at 1030 nm. Using this gain fiber, an over 255 mW continuous-wave lasing in the constructed laser has been obtained at single transverse and longitudinal mode operation. The slope efficiency and the pump threshold of the fiber laser were up to ~35% and as low as 25 mW, respectively. The fiber laser also demonstrated an optical signal-to-noise ratio of 79 dB and a beam quality factor of 1.016 in two orthogonal directions. Its power fluctuation at 210.5 mW was less than 0.85% of the average power within 13 h. Moreover, the relative intensity noise and linewidth of the laser are also investigated at the different pump powers. The results indicate that the single-frequency DBR fiber laser has potential applications in high-quality seed sources and high-precision optical sensing.


    Single-frequency fiber lasers (SFFLs) have attracted considerable attention because of their remarkable narrow linewidth, low noise, high stability, and compact all-fiber configuration. These merits have inevitably driven the increasing applications of SFFLs in the generation of optical frequency combs and in nonlinear frequency conversion, gravitational wave detection, and coherent beam combining [14]. The lasing performance of SFFLs, such as slope efficiency, maximum output power, linewidth, and stability, is strongly influenced by the cavity configuration and the properties of the gain fiber. In the cavity design, various approaches have been utilized to accomplish single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) operation, such as distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) [5], a distributed feedback (DFB) configuration [6], a long linear cavity [7], and a traveling-wave ring cavity [8]. In the last two designs, the cavity length on the order of meters has to be applied, together with a narrow filter, in order to maintain the SLM operation, whereas the DBR and DFB configurations have cavity lengths of only several centimeters. Such ultrashort cavity configurations allow them to obtain a longitudinal mode interval of up to several gigahertz (GHz) and achieve a stable SLM operation more easily. In general, the DFB cavity is formed by writing a pair of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) on the gain fiber, which necessarily imposes a high requirement on the grating writing technology. On the contrary, building the DBR cavity is relatively easy, and the resultant fiber laser has a more robust, compact structure and a high slope efficiency [5]. As far as the gain fiber is concerned, recent decades have witnessed great efforts in developing novel gain fibers to realize high-efficiency SFFLs, such as highly rare-earth-doped phosphate fibers, tellurite-based fibers, and crystal-derived silica fibers [914]. Among these gain fibers, yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) crystal-derived silica fibers are of great interest. Because of their excellent physical and chemical properties, the derived fibers are compatible with commercialized silica-based fibers and have the capability of doping a high level of rare-earth ions [1518]. On the other hand, optical fiber fabrication technology has progressed rapidly in the recent two decades, providing an opportunity for the development of high-quality gain fibers. For instance, the melt-in-tube method has contributed greatly to the development of YAG crystal-derived silica optical fibers [19,20], which can be used as promising gain fiber materials in single-frequency DBR fiber lasers.

    In 2012, the Yb-doped YAG crystal-derived silica fiber (YCDSF) was investigated as a heavily doped gain medium for fiber-amplifier applications [15], and the obtained fibers showed a higher Yb doping level with a greater uniformity over conventional Yb-doped aluminosilicates. Moreover, it is also expected that the YCDSF-based fiber lasers could have a better performance in output power over the silica-based fiber lasers due to the increased threshold of the stimulated Brillouin scattering [21]. Since then, a number of studies on high-power fiber lasers and SFFLs have been carried out based on the developed YCDSFs [13,2225]. To date, the maximum output power of the SFFLs can be up to 110 mW, and the associated slope efficiency is 18.5% [13]. The improvement of the SFFL performance is deemed to go along with the development of high-quality gain fibers. Previously, we fabricated a high-gain YCDSF based on the melt-in-tube method on a CO2 laser-heated drawing tower and built a DBR fiber laser based on a 1.5 cm long YCDSF [26]. The technique has a much shorter hot zone compared to the traditional graphite-heated fiber drawing method [13,26,27], i.e., about 13 mm versus 40 mm. As a consequence, it may suppress silica diffusion from the cladding region into the YAG crystal core, sustaining a high Yb doping level in the resultant YCDSF. The fiber laser showed an optimum performance with a maximum output power of 360 mW and a slope efficiency of 50.5%. However, it did not operate at a single frequency.

    In this work, single transverse and longitudinal mode operation at 1030 nm has been accomplished through innovatively incorporating an ultrashort, highly efficient YCDSF into an all-fiber DBR cavity with the aid of theoretical calculations. A significant breakthrough has been made in the maximum output powers and the slope efficiency through the built DBR laser cavity containing a 0.7 cm long YCDSF. The absorption and emission cross sections of the YCDSF are calculated and analyzed as well as the gain cross section. The lasing characteristics of the SFFL have been systematically investigated in terms of its longitudinal mode operation, slope efficiency, output spectrum, power stability, beam quality, and noise. The established approach could provide insight into the study of a range of high-efficiency SFFLs doped with other rare-earth ions at other operating wavelengths.


    (a) Schematic diagram of YCDSF fabrication using the preform with a YAG crystal core and a silica cladding, where the insets are the optical images of the (1) side view and (2) cross-sectional view of the YCDSF; (b) XRD analysis of the YAG crystal rod and the fiber cores.

    Figure 1.(a) Schematic diagram of YCDSF fabrication using the preform with a YAG crystal core and a silica cladding, where the insets are the optical images of the (1) side view and (2) cross-sectional view of the YCDSF; (b) XRD analysis of the YAG crystal rod and the fiber cores.

    (a) Absorption and emission cross sections of the YCDSF; (b) gain cross section of the YCDSF.

    Figure 2.(a) Absorption and emission cross sections of the YCDSF; (b) gain cross section of the YCDSF.

    Setup of the DBR SFFL based on a 0.7 cm long YCDSF and the laser measurement system (WDM, wavelength-division multiplexer; ISO, isolator; LR-FBG, low-reflectivity fiber Bragg grating; HR-FBG, high-reflectivity fiber Bragg grating; TC, temperature controller; VOA, variable optical attenuator; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer; PM, power meter; ESA, electric spectrum analyzer; PD, photodetector).

    Figure 3.Setup of the DBR SFFL based on a 0.7 cm long YCDSF and the laser measurement system (WDM, wavelength-division multiplexer; ISO, isolator; LR-FBG, low-reflectivity fiber Bragg grating; HR-FBG, high-reflectivity fiber Bragg grating; TC, temperature controller; VOA, variable optical attenuator; OSA, optical spectrum analyzer; PM, power meter; ESA, electric spectrum analyzer; PD, photodetector).

    In the measurement system, the laser output can be selectively connected to either an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA, AQ6370, Yokogawa, Japan), power meter (PM, PM100D, Thorlabs), electrical spectrum analyzer (ESA, Agilent), or BeamSquared system (SP920, Spiricon) depending upon the requirement. The OSA was used to characterize the spectral properties of the output lasing light, and the output power of the laser was measured by the PM. With a variable optical attenuator (VOA), the laser output was converted to the electrical signals by a photodetector (PD, 818-BB-51F, Newport), and subsequently these signals were analyzed by the ESA in terms of the longitudinal mode and noise characteristics of the fiber laser. The beam quality of the laser output was also evaluated by the BeamSquared system.

    (a) Calculated effective length of the HR-FBG and LR-FBG with respect to reflectivity; (b) calculated longitudinal mode spacing as a function of YCDSF length.

    Figure 4.(a) Calculated effective length of the HR-FBG and LR-FBG with respect to reflectivity; (b) calculated longitudinal mode spacing as a function of YCDSF length.

    To ensure the SLM operation, twice the longitudinal mode interval should be more than the reflection bandwidth (Δυ) of the laser. It is known that the reflection bandwidth of the single-frequency DBR fiber laser is mainly determined by the LR-FBG instead of the HR-FBG. In the present work, the reflection bandwidth of the LR-FBG (0.05 nm) is equivalent to 14.15 GHz [the solid blue line in Fig. 4(b)], half of which is 7.075 GHz as designated by the blue dotted line in Fig. 4(b). This determines a critical fiber length of 0.7 cm, less than which the DBR cavity will be the SLM operation as shown in the left inset in Fig. 4(b). Otherwise, the laser would operate at the multiple longitudinal mode (MLM) state [the right inset in Fig. 4(b)], i.e., with further extending the fiber length or increasing the Δυ value.


    Radio-frequency beating spectra of the built fiber laser with a 0.7 cm long YCDSF at different pump powers, measured by a delayed self-heterodyne measurement system.

    Figure 5.Radio-frequency beating spectra of the built fiber laser with a 0.7 cm long YCDSF at different pump powers, measured by a delayed self-heterodyne measurement system.

    (a) Output power of the SFFL as a function of pump power, and the inset shows a magnified view of the graph at a pump power range of 0 to 70 mW; (b) output spectrum of the single-frequency fiber laser under the maximum output power, and the inset is an enlarged view at the wavelengths of 1028–1031 nm.

    Figure 6.(a) Output power of the SFFL as a function of pump power, and the inset shows a magnified view of the graph at a pump power range of 0 to 70 mW; (b) output spectrum of the single-frequency fiber laser under the maximum output power, and the inset is an enlarged view at the wavelengths of 1028–1031 nm.

    At the maximum output power, the output spectrum of the SFFL was scrutinized using an OSA with the resolution of 0.02 nm. The examined spectrum ranges from 900 to 1200 nm as illustrated in Fig. 6(b), where the inset is part of magnified region of 1028 to 1031 nm. In this figure, a strong narrow-bandwidth lasing peak centered at 1029.6 nm can be seen, associated with an optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) of about 79 dB and an ultranarrow bandwidth of 0.05 nm at 3 dB. Besides, there is a weak broad peak at 1025 nm, a typical amplified stimulated emission (ASE) of Yb3+ ions [23,26]. The highly symmetrical profile of the lasing peak and its associated ultranarrow bandwidth imply the good confinement accomplished within the laser cavity.

    (a) Laser stability record within 13 h at 210.5 mW; (b) beam quality of the fiber laser and its two-dimensional beam profile.

    Figure 7.(a) Laser stability record within 13 h at 210.5 mW; (b) beam quality of the fiber laser and its two-dimensional beam profile.

    The performance of the SFFL in this work is compared with other phosphate- and silica-based all-fiber SFFLs, as shown in Table 1. First, the phosphate-based fibers [34,35] show a much higher Yb doping level than silica-based fibers, leading to a larger fiber gain coefficient and a higher slope efficiency in the constructed SFFLs. However, they suffer from relatively poor mechanical strengths over the YCDSFs. Besides, the SFFLs based on phosphates generally show a larger lasing threshold, for example, over 40 mW in Refs. [34,35], which may be accounted for from the mismatch occurring in the splicing

    Summary of the All-Fiber DBR SFFLs Based on Different Gain Fibers

    Fiber TypeYb-Doped Phosphate Glass FibersYb-Doped Silica Fiber (Fibercore, DF1100)Yb-Doped Silica FiberYCDSF-1YCDSF
    Yb concentration (%, mass fraction)18.3015.20<1.00<1.00/4.805.66
    Gain coefficient (dB/cm)/5.7 at 1064 nm///1.7 at 1064 nm4.4 at 1030 nm
    Gain fiber length (cm)
    Slope efficiency (%)38.675.427.028.0/18.534.9
    Maximum output power (mW)100.0210.7160.0126.235.0110.0258.0
    Threshold power (mW)405051.710/25
    OSNR (dB)6165//658079
    Power stability<0.10% at 8.0 h at 17 mW0.50% at 1.0 h at 34 mW1.30% at 1.0 h at 80 mW0.54% at 0.5 h at 67 mW<0.90% at 2.0 h0.51% at 1.0 h at 110 mW<0.85% at 13.0 h at 210 mW
    Refs.[34][35][36][37][38][13]This work
    between phosphate fibers and silica fibers. Compared with phosphate gain fibers, although the YCDSF has a low gain coefficient, the SFFLs built on them present a better performance in slope efficiency and maximum output power. It has been long time that the Yb-doped silica-based fibers [3638] made by MCVD methods have had limited Yb doping concentrations, resulting in a relatively low gain coefficient. Consequently, in order to generate a sufficiently high gain, a much longer gain fiber has to be integrated within the SFFL cavity to overcome the constraints. However, the longer the effective cavity of the laser, the smaller the longitudinal mode spacing [Fig. 4(b)]. As such, the method of utilizing the long gain fibers would inevitably deteriorate the stable SLM operation. In addition to this, it is likely that the single-frequency DBR fiber laser built in this way would also have the disadvantage in maximum output power, OSNR, and slope efficiency because of the low gain per unit length. As already discussed before, the accomplishment of the YCDSFs made using the melt-in-tube technique has greatly improved rare-earth ion doping in the fiber cores. Compared with YCDSF-1 [13], the YCDSF in this work has an enhancement in the Yb concentration, i.e., from 4.80% to 5.66% (mass fraction). As a consequence, the maximum output power and slope efficiency of the SFFL in this work are doubled, albeit the utilized length of YCDSF is only a half that of the YCDSF-1. Besides, the power fluctuation under long-term high-power conditions is rather small, due to the suppressed light darkening effect associated with the YCDSF. In short, the single-frequency DBR fiber laser based on the fabricated YCDSFs in this work has shown a significant improvement in performance.

    Measured (a) relative intensity noise (RIN), (b) heterodyne signal, and (c) linewidth of the SFFL versus the pump power.

    Figure 8.Measured (a) relative intensity noise (RIN), (b) heterodyne signal, and (c) linewidth of the SFFL versus the pump power.

    According to the delayed self-heterodyne method, the linewidth of the SFFL was studied, in which a 10 km long single fiber was used to provide a delay of 0.05 ms and a linewidth resolution of 15 kHz. During the measurement, a 200 MHz frequency shift was introduced using the AOM so as to avoid the interference of low-frequency signals, and the applied ESA had a sweep time of 0.69 s with a 30 Hz bandwidth resolution. Figure 8(b) shows these typical heterodyne signals with respect to the pump power. As can be seen from the figure, the 20 dB linewidth of the heterodyne signals gradually increases from 0.49 MHz at 242 mW to 1.7 MHz at 722 mW and 3.43 MHz at 965 mW. The linewidth of the laser can be estimated by dividing the 20 dB linewidth of the heterodyne signal by 20. A clear relationship between the linewidth and the pump power is also presented in Fig. 8(c). When the launched pump power rises from 170 to 965 mW, the measured linewidth increases from 20 to 171 kHz. A rapid increase in linewidth after 600 mW is also observed, which might be due to the significant heat accumulation in the YCDSFs. This is because that part of the pump light might not contribute to the stimulated transition process of Yb3+ ions, but rather than would be released in the form of heat [39]. The generated heat could modulate the refractive index of the YCDSF, causing linewidth broadening [40]. In general, the obtained linewidth of the laser in this work agrees with those of reported silica-based SFFLs [13,36], but it is broader than those of other phosphate-based SFFLs [10,34,35]. Further improvement can be realized by self-injection locking technology with passive optical feedback loops [41].


    In summary, we have demonstrated an all-fiber DBR SFFL at 1030 nm based on an ultrashort YCDSF highly doped with 5.66% (mass fraction) Yb. The absorption, emission, and gain cross sections of the fabricated YCDSF are calculated. A stable single transverse and longitudinal mode operation has been accomplished with the DBR cavity based on a 0.7 cm long YCDSF. The SFFL built has a slope efficiency of 35% with an FOP of 0.85% within the examined duration over 10 h, showing the maximum output power of up to 258 mW. The OSNR of the laser is 79 dB with a beam quality of 1.016 in both the x and y axial directions. As the pump power increases, the measured RINs gradually decreases from 135 to 138.7  dB/Hz at 10 MHz, while the linewidth gradually increases from 20 to 171 kHz. The study suggests that the high-performance single-frequency DBR fiber lasers constructed from high-gain YCDSF could be applied as a seed source for a high-power fiber laser and detection source for the optical sensing.


    Acknowledgment. We are grateful to Profs. Hairun Guo, Liang Zhang, and Chengbo Mou at Shanghai University, China, for their help in data analysis and insightful discussion on the performance of the DBR SFFL.

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    Ying Wan, Jianxiang Wen, Chen Jiang, Fengzai Tang, Jing Wen, Sujuan Huang, Fufei Pang, Tingyun Wang, "Over 255 mW single-frequency fiber laser with high slope efficiency and power stability based on an ultrashort Yb-doped crystal-derived silica fiber," Photonics Res. 9, 649 (2021)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Fiber Optics and Optical Communications

    Received: Jan. 6, 2021

    Accepted: Feb. 11, 2021

    Published Online: Apr. 19, 2021

    The Author Email: Jianxiang Wen (

