Advanced Photonics, Volume. , Issue , ()
Observation of robust subwavelength phase singularity in chiral medium [Early Posting]
Photonic devices that exhibit both sensitivity and robustness have long been sought, yet these characteristics are thought to be mutually exclusive; through sensitivity, a sensor responds to external stimuli, whereas robustness embodies the inherent ability of a device to withstand weathering by these same stimuli. This challenge stems from the inherent contradiction between robustness and sensitivity in wave dynamics, which require the coexistence of noise-immune sensitive states and modulation-sensitive transitions between these states. Here, we report and experimentally demonstrate a subwavelength phase singularity in a chiral medium that is resilient to fabrication imperfections and disorder while remaining highly responsive to external stimuli. The combination of subwavelength light confinement and its robustness lays the foundation for the development of hitherto unexplored chip-scale photonics devices, enabling a simultaneous development of high-sensitivity and robust devices in both quantum and classical realms.