High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. , Issue , ()
Spatial characterization of debris ejection from the interaction of a tightly focused PW-laser pulse with metal targets [Early Posting]
Vladisavlevici Iuliana, Vlachos Christos, Dubois Jean-Luc, Huerta Alejandro, Agarwal Shubham, Ahmed Hamad, Apiñnaniz jon, Cernaianu Mihail, Gugiu Marius, Krupka Michal, Lera Roberto, Morabito Antonia, Sangwan Deepak, Ursescu Daniel , Curcio Alessandro, Fefeu Nicolas, Pérez-Hernández Jose Antonio, Vacek Thibaut, Vicente Pablo, Woolsey Nigel, gatti giancarlo, Rodriguez Frias Maria Dolores, Santos João Jorge, Bradford Philip, Ehret Michael
Author Affiliations
Centro de Laseres Pulsados Ultracortos UltraintensosUniv. Bordeaux - CNRS - CEA, Centre Lasers Intenses et ApplicationsCELIACLPUFZU-Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of SciencesSTFCExtreme Light Inftrastructure - Nuclear PhysicsELI-NPHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear EngineeringUniv. Bordeaux - CNRS - CEA, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications (CELIA)University of YorkUniversidad de AlcaláUniv. BordeauxCentre des Lasers Intenses et Applicationsshow less
We present a novel scheme for rapid quantitative analysis of debris generated during experiments with solid targets following relativistic laser-plasma interaction at high-power laser facilities. Experimental data indicates that predictions by available modeling for non-mass-limited targets are reasonable, with debris on the order of hundreds µg-per-shot. We detect for the first time that several % of the debris is ejected directional following the target normal (rear- and interaction side); and confirm previous work that found the debris ejection in direction of the interaction side to be larger than on the side of the target rear.