Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 23, Issue 6, (2025)
Giant enhancement of second harmonic generation from microcavity intergrated monolayer WS2 [Early Posting]
Transition metal dichalcogenide two-dimensional materials, exhibiting extraordinary properties absent in their bulk forms, have garnered significant attention for nonlinear optical devices. However, the atomic-level thickness limits the light absorption, which makes the intensity of the nonlinear signal extremely weak. Through transferring monolayer WS2 onto a silica microsphere, we report a giant second harmonic generation enhancement for approximately 1.46×107 times. The SH signal reaches 2.56 MHz pumped by a continuous wave laser of 2.5 mW. It is attributed to an enhancement of pump laser due to the whispering gallery mode of the microsphere cavity. This work demonstrates the potential of microcavity-integrated monolayer 2D materials for nonlinear optics in integrated photonics.