NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES, Volume. 46, Issue 8, 080004(2023)
Advancements in nuclear physics research using Beijing HI-13 tandem accelerator
Fig. 3. The calculated excitation energies (in MeV) and the intraband and interband B(E2) values (in W.u.) of the ground-state bands, γ- and β- bands in 72,74,76,78Ge isotopes by 5DCH model compared with the experimental data[11]
Fig. 4. (a) Excitation energies of the 15/2- states (relative to the 9/2+ states) in odd-A Ge isotopes, and the 3- and 2+ states in even-A Ge isotopes, (b) the experimental B(E1)/B(E2) branching ratios of 19/2- state in 71Ge in comparison with experimental values in the neighboring odd-A Ge isotopes, and the octupole-deformed nucleus 220Ra. The average B(E1)/B(E2) branching ratio with experimental uncertainty for the octupole band in 220Ra is displayed as the shaded region[35]. Inset in (a): The neutron single-particle levels originating from the g9/2 and p3/2 orbitals in odd-A Ge isotopes.
Fig. 5. Spectra deduced from the detected α+6He pairs[16](a) Two-dimensional plot for the Ex versus the Q value, (b) The projected Ex spectrum for the Q value around Qggg (gate G1), (c) The projected Q-value spectrum for Ex around 7.54 MeV (gate G2), (d) The projected Ex spectrum for Q values at the right side of Qggg (gate G1r)
Fig. 7. 14C→10Be +α relative branching ratio for 21.4-MeV and 22.5-MeV resonances in 14C with respect to three sets of final states in 10Be obtained from the present measurement[15]
Fig. 8. The angular correlation for the 10.3 MeV state, compared with the Legendre polynomials of order 4 (the red dotted line)[17]. A uniformly distributed background is assumed for the uncorrelated component (the long dot-dashed line). All the theoretical angular distributions are corrected for the detection efficiency. The corresponding reduced
Fig. 9. The principle (a) and result (b) of suppression of Doppler broadening of the spectral linewidth observed using the collinear laser spectroscopy method[52]
Fig. 11. Hyperfine structure spectra of 38,39K measured using collinear laser spectroscopy at the BRIF facility[19]
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Hui HUA, Yanlin YE, Xiaofei YANG. Advancements in nuclear physics research using Beijing HI-13 tandem accelerator[J]. NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES, 2023, 46(8): 080004
Category: Research Articles
Received: Jun. 9, 2023
Accepted: --
Published Online: Sep. 19, 2023
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