Advanced Imaging, Volume. 1, Issue 3, 032002(2024)

In vivo multi-scale clinical photoacoustic imaging for analysis of skin vasculature and pigmentation: a comparative review On the Cover

Junho Ahn1、†, Minseong Kim1, Chulhong Kim1,2、*, and Wonseok Choi3、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1Department of Convergence IT Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Medical Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Republic of Korea
  • 2Opticho Inc., Pohang, Republic of Korea
  • 3Department of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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    Figures & Tables(18)
    PAI modalities in skin imaging. (a) A schematic of the PAI principle (left) and the optical absorption spectra of HbO2, HbR, and melanin (right). The spectra data are from (b) Conceptual schematics and example images of the vessel and melanin in the skin for each PAI modality. US, ultrasound; PA, photoacoustic; PAI, photoacoustic imaging; PAM, photoacoustic microscopy; PAMes, photoacoustic mesoscopy; PAT, photoacoustic tomography; HbR, deoxy-hemoglobin; HbO2, oxy-hemoglobin; TR, transducer; EP, epidermis; DR, dermis; ST, subcutaneous tissue; FOV, field of view. The figures were reproduced with permission from Refs. [100] (Copyright © 2021 Optical Society of America), [120] (Copyright © 2021 Optical Society of America), [112] (Copyright © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland), and [122] (Copyright © by the authors).
    PAM techniques for improved visualization of skin structures. (a) An OR-PAM system integrated with a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor. Simultaneous real-time monitoring of PA and PPG signals from superficial dermal vessels in fingers accurately estimated the heartbeat rate (∼1.35 Hz) of healthy volunteers. (b) Imaging probe configuration and example images of a healthy volunteer’s palm skin using the dual-modal PA/US dermoscope. The transducer consisted of a PVDF transducer for PA/US signal reception and a PZT transducer for US signal transmission. PA and US images were able to depict shallow microvasculature and deeper skin structures in the palm, respectively. M, mirror; FC, fiber coupler/collimator; P, prism; GS, galvanometer scanner; WT, water tank; LS, linear stage; RUT, ring-shaped US transducer; OW, optical window; PBM, parabolic mirror; PVDF, polyvinylidene fluoride; PZT, lead zirconate titanate; PA, photoacoustic; US, ultrasound; SC, stratum corneum. The figures were reproduced with permission from Refs. [96] (Copyright © 2022 by the authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH) and [97] (Copyright © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).
    Photoacoustic microscopic biopsy (PAMB) technique for port wine stain (PWS) lesion imaging. Compared to normal skins, PWS skins have dilated vascular structure in the dermal layer. MAP, maximum amplitude projection; EP, epidermis; DR, dermis; SB, stratum basale; SC, stratum corneum. The figures were reproduced with permission from Ref. [100] (Copyright © 2021 Optical Society of America).
    (a) Cross-sectional RSOM image composed of two bandwidth signal images and a binary image of the high-frequency signal within ROI. The combined image of high-frequency signal (green, representing small vessels) and low-frequency signal (red, representing large vessels) shows the boundary between epidermis and dermis. The binary image is used to calculate the vessel fragmentation value. (b) The process of skin biomarker quantification in cross-sectional RSOM images. First, the EP and DR regions are divided, and the EP thickness and the EP signal density are calculated. Then, the vessel numbers are calculated by counting the vessel branches (red dots) in the DR area, and the total blood volume is calculated from the binary image. RSOM, raster scan optoacoustic mesoscopy; ROI, region of interest; EP, epidermis; DR, dermis; VS, vessel segmentation; BC, biomarker computation. The figures were reproduced with permission from Refs. [101] (Copyright © 2020 by the authors. Contact Dermatitis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.) and [107] [Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)].
    PAT techniques for clinical skin vasculature imaging. (a) MSOT principle and image processing step. (b) MSOT images of HbR, HbO2, and HbT for healthy volunteer, and patients with stable SSc and progressive SSc. (c1) MSOT images of Sp and Dp. (c2) MSOT images of HbO2 and HbR during the reactive hyperemia. PAT, photoacoustic tomography; US, ultrasound; MSOT, multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography; MSP, multispectral pulsed; HbR, deoxy-hemoglobin; HbO2, oxy-hemoglobin; HbT, total hemoglobin; SSc, systemic sclerosis; Sp, superficial plexus; Dp, deep plexus. The figures were reproduced with permission from Refs. [109] (Copyright © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) and [112] (Copyright © 2022 by the authors; Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland).
    Switchable OR-AR PAM techniques for skin vasculature and pigment imaging. (a) Switchable OR-AR PAM technique that alters the focusing mode by axially translating the depth of the fixed focus. (b1)–(b3) Autofocusing PAM technique using a voltage-controlled liquid lens. (b1) The focal sizes of the optical and acoustic beams were controlled by the input voltage at the electrodes. (b2) Phantom imaging demonstrated that autofocusing improved the imaging depth compared to the fixed focus mode. (b3) A healthy volunteer’s palm skin was imaged in different layers, where SC/SB layers and Va layers contained the melanin and vasculature, respectively. OR, optical resolution; AR, acoustic resolution; EP, epidermis; DP, dermal papillae; RD, reticular dermis; Hy, hypodermis; SC, stratum corneum; SB, stratum basale; SVP, superficial vascular plexus; DVP, deep vascular plexus; E-D, epidermis-dermis junction; VN, vascular network; PVDF, polyvinylidene fluoride. The figures were reproduced with permission from Refs. [114] [Copyright © 2020 by the author(s)] and [115] (Copyright © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH).
    Bifocal dual-wavelength PAM technique for port wine stain (PWS) characterization. (a) Two optical wavelengths, 532 and 1064 nm, were focused at different depths and superposed to provide elongated focal zone and deep imaging depth up to 3 mm. The epidermis (EP) and superficial vascular plexus (SVP) were imaged at 532 nm and deep vascular plexus (DVP) at 1064 nm. (b) Compared to normal skin, PWS skin expressed less melanin in the EP layer and more vasculature in the SVP and DVP layers. DE, dermis; Hy, hypodermis; SC, stratum corneum; ED, epidermal-dermal junction; PWS, port wine stain; PA, photoacoustic; and a.u., arbitrary unit. The figures were reproduced with permission from Ref. [118] (Copyright © 2021 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology).
    Classification of melasma lesion types using PAM. (a) The PAM images are from a patient with epidermal M + V type melasma, showing denser melanin in the epidermal layer (z=0–165 μm) and denser and thicker vessels in the dermal layer (z=165–1050 μm). (b) All types of melasma lesions showed a significant increase in the PA amplitude of melanin. The vascular diameter and density were not significantly changed in the epidermal M and mixed M types, but the M + V type had a significant increase in the two vascular metrics. MAP, maximum amplitude projection; a.u., arbitrary unit; and PA, photoacoustic. The figures were reproduced with permission from Ref. [119] (Copyright © 2023 by the authors).
    RSOM images of a melanoma lesion and the surrounding skin tissue. (a) A photograph of a melanoma lesion. Arrows indicate the three scanning positions. The red rectangle depicts the FOV of 4 mm×2 mm. (b) Histological images of the melanoma sample corresponding to the area with label 1 in (a). (c)–(e) Cross-sectional RSOM images of the three scanned regions [labels 1, 2, and 3 in (a)]. (f)–(h) Maximum amplitude projection (MAP) images corresponding to the epidermal (EP) layer of (c)–(e). (i)–(k) MAP images corresponding to the dermal (DR) layer of (c)–(e). The white dashed lines in (g) indicate the boundary between the pigmented lesion and the surrounding skin tissue. Comparing the dermal vascular structures of (i)–(k), a dense dotted vascular pattern is clearly visible in the tumor base area. The figures were reproduced with permission from Ref. [120] [Copyright © 2022 by the author(s)].
    UWSB-RSOM system configuration and cross-sectional USWB-RSOM images over 5 wavelengths. (a) Schematic of UWSB-RSOM and a structure of the imaging target (skin). (b1)–(b6) Cross-sectional RSOM images of skin over 5 wavelengths. (b1), (b2) Distribution of hemoglobin and melanin in the skin at 515 and 532 nm. Arrows indicate the position of hair. (b3) Melanin in the epidermis and hair at 650 nm. (b4) Subcutaneous fat, sebaceous glands (marked with arrows 1 and 2), and water content in the epidermis at 1210 nm; arrow 3, sebum content on the hair shaft. (b5) Water distributed in the epidermis at 1450 nm. (b6) Composite of images at all five wavelengths. ADC, analog-to-digital converter; AMP, 60 dBm amplifier; CL, collimating lens; D, dermis; EP, epidermis; FB, fiber bundle; FL, focusing lens; H, UWSB-RSOM holder; HPF, high-pass filter; HS, hair shaft; HB, hair bulb; IU, detachable interface unit; M, mirror; PBS, polarizing beam splitter; S, schematic of human skin; SF, subcutaneous fat; SG, sebaceous glands; UT, ultrasound transducer. The figures were reproduced with permission from Ref. [121] (Copyright © 2019 Optical Society of America).
    PAT techniques for melanoma imaging. (a) Clinical photograph of a melanoma. (b) 3D PA scan image of the black dashed region in (a). (c) Co-registration of PA and B-mode US images of in situ melanoma on the upper left extremity. (d) Clinical photograph of an in situ type of melanoma. (e) PAampMAP and (f) PAunmixedMAP images of the red dashed region in (d). (g) PAamp/US overlaid and (h) PAunmixed/US overlaid B-scan images from the white dashed lines in (e) and (f). PA, photoacoustic; US, ultrasound; PAamp, PA amplitude; PAunmixed, PA unmixed melanoma; MAP, maximum amplitude projection. The figures were reproduced with permission from Refs. [122] (Copyright © by the authors) and [125] (Copyright © 2020 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology).
    PAT techniques for skin lesions. (a) Comparison of combined in vivo US/PA measurement on human nevi (left) and the corresponding histological measurements (right). (b) PA imaging of nevus with atypical proliferation (left) and basal cell carcinoma (right). The nevus presents chaotic and prominent blood vessels outside the melanin area (yellow), HbO2 (red), and Hb (blue) blood vessels with enlarged diameter. The carcinoma shows abundant HbO2 signal (red) inside the melanin area, demonstrating a converging network of melanin (yellow), HbO2 (red), and HbR (blue). PAT, photoacoustic tomography; US, ultrasound; PA, photoacoustic; HbO2, oxy-hemoglobin; HbR, deoxy-hemoglobin. The figures were reproduced with permission from Refs. [126] [Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)] and [131] (Copyright © 2022 Acta Dermato-Venereologica).
    Specification plots relating the spatial resolution, imaging depth, and lateral FOV of clinical PA skin imaging systems. The overall relationship of the imaging depth versus spatial resolution (left) and the lateral FOV versus spatial resolution (right) is presented. Dotted lines show reference tradeoff lines with a given ratio, and the blue dotted line is obtained from least-square fitting including both axial (triangle marker) and lateral (circle marker) resolutions. PAM, photoacoustic microscopy; PAMes, photoacoustic mesoscopy; PAT, photoacoustic tomography; FOV, field of view; PA, photoacoustic. (Refs. PAM- [95,97,99,100,114–119" target="_self" style="display: inline;">–119]; PAMes - [101,102,104,107,108,120,121]; PAT - [110,113,125–127" target="_self" style="display: inline;">–127,129].
    • Table 1. Specifications of PAM Systems for Clinical Skin Imaging.

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      Table 1. Specifications of PAM Systems for Clinical Skin Imaging.

      Ref.ModalityLaser wavelength (nm)US transducerUS frequencyFOV, lateral × elevation × axial (mm × mm × mm)Spatial resolution (μm)Scan time
      Vasculature imaging
      [95]OR-PAM532FocusedCenter: 40 MHz BW: 110%5×5×2Lateral: 5 Axial: 31.20.1  s per B-scan
      [96]OR-PAM + PPG532Flat ring transducerCenter: 15 MHzLateral: 1 Axial: 1Lateral: 2.5 Axial: 68.40.02 s per B-scan
      [97]OR-PAM + USM532Dual (coaxial annular, outer-PZT, inner-PVDF), focusedUS excitation (PZT) Center: 33.4 MHz BW: 19.5–47.2 MHz PA/US reception (PVDF) Center: 35 MHz BW: 11.8–58.2 MHzLateral: 5×5 Axial: 1.5 (PA), 5 (US)Lateral: 45 (US), 6.8–7.1 (PA) Axial: 57.8 (US)NA
      [98]OR-PAM + Deep learning532FocusedCenter: 20 MHz, BW: 100%5×5×4NANA
      [99]Bessel-beam OR-PAM532Focused ring transducerCenter: 40 MHz BW: 120%5×4×1.5Lateral: 6.5 (1 mm DOF) Axial: 35NA
      [100]OR/AR-PAM532Focused annular PVDFCenter: 42 MHz5×5×2Lateral: 10–40 (0.2–1.5 mm depth) Axial: 343–5 min per C-scan
      Vasculature and pigmentation imaging
      [114]Switchable OR/AR-PAM532FocusedCenter: 45 MHz BW: 7–83 MHz5×3×1.8Lateral: 4.4 (OR), 47 (AR) Axial: 350.5 s per B-scan, 2.5  min per C-scan
      [115]Switchable OR/AR-PAM532Autofocusing PVDF-based transducerCenter: 32.8 MHz BW: 45.4 MHz5×5×2Lateral: 9.8 (OR, variable with the applied voltage) Axial: 44.6NA
      [116]OR-PAM532Focused PVDFBW: 10–75 MHz2.5×2.5×0.5Lateral: 4.2 Axial: 411  s per B-scan
      [117]OR/AR-PAM532Focused annular PVDFCenter: 45 MHz BW: 5–85 MHz3×3×2Lateral: 3.8, 2.3, 1.5 (for 4×, 10×, 20× objective lens) Axial: 34NA
      [118]Dual-wavelength bifocal OR-PAM532, 1064Focused ring transducerCenter: 30 MHzLateral: 5×5 Axial: 0–0.72 (532 nm), 0.72–3 (1064 nm)Lateral: 6.6 (532 nm), 46.8 (1064 nm) Axial: 50.6NA
      [119]Commercially available PAM (PASONO-SKIN)532Ring transducerCenter: 35 MHz BW: 114% (15–55 MHz)8×8×1.05Lateral: 7 Axial: 50NA
    • Table 2. Specifications of PAMes Systems for Clinical Skin Imaging.

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      Table 2. Specifications of PAMes Systems for Clinical Skin Imaging.

      Ref.ModalityLaser wavelength (nm)US transducerUS frequency (MHz)FOV, lateral × elevation × axial (mm × mm × mm)Spatial resolution (µm)Scan time
      Vasculature imaging
      [101]RSOM532Focused transducerCenter: 55 BW: 10–1204×2×1.5Lateral: 30Axial: 870 s per C-scan
      [102]RSOM532Focused transducerCenter: 55 BW: 10–1208×2×1.5Lateral: 30, Axial: 780 s per C-scan
      [104]RSOM532Focused transducerCenter: 55 BW: 10–1204×2×2Lateral: 30, Axial: 870 s per C-scan
      [107]RSOM532Focused transducerCenter: 55 BW: 10–1204×2×2Lateral: 30 Axial: 870 s per C-scan
      [108]FP-RSOM532Focused hole transducerCenter: 50 BW: 10–1204×2×1.5Lateral: 30 Axial: 7 (same as RSOM)1s per B-scan 15 s per C-scan
      Vasculature and pigmentation imaging
      [120]FRSOM532, 555, 579, and 606Focused hole transducerCenter: 50 BW: 10–1204×2×1.5Lateral: 30 Axial: 7 (same as RSOM)15 s (single) 60 s (multi) per C-scan
      [121]UWSB-RSOM650, 1210, 1450, 515, and 532Two spherically focused piezoelectric transducersCenter: 23.9, 55Lateral: 4 Axial: 2At 23.9 MHzLateral: 53 MHzAxial: 33 At 55 MHz Lateral: 29.6 Axial: 8.6<2  min per scan
    • Table 3. Specifications of PAT Systems for Clinical Skin Imaging.

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      Table 3. Specifications of PAT Systems for Clinical Skin Imaging.

      Ref.ModalityLaser wavelength (nm)US transducerUS frequencyFOV, lateral × elevation × axial (mm × mm × mm)Spatial resolution (µm)Scan time
      Vasculature imaging
      [110]MSOT700 to 850Linear array transducerCenter: 4 MHz BW: 52%Lateral: 30 mm Axial: 30 mm190NA
      [113]LED based PAI850Linear array transducerCenter: 9 MHzAxial: 38 mmaLateral: 460a Axial: 220a20 s per B scan 1–3 min per C-scan
      Vasculature and pigmentation imaging
      [122]PAISU680, 700, 750, 850, and 900Linear array transducerCenter: 40 MHz BW: 55%NANA3  min (single) 7  min (multi) per C-scan
      [125]PA/US700, 756, 796, 866, and 900Linear array transducerCenter: 8.5 MHz BW: 3–12 MHz38.1×31.4×30Lateral: 1000 Axial: 20011.4  s (single) 57  s (multi) per C-scan
      [126]PA/US430Single crystal transducerCenter: 18 MHz BW: 67%Axial: 5Lateral: 300 Axial: 200<1  s per B-scan
      [127]PA/USSingle: 430 or 530Single crystal transducerCenter: 18 MHz BW: 67%Axial: 5Lateral: 300 Axial: 200<50  s per C scan
      [129]vMSOT700, 715, 730, 760, 780, 790, 800, 825, 850, and 900Spherical matrix array transducerNA10×10×1280 (isotropic)5  min per C scan
      [130]OCT, RCM, and MSOT700, 730, 760, 780, 800, 850, and 875Hemispherical array transducerCenter: 8 MHz BW: 60%15×15×20NA5  s per C scan
      [131]HFUS, RCM, OCT, and PAINANANA15×15×20NANA
    • Table 4. PAI Analysis Features of the Skin Vasculature.

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      Table 4. PAI Analysis Features of the Skin Vasculature.

      Ref.Imaging targetAnalysis metricsKey features & findings
      [95]Volunteer’s opisthenar and palm areasVisual assessment of the number of capillaries, depth distribution, and vessel diameterImaging depth was greater in the palm than in the opisthenar due to higher melanin concentration in the epidermis
      [96]Volunteer’s fingerVascular movements and changes in the blood volumeThe vascular movements and the heartbeat rates measured with both OR-PAM and PPG well matched between the two modalities
      [97]Volunteer’s palmPA: Epidermal (0–90 µm), epidermal-dermal junction (90–210 µm), dermis (210–350 µm), and vessel plexus (350–1500 µm). US: big vessel (1.5–2.6 mm) and fibrous tissue (2.6–5 mm)The PA and US microscopic images characterized the microvasculature information and full structures of skin in vivo, respectively
      [98]Volunteer’s palmAxial resolution and deep vessel visibilityDeep learning model improved the epidermal layer differentiation and visibility of deep vessels
      [99]Traumatized skinSC layer thickness and PA amplitude, SB layer PA amplitude, and dermal vessel diameterIncreased thickness and PA amplitude in the SC layer, disappearance of signals in the SB layer, and development of small and dense microvasculature in the dermal layer
      [100]PWSpre- and post-PDT treatmentDensity, depth, and diameter of dermal vesselsDensity, depth, and diameter of lesion vessels were reduced after PDT where the effects were more significant in superficial dermis than in deep dermis
      [101]Allergic and irritant skin reactions in patch testingBlood volume, vessel fragmentation, and frequency content ratioAllergic reactions showed higher vessel fragmentation and lower frequency ratios compared to irritant reactions
      [102]UV radiation region in volunteers’ skinVessel visibility and vessel diameterRSOM imaging revealed UV-induced recruitment of previously non-perfused vessels and vasodilation, visible as an increase in vessel diameter
      [104]Patient with moderate atopic dermatitisEpidermis thickness, total blood volume, and vessel diameter32% reduction in epidermis thickness, 10% decrease in total blood volume, and 26% reduction in vessel diameter post-treatment
      [107]Pretibial region of the participants with diabetes mellitus and age-matched healthy volunteersEpidermal thickness, signal density of epidermis layer, dermal blood volume, vessel diameter, small vessel number, and large vessel numberThe analysis revealed significant differences in microvascular parameters between healthy individuals and diabetes patients, with smaller vessels (<40  μm in diameter) showing the most marked differences
      [108]Healthy individuals, smokers, and CVD patientsVessel diameter, blood volume, and vessel densitySignificant differences in microvascular ED biomarkers among healthy individuals, smokers, and CVD patients, providing a novel tool for early diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular risks
      [110]Fingers of patients with SSc and healthy volunteersHbR, HbO2, and HbTAssessing microvascular dysfunction in SSc. Patients with progressive SSc had significantly lower MSOT values compared to patients with stable disease and healthy volunteers
      [112]Healthy ventral forearm with RHHbO2, HbR, HbT, and mSO2PAT observations of the RH identified superficial and deeper vascular structures parallel to the skin surface as part of the human skin vascular plexus. PAT revealed that the suprasystolic occlusion impacts both plexus differently
      [113]Patients with facial PWS“PWS level,” indicating the severity of PWS lesionsThe decrease in PWS levels after treatment based on PAI-association indicates better repeatability in assessing response to treatment compared to dermatologist-assigned clearance scores. It is a new quantitative assessment method for PWS severity and treatment response
    • Table 5. PAI Analysis Features of the Skin Vasculature and Pigmentation.

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      Table 5. PAI Analysis Features of the Skin Vasculature and Pigmentation.

      Ref.Imaging targetAnalysis metricsKey features & findings
      [114,115]Volunteer’s opisthenar and palm areasMelanin concentration of the SC (0–100 µm) and the SB (100–200 µm), vascular density below the SB (200–2000 µm)Melanin concentration was significantly smaller, and vascular density was higher in the palm skin than in the opisthenar skin
      [116]CALM before and after Q-switched ruby laser treatmentPA amplitude of the SC and SB, epidermal thickness, and melanin concentration of CALM patientMelanin concentration and epidermal thickness were significantly higher in the CALM area than in normal skin. Melanin concentration was significantly reduced after laser treatment
      [117]CALM, PWSCALM: melanin concentration, SB thickness; PWS: microvessel density, vascularization increaseCALM skin had a higher PA signal intensity and thicker SB than that of healthy skin. Dermal vessels had greater diameters and were denser in appearance in PWS skin than in healthy skin
      [118]PWSMelanin density in epidermal layer, vessel density and diameter in superficial dermal, and deep dermal layersIn PWS, the epidermal melanin density was lower, the superficial dermal vessels were significantly increased, deep dermal vessels had more branches, and vascular diameter in superficial dermis tended to be thicker
      [119]MelasmaPA amplitude and depth of epidermal melanin, mean dermal vascular diameter, and mean dermal vascular densityThe PA amplitude of the epidermis, mean vascular diameter, and density in lesional skin were significantly higher than that in non-lesional skin. Mean vascular diameter and density were important in classifying melasma types M and M + V
      [120]10 melanoma lesions and 10 benign neviVascular density, complexity, and tortuosityThe FRSOM system effectively distinguished melanoma from benign nevi, providing valuable biomarkers for lesion characterization and improving diagnostic accuracy
      [121]Forearm skin of healthy volunteersFat, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and microvasculatureUWB-RSOM distinguished between melanin and melanoidins in the epidermis, identified lipid distributions in the SWIR range, and visualized water content at 1450 nm
      [122]Patients with pigmented cutaneous lesions suspicious of melanomaTumor thicknessThe photoacoustically measured lesion thickness gave a high correlation with the histological thickness measured from resected surgical samples
      [125]Melanoma patientsTumor depthThe 3D multispectral photoacoustic imaging not only provides well-measured depth and sizes of various types of melanomas but also visualizes the metastatic type of melanoma
      [126]Patient with skin neviMaximal nevi depthDeveloped a single-head co-localized US/PAT imaging system allowing for structural and depth measurement with the application for non-invasive diagnosis of skin cancer. The C-mode measured dermal structure and melanocytic depth correlated well with the histology
      [127]Patients who had suspicious skin lesions identified by dermatologists as potentially indicative of skin cancerThickness of the lesion at its thickest positionThe results procured in our study underscore the potential of combined ultrasound and photoacoustic tomography as a promising non-invasive 3D imaging approach for evaluating human nevi and other skin lesions
      [128]Patients presented with lesions suspicious of non-melanoma carcinomasLesion dimensionsThe dimensions were then correlated from the measurements acquired from histology, showing a good correlation via the intraclass correlation coefficient
      [129]Patients with lesions suspicious of non-melanoma skin cancerTumor depth and lengthA statistically significant correlation for both tumor depth and length was found between vMSOT and histologic analysis
      [130]Patients with skin tagsHbO2, HbR, and melaninMSOT supplemented with spatial distribution of melanin and HbO2 that indicated all skin tags were benign with no infiltration of vessels inside the melanin signal
      [131]Patients with pigmented skin lesionsHbO2, HbR, and melaninOCT, RCM, and PAI in combination enable image-guided bedside evaluation of suspicious pigmented skin tumors

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    Junho Ahn, Minseong Kim, Chulhong Kim, Wonseok Choi, "In vivo multi-scale clinical photoacoustic imaging for analysis of skin vasculature and pigmentation: a comparative review," Adv. Imaging 1, 032002 (2024)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Review Article

    Received: Jul. 15, 2024

    Accepted: Sep. 20, 2024

    Published Online: Oct. 29, 2024

    The Author Email: Kim Chulhong (, Choi Wonseok (

