Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 23, Issue 4, (2025)

Compressed sensing reflection matrix optical coherent tomography [Early Posting]

Liu Kang, Wu Jia, Cao Jing, Zhuo Rusheng , Li Kun, Chen Xiaoxi , Zhou Qiang, Shi Guohua , Wang Pinghe
Author Affiliations
  • China
  • University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
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    The reflectance matrix optical coherence tomography (RM-OCT) method has made significant breakthroughs in imaging depth within scattering media. However, the current method of measuring the reflectance matrix through uniform sampling results in relatively long data collection times. This study finds that the reflectance matrix of scattering media is sparse. Therefore, a measurement technique for the reflectance matrix (RM) based on compressed sensing (CS) is proposed and applied to RM-OCT images. Experimental results confirm that this method requires less than 50\% of the traditional sampling data to recover imaging target information within scattering media, thereby significantly reducing data acquisition time. Thus, the results not only enrich the theory of the reflectance matrix but also provide a more efficient method for its measurement. This advancement opens up new avenues for applying CS-related techniques in RM-OCT and has the potential to improve the efficiency of imaging in scattering media.

    Paper Information

    Manuscript Accepted: Sep. 29, 2024

    Posted: Oct. 21, 2024

    DOI: 10.3788/COL202523.041102