Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 52, Issue 10, 20230063(2023)
Method for characterizing frequency of frequency-stabilized semiconductor lasers
Fig. 1. Experimental setup for optical frequency drift measurement based on delay self-heterodyne interferometer
Fig. 2. The experiment result for optical frequency drift of the frequency stabilized DFB-LD within10 ms based on delay self-heterodyne interferometer. (a) The first group (14.04- −3.33 MHz, 17.37 MHz); (b) The second group (18.24- −6.28 MHz, 24.52 MHz); (c) the third group (3.24- −17.17 MHz, 20.41 MHz)
Fig. 3. Experimental setup for frequency drift measurement of frequency stabilized laser based on fiber femtosecond optical frequency comb
Fig. 4. Experimental result of beat signal between DFB-LD with femtosecond optical frequency comb system
Fig. 5. The experiment result for optical frequency drift of the frequency stabilized DFB-LD within 50 minutes based on the femtosecond optical frequency comb system
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Shanshan Li, Jiewei Yang, Tianxin Yang, Zhaoying Wang, Hengkang Zhang. Method for characterizing frequency of frequency-stabilized semiconductor lasers[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(10): 20230063
Category: Lasers & Laser optics
Received: Feb. 13, 2023
Accepted: --
Published Online: Nov. 21, 2023
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