Teflon AF is chemically very inert, quite physically and optically stable, a highly vapor-permeable polymer with optical transparency through much of the UV-Vis region and with an RI lower than that of water, so Teflon AF LWCC/LCW (Long path-length liquid waveguide capillary cell/liquid core waveguides) has been used with a range of different detection techniques, including absorbance spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and gas sensor. The present article describes the properties and the aspects of Teflon AF LWCC/LCW instrumentation and applications. And finally,the future prospect and outlook of Teflon AF LWCC/LCW is also discussed.
Six kinds of non-polar organic solvents were measured by using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS), including positive hexane, cyclohexane, petroleum ether, carbon tetrachloride, carbon bisulfide, and toluene. These non-polar organic solvents are often used to solve other organics, so knowing the parameters of these non-polar organic solvents are important for studying optical properties of other organics in the frequency range of terahertz. The influence of the cuvette on THz signal was considered. Accurate optical parameters including refractive index and absorption coefficient were analyzed by the novel expression of the transfer function. In addition, according to the relationship among these absorption coefficients of five organic solvents, the polarity relationship can be determined.
An atmospheric-pressure Ar/N2 glow discharge was achieved in α mode stricken between bare metal plate electrodes by radio-frequency power supply at 13.56 MHz. The rotational temperature was determined by using the Boltzmann plot of the OH (A 2Σ+→X 2Π) radical and the variation tendency of the gas temperature versus the input power was obtained. Furthermore, the measurement of the sequences of vibrational bands of N2 second positive system (C 3Πu→B 3Πg) is made and the vibrational temperature was determined correspondingly. The experiment results showed that the emission peaks of N2 (C 3Πu) reached the maximum at the nitrogen flow rate of 80 mL·min-1 with increasing addition of nitrogen, the gas temperature increased from 342 to 523 K when the input power increased from 30 to 210 W, and the vibrational temperature changed slightly when the gas flow rate of nitrogen increased from 30 to 140 mL·min-1.
In order to get extensive knowledge of wire-to-plate pulsed corona discharge reactor, the influences of different diameters of wire electrode, different wire-to-plate and wire-to-wire spacing on OH radical generation were experimentally investigated under atmospheric pressure based on emission spectrum, and the spatial distribution of OH radicals in the electric field was also discussed in detail. The results showed that OH radicals decrease along the X-axis, and the activation radius is approximately 20 mm; showing a trend of first increase and then decrease along the Y-axis, with the activation radius being more than 30 mm. OH radical has small change as the diameter of wire electrode changes below 2 mm, with a sharp decline as the diameter continues to increase. OH radical emission intensity increases as wire-to-wire spacing increases and decrease as wire-to-plate spacing increases.
Streamer plays a key role in the process of OH radical generation. The propagation of primary and secondary streamers of positive wire-plate pulsed corona discharge was observed using a short gate ICCD in air environment. The influence of the applied voltage on the properties was investigated. It was shown that the primary streamer propagation velocity, electric coverage and length of secondary streamer increased significantly with increasing the applied voltage. Then 2-D OH distribution was investigated by the emission spectrum. With the analysis of the OH emission spectra, the distribution of OH radicals showed a trend of decreasing from the wire electrode to its circumambience. Compared with the streamer propagation trace, the authors found that OH radical distribution and streamer are in the same area. Both OH radical concentration and the intensity of streamer decreased when far away from the wire electrode.
A novel green emitting phosphor, Tb3+-doped Ca2SnO4, was prepared by the solid-state reaction. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis confirmed the formation of Ca2SnO4∶Tb3+. Photoluminescence measurements indicated that the phosphor exhibits bright green emission at about 543 nm under UV excitation. The excitation spectra of Ca2-xTbxSnO4 appear to have a red shift with main peak from 254 to 260 nm. The emission spectra of Ca2-xTbxSnO4 have four peaks ascribed to 5D4—7FJ (where J=6, 5, 4, 3) transitions of Tb3+ ions. Under the condition of low Tb3+ concentration, the 5D4—7F6 transition of Tb3+ showed a stark energy level split to three split peaks and the peak intensity of 481nm firstly increased with increasing Tb3+ concentration, then decreased. The dependence of luminescent intensity of Ca2SnO4∶Tb3+ phosphor on the Tb3+ concentration was studied, and the results show that the luminescence intensity firstly increased with increasing Tb3+ concentration, then decreased, and reached the maximal value at 9 mol% Tb3+. According to the Dexter theory, the authors confirmed the concentration quenching mechanism of Tb3+ in Ca2SnO4. The fluorescence lifetime of phosphor analysis shows that the average lifetime is 4.4 ms. The results indicated that Ca2SnO4∶Tb3+ could be a potential candidate as a green-emitting powder phosphor.
A single-host white-light-emitting phosphor BaSrMg(PO4)2∶Eu2+ was prepared by high temperature solid-state reaction method, and the luminescence characteristics and XRD pattern were investigated. The results show that BaSrMg(PO4)2 phase was obtained by sintering at 1 200 ℃ for 3 hours. BaSrMg(PO4)2∶Eu2+ phosphor exhibits two main emission bands peaking at 424 and 585 nm, respectively. The emission band peaking at 424 nm is attributed to the 4f 65d1→4f7 transition of Eu2+ substituting Sr2+, while the emission band peaking at 585 nm originates from the 4f 65d1→4f7 transition of Eu2+ replacing Ba2+ in host lattice. The excitation spectra of the two emission peaks are range from 250 to 400 nm and both peaking at 360 nm. The effect of the proportion of Ba and Sr, and the Eu2+ doping concentration on the emission intensity were discussed in detail. Different chromaticity coordinates were obtained for each phosphor, that is, the chromaticity coordinates of the designed phosphor is tunable for the white-emitting LED or for special purpose. Quantum efficiency was also examined for the phosphors with different Eu2+ doping concentration, and concentration quenching took place obviously when Eu2+ doping concentration was lager than 6% in mole ratio. The obtained phosphor BaSrMg(PO4)2∶Eu2+ can be excited by near ultraviolet radiation effectively and emit full color lighting, which is a promising single-host white-light-emitting phosphor for white LED.
The present article reports the infrared quantum cutting study of the nanophase oxyfluoride vitroceramics Tb(0.7)Yb(5.0)∶FOV. The visible to infrared fluorescence emission spectra, excitation spectra and fluorescence lifetime were measured carefully. The infrared quantum cutting phenomenon {1([5D4→7F6](Tb3+), 2([2F7/2→2F5/2](Yb3+)} was analyzed based on the above experiments. It was found that the theoretical quantum cutting efficiency is about 121.35% when 5D4 level is excited by 487. 0nm light, and about 136.27% when (5D3, 5G6) levels are excited by 378.0 nm light respectively. Meanwhile, it is first time for the present paper to find a cooperative downconversion phenomenon {2([(5D3, 5G6)→5D4](Tb3+), 1([2F7/2→2F5/2](Yb3+)}. That is, the authors found for the first time that the donor Tb3+ ion releases two pieces of energy [(5D3, 5G6)→5D4] of small energy photon to produce a middle energy photon [2F5/2→2F7/2] of acceptor Yb3+ ion.
The authors have investigated collision vibrational energy transfer rate constants in NaK[1 3Π(ν)] and He system. Pump laser excitation of the spin-forbidden band was used to produce very highly vibrationally excited metastable state NaK[1 3Π(ν=22, 21, 20)]. The probe laser was used to excite the 1 3Π(ν=22, 21, 20) to 5 3Π(ν′). Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) from 5 3Π→1 3Σ+ transition was used to follow the collision dynamics. The semilog plots of time-resolved LIF was obtained. The slopes yielded the effective lifetimes. From such data several Stern-Volmer plots could be constructed and the relaxation rate constants could be extracted for the sum of all processes that give rise to the decay of the prepared vibrational state. The rate constants (in units of 10-11 cm3·s-1) for ν being 22, 21 and 20 are 1.4±0.1, 1.2±0.1 and 1.0±0.1, respectively. The vibrational relaxation rate is increasing with vibrational quantum number. In order to determine the importance of multiquantum relaxation, it is necessary to measure the relative population of both the prepared state and collisionally populated states. By the kinetic equations governing up to Δν=2 transitions, the time dependence of populations of the vibrational states were obtained. With the help of the integrating the population equations over all time, the importance of the two-quantum relaxation could be studied experimentally. By varying the delay between the pump and the probe laser, the He pressure dependent vibrational state specific decay could be measured. The time evolutions and relative intensities of the three states ν=22, 21 and 20 by preparing ν=22 were obtained. Using experimental data the rate constants (in units of 10-11 cm3·s-1) for ν=22→21 and ν=22→20 are 0.67±0.15 and 0.49±0.12, respectively. The single quantum relaxation accounts for only about 48% of the total relaxation out of ν=22. Multi-quantum relaxation (Δν>1) was found to be important at high vibrational states.
Tri-step identification of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) integrated with second derivative spectroscopy and two dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy (2D-IR) were applied to analyze and evaluate the alcoholic extracts and corresponding residues of cistanche deserticola from the surface to what lies behind. It was found that active compounds including phenylethanoid glycosides were enriched effectively after alcoholic extraction and the extract by using 70% of alcohol had the highest concentration compared to the others. The technique of the tri-step identification holistically disclosed the profile of active compounds in cistanche deserticola extracted by a series of concentrations of ethanol and validated the rationality of the traditional alcoholic extraction method. It not only could be used in monitoring the process of the alcoholic extraction and the compositions of the extracts and residues, discriminating micro-differences among them, but also could provide a macroscopic guidance for medicinal and pharmacological studies.
Soilless culture has many virtues, such as space saving, time saving, etc.. It has become one of the technologies which developed fastest in agricultural products. The selection of substrate is one of the keys to determining the success of soilless culture. Therefore, it is important to rapidly determine the parameters of substrate. In the present paper, moisture, electronic conductivity and pH values of substrate were tested by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. The spectra were preprocessed by baseline correction and derivative. Partial least squares (PLS) regression model was built using different wave bands. It was found that baseline drift was improved after correction. NIR spectroscopy can be used to determine EC value of substrate. The correlation coefficient r, root-mean-square error of the cross validation (RMSECV), relative percent difference (RPD) and bias of the optimum PLS was 0.923 6, 634 μs·cm-1, 3.11 and 19.8 μs·cm-1, respectively, when the best wave band was 4 246.7~7 502.2 cm-1 and the best factor was 7. NIR spectroscopy technique can also be used to predict moisture of substrate although the accuracy of model should be improved. However, it can not be used to predict pH value of substrate.
Fast, nondestructive and accurate identification of special quality eggs is an urgent problem. The present paper proposed a new feature extraction method based on symbol entropy to identify near infrared spectroscopy of special quality eggs. The authors selected normal eggs, free range eggs, selenium-enriched eggs and zinc-enriched eggs as research objects and measured the near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra in the range of 12 000~4 000 cm-1. Raw spectra were symbolically represented with aggregation approximation algorithm and symbolic entropy was extracted as feature vector. An error-correcting output codes multiclass support vector machine classifier was designed to identify the spectrum. Symbolic entropy feature is robust when parameter changed and the highest recognition rate reaches up to 100%. The results show that the identification method of special quality eggs using near-infrared is feasible and the symbol entropy can be used as a new feature extraction method of near-infrared spectra.
In quantitative analysis of spectral data, noises and background interference always degrade the accuracy of spectral feature extraction. The wavelet transform is multi-scale decomposition used to reduce the noise and improve the analysis precision. On the other hand, the wavelet transform denoising is often followed by destroying the efficiency information. The present research introduced two indexes to control the scale of decomposition, the smoothness index (SI) and the time shift index (TSI). When the parameters satisfied TSI 0.100 4, the noise of spectral characteristic was reduced. In the meanwhile, the reflection peaks of biochemical components were reserved. Through analyzing the correlation between denoised spectrum and chlorophyll content, some spectral characteristics parameters reflecting the changing tendency of chlorophyll content were chosen. Finally, the partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to develop the prediction model of the chlorophyll content of tomato leaf. The result showed that the predictiong model, which used the values of absorbance at 366, 405, 436, 554, 675 and 693 nm as input variables, had higher predictive ability (calibration coefficient was 0.892 6, and validation coefficient was 0.829 7) and better potential to diagnose tomato growth in greenhouse.
The objective of the present paper is to study the quantitative relationship between the CaO content and the thermal infrared emissivity spectra. The surface spectral emissivity of 23 solid rocks samples were measured in the field and the first derivative of the spectral emissivity was also calculated. Multiple linear regression (MLR), principal component analysis (PCR) and partial least squares regression (PLSR) were modeled and the regression results were compared. The results show that there is a good relationship between CaO content and thermal emissivity spectra features; emissivities become lower when CaO content increases in the 10.3~13 mm region; the first derivative spectra have a better predictive ability compared to the original emissivity spectra.
In the present study, near infrared reflectance spectroscopy(NIRS) was used as a rapid and accurate method to determine the residual of acrylamide monomer in the product of diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride and acrylamide. In this experiment 38 products were used which were self-prepared in the laboratory, then near infrared spectra of the product were scanned, seven bands were selected, the characteristic peaks of each band were used as the independent variables, and the absorption peak was used as the dependent variable, using partial least squares (PLS) method to establish the mathematical conversion near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration model. In the analysis of the spectrum, using wavelet analysis as the method of reducing the noise of spectrum, and with comparison of the simulated value and measured value, the measured value was determined by using UV spectrum, the external validation determination coefficient was found to be 0.99, and the distribution trend forecast was good. Statistics showed that there was no significant difference between simulated value and measured value. The results show that using the calibration model established by the data of near infrared spectroscopy to predict the residual AM monomer in PDA is of high feasibility.
Near infrared spectroscopy(NIR)technique was applied to compare the influence factors of Eucalyptus pellita’s air-dry density. Air-dry density of eucalypt wood was tested by direct measurement. After collecting the near infrared reflectance spectra of samples in different section and with different thickness, moisture content and roughness, the NIR spectra were preprocessed with the second-derivative and the regression models were built in certain spectra. The calibration models were established using 50~140 samples with the partial least squares method and validated with external validation method. The results showed that the predicted results were influenced by sample’s section, thickness, roughness and moisture content. The best near infrared spectroscopy prediction model was built under the condition of transverse section, 2~5 mm thickness, 12% moisture content and meticulous roughness of wood.
In the present paper, DFT method at the B3LYP/6-31++G**(C, H, N, S)/LANL2DZ(Ag) level was used to optimize molecular configurations of p-aminothiophenol. Based on the optimized structure, the normal Raman scattering(NRS) spectrum of PATP and the surface-enhanced Raman scattering(SERS)spectrum of PATP adsorbed on Ag and Ag2 were both calculated, and were compared with the results of other literatures values. The calculation results indicated that a good conformity was found between the computed and experimental results. The results of PATP adsorbed on Ag2 were more approximate to the ever reported experimental data than those of PATP adsorbed on Ag. At the end, detailed analysis of the Raman spectrum and more comprehensive assignments of the vibration mode for p-aminothiophenol were studied by the software of GaussView. In comparison with SERS spectrum and NRS spectrum of PATP molecule, the authors observed the stretching vibration bands in the SERS spectrum at about 213 cm-1, which is due to Ag—S stretching vibration mode. The work in this paper has greatly directive value in understanding and explaining some experiment phenomenon, and helps to study the mechanism of surface-enhanced Raman scattering of PATP.
The CVD-SiC fiber was studied by using laser Raman spectra. It was found that the sharp TO peak exists in the first SiC deposit layer, indicating the larger SiC grains. But the second SiC deposit layer is with small grains. Raman peak of carbon and silicon was detected respectively in the first and second layer. Compared with that of the single SiC fiber, the TO peaks move to the high wave number for the SiC fiber in SiCf/Ti-6Al-4V composite. It indicates that the compressive thermal residual stress is present in the SiC fiber during the fabrication of the composite because of the mismatched coefficient of thermal expansion between Ti-6Al-4V matrix and SiC fiber. The average thermal residual stress of the SiC fiber in SiCf/Ti-6Al-4V composite was calculated to be 318 MPa and the residual stress in first deposit layer is 436 MPa which is much higher than that in the second layer.
The L-theanine was tested using confocal Raman microscopy. Obvious Raman bands were showed in the range of 250~1 700 and 2 800~3 000 cm-1. The Raman bands were assigned with a preliminary analysis and the characteristic vibrational modes were gained in different range of wave numbers. Eight strong Raman bands were observed in the Raman spectra at 321, 900, 938, 1 153, 1 312, 1 358, 1 454 and 1 647 cm-1, respectively. They are the characteristic Raman bands of L-theanine. The results showed that Raman spectroscopy might be a new kind of precise, direct and fast detecting method for theanine.
Laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectrum of S0→S1 transition of 1-methylnaphthalene was obtained in supersonic jet condition. Theoretical calculations were conducted to study the geometry and energy of 1-methylnaphthalene at the ground and first excited state. Geometry optimization for the ground state was performed by DFT/B3LYP methods using 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. CIS/6-311++G(d,p) method was used to study the excited state. The excitation spectrum of 1-methylnaphthalene was assigned with the help of calculated vibrational frequencies and vertical excitation energies predicted by TDDFT method. It was found that the oscillator strength of the S0→S1 transition was enhanced by substituting a hydrogen atom of naphthalene with the methyl group although the Herzberg-Teller vibronic coupling effect still existed.
To analyze the change of optical property of PWS skin during photodynamic therapy, the reflection spectra and fluorescence spectra of PWS skin during PDT treatment were measured using mini-optical fiber spectrograph. The change of reflection spectra and fluorescence spectra were analyzed according to the histological structure of PWS skin and the absorption spectra of the main chromophores in skin (melanin and hemoglobin). The result showed that the spectra changed significantly at the wavelength at which melanin and hemoglobin have high absorption, or at which obvious difference existed in the absorption between HbO2 and Hb. The monitoring of reflection spectra and fluorescence spectra during PDT can provide information about the dynamic change of the optical property of PWS tissue.
A novel β-diketone 1-(4-aminophenyl)-4,4,4-trifluorobutane-1,3-dione(p-NBFA) was synthesized by Classical claisen condensation reaction. With p-NBFA as the first ligand and 1,10-phenanthroline(phen) as the secondary ligand, two new rare earth Eu(Ⅲ), Tb(Ⅲ) ternary complexes were prepared. Elemental analysis demonstrated that the compositions of the complexes were Eu(p-NBFA)3phen and Tb(p-NBFA)3phen. IR spectra indicated that rare earth ions were coordinated with oxygen atoms of the first ligand and two nitrogen atoms of the secondary ligand. UV spectra showed that the main absorption was from the first ligand in the complexes, the secondary ligand was acted as the synergistic coordination. Fluorescence spectra demonstrated that the emission intensity of Eu(p-NBFA)3phen was obviously stronger than that of Tb(p-NBFA)3phen. Further investigation showed that the emission intensity was influenced by the matching situation of energy level between the triplet state of ligand and the emission energy of rare earth ion. In Tb(p-NBFA)3phen, due to that the triplet state energy level of p-NBFA was too near to the energy level of 5D4, then the energy transfered back to the ligand, most of the excitation energy was consumed, so the terbium complex showed lower luminescence intensity and competitive luminescence of p-NBFA also appeared. In Eu(p-NBFA)3phen, the energy level difference was well matched and the emission of europium complex was characteristic and high.
The ZnO∶Eu3+ crystal was prepared via coprecipitation with the starting materials Zn(OOCCH3)2·2H2O, Eu2O3 and NaOH. The X-ray diffraction patterns show that the samples are hexagonal wurtzite structure, No diffraction peaks from europium oxides are detectable. Comparing the ZnO and ZnO∶Eu3+ Raman spectra, the new local vibrational modes were observed in ZnO∶Eu3+. These phenomena show that Eu3+ ions have entered the lattice by doping. The SEM analysis exhibits that ZnO nanoparticles prepared by coprecipitation become smaller with Eu3+ doping. The excitation and emission spectra of ZnO∶Eu3+ sample present a efficient energy transfer process between ZnO and Eu3+ ions.
The method of CTMAB-Al3+-OFLX ternary complex fluorescence microscopic imaging technique was established for the determination of ofloxacin based on the capillary effect of solvent on solid supports, and the concentration in the serum after the chicken was burdened with ofloxacin tablet, the concentration in the human urines and the percentage composition in the honeies, ofloxacin tablets and eye-drops were measured with satisfaction, respectively. In the presence of pH 9.50 NH3-NH4Cl buffer solution and PVA-124, CTMAB-Al3+-OFLX ternary complex can form a self-ordered ring on the hydrophobic supports with the diameter of 1.63 mm and its ring belt width of 50 μm. When a 0.20 μL droplet was spotted, the fluorescence intensity of the ring had a favorable linear relation (r=0.999 2) with the drug concentration in the range of 3.30×10-13~1.65×10-12 mol·ring-1 (0.60~2.98 mg·L-1) and the limit of detection can reach 4.10×10-15 mol·ring-1 (7.41 μg·L-1) with three times of signal to noise ratio. This method has been applied to the average concentration of ofloxacin in the chicken serum with the recovery of 96.4%~101.2% after two hours of being burdened with ofloxacin tablet. Then the technique was applied to the determination of ofloxacin in the three healthy volunteer’s urines after oral administration with recovery of 98.2%~106.1%. It was found that the concentrations of ofloxacin in urines were the highest after three hours of taking medicine; the result was similar to reports in the literature. The residues of ofloxacin in three different honey samples were satisfactorily determined with the recoveries of 98.2%~106.1%, and RSD was less than 2.3%. The contents of active constituent in tablet samples and eye-drops sample were determined with recoveries of 93.5%~101.5% and 95.8%~104.2%, and RSD was 3.5% and 3.6%, respectively, which were similar to marked values.
In order to achieve quick and nondestructive prediction of cucumber disease, a prediction model of greenhouse cucumber downy mildew has been established and it is based on analysis technology of laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum. By assaying the spectrum curve of healthy leaves, leaves inoculated with bacteria for three days and six days and after feature information extraction of those three groups of spectrum data using first-order derivative spectrum preprocessing with principal components and data reduction, principal components score scatter diagram has been built, and according to accumulation contribution rate, ten principal components have been selected to replace derivative spectrum curve, and then classification and prediction has been done by support vector machine. According to the training of 105 samples from the three groups, classification and prediction of 44 samples and comparing the classification capacities of four kernel function support vector machines, the consequence is that RBF has high quality in classification and identification and the accuracy rate in classification and prediction of cucumber downy mildew reaches 97.73%.
The non-local mean denoising (NLM) exploits the fact that similar neighborhoods can occur anywhere in the image and can contribute to denoising. However, these current NLM methods do not aim at multichannel remote sensing image. Smoothing every band image separately will seriously damage the spectral information of the multispectral image. Then the authors promote the NLM from two aspects. Firstly, for multispectral image denoising, a weight value should be related to all channels but not only one channel. So for the kth band image, the authors use sum of smoothing kernel in all bands instead of one band. Secondly, for the patch whose spectral feature is similar to the spectral feature of the central patch, its weight should be larger. Bringing the two changes into the traditional non-local mean, a new multispectral non-local mean denoising method is proposed. In the experiments, different satellite images containing both urban and rural parts are used. For better evaluating the performance of the different method, ERGAS and SAM as quality index are used. And some other methods are compared with the proposed method. The proposed method shows better performance not only in ERGAS but also in SAM. Especially the spectral feature is better reserved in proposed NLM denoising.
Lidar echo signal is a typical non-steady-state, non-stationary signal, and difficult to be dealt with by the traditional filtering methods. As a new signal processing theory proposed in recent years, empirical mode decomposition method can adaptively divide the lidar echo signal into different intrinsic mode function (IMF) components according to different time scale, and noise mainly concentrates in the high-frequency component. However, when filtered with simply removing high frequency component, the useful signal will be possibly reduced. In the present paper, a new method which combines empirical mode decomposition (EMD) with Savitzky-Golay filter is proposed. With experiments, it is indicated that our approach not only removes the noise component effectively but also maintains the useful signal, then will improve the accuracy in the next phase of data processing.
Massive redundant contours happen when the classical Chan-Vese (C-V) model is used to segment remote sensing images, which have interlaced edges. What’s more, this model can’t segment homogeneous objects with multiple regions. In order to overcome this limitation of C-V model, narrow band multiple level set method is proposed. The use of N-1 curves is required for the segmentation of N regions and each curve represents one region. First, the level set model to establish an independent multi-region region can eliminate the redundant contours and avoids the problems of vacuum and overlap. Then, narrow band approach to level set method can reduce the computational cost. Experimental results of remote image verify that our model is efficient and accurate.
Formaldehyde (HCHO) is the most abundant carbonyl compounds that play an important role in atmospheric chemistry and photochemical reactions. Formaldehyde is an important indicator of atmospheric reactivity and urban atmospheric aerosol precursors. In the present paper, the emission of formaldehyde from chemical area was measured using the mobile differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). This instrument uses the zenith scattered sunlight as the light source with successful sampling in the area loop. Vertical column density was retrieved by this system, combined with the meteorological wind field and car speed information, the emission of formaldehyde in the area was estimated. The authors carried out the measuring experiment in one chemical plant in Beijing using this technology. The result showed that the average value of the flux of formaldehyde in this area was 605 kg·h-1 during the measuring period.
In the present study, based on the leaf-level hyperspectral data of MaoZhu, LeiZhu and XiaoShunZhu, We come up with two solutions to discrimination through the theory of non-parametric test and pattern recognition; the first one is that optimal discriminating band between bambusoideae species is extracted by Mann-Whitney non-parametric test, the other is that bambusoideae species is discriminated by the support vector machine. The research results showed that (1) the optimal discriminating band between MaoZhu and LeiZhu is around 503~655, 689~732, 757~1 000, 1 038~1 084, 1 238~1 311, 1 404~1 591, 1 682~1 800, 1 856~1 904, and 1 923~2 500 nm; the optimal discriminating band between MaoZhu and XiaoShunZhu is around 350~386, 731~1 430, 1 584~1 687, and 1 796~1 873 nm; the optimal discriminating band between LeiZhu and XiaoShunZhu is around 355~356, 498~662, 689~745, and 1 344~2 500 nm; and it can eliminate 30.0%, 57.7%, and 35.8% of the invalid distinction between bands by Mann-Whitney non-parametric test method. (2) In these optimal discriminating bands, we found that the accuracy of bambusoideae discrimination is 98.4%, 93.5%, and 95.1%, the generalization accuracy is 93.3%, 90.0%, and 86.7% by sequential minimal optimization algorithm. It indicates that this method is valid for selecting feature band and discriminating bambusoideae species.
In order to overcome the defects of overlapping spectrum and low signal-to-noise ratio in the analysis of the complex mixed solution with the traditional spectral method, the authors introduce hyperspectral technique to the analysis of complex mixed solution in the present article. The hyperspectral technique can use the information of the analytes carried by multi-mode photons to analyze the solution. Compared with the traditional methods that only use the absorption characteristics for analysis, the hyperspectral technique also use the space information to increase the spectral signal-to-noise ratio and to improve the modeling accuracy and reliability. To verify the feasibility of the analysis of complex mixed solution with hyperspectral technique, the authors take Monte Carlo simulation to simulate the distribution of the diffuse light of the Intralipid-Ink model in the range of 650~1 100 nm; the distribution of the diffuse light of the complex mixed solution is obviously different at different wavelengths. It is proved that the hyperspectral technique can use characteristic changes with the wavelengths of the analyte, greatly improve the signal to noise ratio, and has the potential to significantly enhance the ability of the component analysis of complex mixed solution.
The samples were pretreated by controlling PH in the process of Pechini, and after sintering and grind, the nano Eu-doped tungstate with different granularity was obtained in the result. The structure was characterized by XRD, and the diffuse scattering spectra and the crystal microstructure were characterized by HRTEM and spectrometer. It was found from high efficient decomposition of rhodamine that the nano-materials obtained have good catalytic effect of light.
Fluorescence spectroscopy, UV spectroscopy, and multiple UV parameters were applied to determine and analyze the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in water of Taihu Lake, in order to find out the sources and influencing factors of DOM in water from typical areas of Taihu Lake. The results showed that the components of DOM in water from different lake areas displayed some regional characteristics. The contents of macro-molecules matters with complex structures and humic substances in water from sampling points T1 (locates in the inflow river) and T2 (represents Zhu Shan Bay Lake) were in majority. This indicated that these areas were subjected to multiple sources, including biological sources, land-based sources, and domestic sewage. In the meanwhile, the complexities of DOM from sampling points T3 (Meiliang Bay Lake), T4 (Gonghu Bay Lake), and T5 (center of Taihu Lake) were relatively low. And protein-like materials with simple structures were in majority in water from sampling point T6 (East Taihu Lake), which suggested that this area was less influenced by the external environment.
A novel polyoxovanadium borate Mn2[V12B16O52(OH)6](en)2(H3O)6(H2O)5 1(en=ethylenediamine) was hydrothermally synthesized and characterized by IR, two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) correlation spectroscopy with magnetic and thermal perturbation, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. In 1, it is interesting that each [V12B16O52(OH)6]14- units is connected by four [Mn(H2O)2]2+ to generate a 2D layer on the ab plane. Along c axis, these layers are further linked by H-bond to form a 3D framework. The response of the stretching vibrations of B—O, V—O—V and Mn—O—B was detected in the 2D IR correlation spectra with magnetic perturbation. In addition, the response of the stretching vibrations of B—OH, B—O, V—O—V and Mn—O—B was detected in the 2D IR correlation spectra with thermal perturbation.
Aimed at the problem that Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectral analysis can’t be used solely to analyze complex gas mxiture, in which there are many gas compositions, some compositions have same molecular group, and the concentrations of some compositions range greatly, in the present paper, a new spectral analysis method is proposed. For this method, the effects of gas temperature and gas pressure on the analysis result are taken into account, and feature variable extraction, recognition and correction of spectral disorder, robust modeling and multi-layer modeling with neural network (NN) are used to build gas mixture analysis models. At the end of this paper, on-line analysis of five alkane gases is taken as example to test the performance of the analysis method. CH4, C2H6, C3H8, iso-C4H10 and n-C4H10 are taken as object gases while iso-C5H12 and n-C5H12 are looked as disturbing gases. The comparison results that analysis result curves of FTIR overlap that of gas chromatograph indicate that FTIR can be solely used in on-line and in-situ analysis of multicomponent gas mixture with same molecular group if the analysis method presented in this paper is used.
With wet surface modification of kaolinite, composite of PP/Kaolinite/PP-g-MAH was prepared by melt blending process. The kaolinite and composite were characterized by means of Flourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermo gravimetric analyzer (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), and mechanical, thermal performance test. The results indicated that the modifier reacted well with kaolinite and produced synergistic effect well with PP-g-MAH. The tensile strength increased by 10.6%, notched impact strength was better than unmodified kaolinite composite. XRD showed that the diffraction peaks of the composite didn’t change evidently, and kaolinite had heterogeneous nucleation effect and increased the degree of crystallization greatly. The heat distortion temperature of the composite was increased by 18 ℃. SEM analysis showed that the modified kaolinite particles were homogeneously dispersed in the PP matrix, and the modification effect of kaolin was increased.
In order to investigate the application of dyes in the field of textile dyeing, the interaction between pyronine G (PG) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was studied by spectral method. The results showed that the fluorescence quenching of PG appeared when it reacted with the monomer of SDS. A new stronger fluorescence peak was obtained when it reacted with the micelle of SDS. Meanwhile, the influence of Na2SO4 and (NH2)2CO on the interaction between PG and SDS was investigated. The interaction between PG and SDS became stronger in the presence of Na2SO4 but became weaker in the presence of (NH2)2CO. And the interaction mechanism was also discussed by absorption and fluorescence spectra.
The present paper utilizes the absorption data of red tide water measured during the growing and dying course to retrieve imaginary part of the index of refraction based on Mie theory, carries out the simulation and analysis of average absorption efficiency factors, average backscattering efficiency factors and scattering phase function. The analysis of the simulation shows that Mie theory can be used to reproduce the absorption property of Chaetoceros socialis with an average error of 11%; the average backscattering efficiency factors depend on the value of absorption whose maximum value corresponds to the wavelength range from 400 to 700 nanometer; the average backscattering efficiency factors showed a maximum value on 17th with a low value during the outbreak of red tide and the minimum on 21th; the total scattering, weakly depending on the absorption, is proportional to the size parameters which represent the relative size of cell diameter with respect to the wavelength, while the angle scattering intensity is inversely proportional to wavelength.
Miniature mobile field spectrometry is pivotal equipment for qualitative and quantitative in-situ analysis of chemical substances. To solve the problem of spectrum signal interfered by complicated noise, overlapped and irregular peak shape recognition, and quick monitoring, an integrated on-line processing method for spectrometric data based on wavelet transform and Gaussian fitting was developed. In this way, toluene and perfluorotributylamine were processed, and the results shows that the integrated method can powerfully and effectively eliminate the noise, retain the original feature, and correct the overlapped and asymmetrical peaks, which can improve the analysis accuracy of instrument, and also achieve data compression. In addition, the method satisfies the requirement of on-site analysis for mobile field spectrometry. For the processing of mass spectra of toluene, at the characteristic peaks of 91 and 92, the SNR increased 1.3 times compared to that of moving average smoothing method, while the error between original peaks and theoretic peaks decreased 3.6 times. In addition, Gaussian fitting described the multipoint mass spectra data by three Gaussian parameters, and achieved data compression. For the processing of mass spectrogram of perfluorotributylamine, the ratio of compression was 197∶1.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and circular dichroism (CD) were used to investigate the conformational changes of heated whey protein (WP) and the corresponding changes in the hydrolysates immunoreactivity were determined by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results showed that the contents of α- helix and β-sheet of WP did not decrease much under mild heating conditions and the antigenicity was relatively high; when the heating intensity increased (70 ℃ for 25 min or 75 ℃ for 20 min), the content of α- helix and β-sheet decreased to the minimum, so was the antigenicity; However, when the WP was heated at even higher temperature and for a longer time, the β-sheet associated with protein aggregation begun to increase and the antigenicity increased correspondingly. It was concluded that the conformations of heated WP and the antigenicity of its hydrolysates are related and the optimum structure for decreasing the hydrolysates antigeniity is the least content of α-helix and β-sheet. Establishing the relationship between the WP secondary structure and WP hydrolysates antigenicity is significant to supply the reference for antigenicity reduction by enzymolysis.
Based on the spectral characteristic of the detonation temperature, the present paper presents a measurement system of transient multi-wavelength pyrometry with the theory of multi-wavelength thermometry. The FPGA was applied as the hardware developing platform and the high-speed linear CCD was utilized. Each module was controlled by FPGA to achieve the process of real-time data acquisition, storage and transmission. Using the multiple regression analysis method, the dynamic spectral waveforms were calculated. The two laser spectral lines, 630 and 532 nm, were used to calibrate the corresponding pixel sequence numbers and the No.175 and No.270 were confirmed. In this paper, the halide tungsten light was measured. The results show that the system can sample continuous spectrum signal at several different times; the CCD can stably work with 40 MHz clock and the frame scanning frequency can achieve 73 kHz.
Natural disaster is one of the major global issues, and it is an important premise for disaster prevention and reduction to monitor it. In the present paper, multi-temporal HJ-1 images pre- and posto-typhoon Morakot were used. First, radiometric calibration and registration were done, then, decorrelation stretch (DS) was applied, and finally, maximum likelihood classification (MLC) was adopted to extract water body and monitor change of water body caused by typhoon Morakot. The results show that after DS spectral enhancement, the correlations among bands decrease and spectral differences increase, and it is helpful to identify surface features. The accuracy assessment demonstrates that the overall accuracies and Kappa coefficients of four phases are higher, above 96.0% and 0.94 respectively, than that of direct MLC without DS spectral enhancement. It is beneficial to scheduling flood discharge and ensuring the safety of reservoir downstream by comparing extracted multi-temporal water bodies.
Drought was a chronic, natural disaster, and Remote sensing drought monitoring had become a potential research field. In the present, short-wave infrared and red bands which sensitive to moisture variation were selected to monitor farmland drought conditions by analyzing the spectral characteristics of vegetation and soil. The goal of this paper was to provide a new method of drought monitoring——normalized drought monitoring index (NPDI), based on new constructed spectrum feature space by the difference of SWIR and Red and the sum of SWIR and Red. Field surveyed soil moisture verified NPDI model, and the result showed that NDPI and MPDI model could effectively monitor agricultural drought, and that had high correlation with soil moisture. The R2 was 0.583 and 0.438 with soil water of 10 cm. The monitoring effect of NPDI model was better than the MPDI. This model was further improvement to PDI and MPDI, and it could monitor the drought condition of different vegetation coverage and whole growing season. It has high application potential and popularization value.
The present paper primarily studied the feasibility of the measurement of composition concentration in turbid media using response variable transform (RVT) method. With intralipid as the subject, the simulation of Monte Carlo in conjunction with the IAD algorithm and the experiment of double-integrating-sphere system combined with the IAD algorithm were conducted to verify the effectiveness to extract the scattering information. Furthermore, for the feasibility of the scattering coefficient to predict the concentration of intralipid, the results showed that measuring the component concentration in turbid media by means of RVT method is effective and feasible, and the relative error to predict the concentration with the linear relationship between scattering coefficient and concentration of intralipid is less than 10%.
Wood/methylolurea composite was prepared with the in-situ polymerization. The green timber with high moisture content was impregnated by a pulse-dipping machine and then was dried in a hot-press drying kiln. The cross-linking reaction was taken under the heat treatment between the wood modifier and the wood composition, including cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin. The chemical composition was analyzed according to the Chinese standard, including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDXA). The changes in chemical composition of modified wood and carbon and nitrogen element were disused in the research. The results showed that the content of water extraction and benzene alcohol extraction increased 187.43% and 230.87% respectively compared with the natural wood, while the lignin and holocellulose decreased 26.55% and 26.39% respectively. XPS showed that the concentrations of O and C atoms increased 9.4% and N element content increased 137.2%. 13C-NMR analysis showed that chemical reaction of the hydroxyl methyl urea with the hydroxyl in timber structure took place, with the reduction of hydroxyl content and increase in ether bond content. EDXA showed that the processing method can get impregnated modification wood and nitrogen element is evenly distributed in wood cell walls and intercellular space.
In the condition of sodium hydroxide saponification, the test results using direction extraction and precipitation of cerium from P507 loading organic phase by oxalic acid solution were studied. Infared (IR) spectrum, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and thermogravimetry (TG-DSC) were used to study and characterize organic cerium precipitates and the final calcined products. The results showed that organic cerium precipitates and final calcined products were spheric organic cerium coordination and spheric cube CeO2 crystal, respectively, showing their morphologies were successive. IR made out that the structures of organic cerium precipitates and final calcined products were different. TG-DSC indicated that the final calcined products weightlessness was 3.5% and chemical composing was CeO2·1/3H2O.
In order to understand the characteristics of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Harbin City, 46 deposition samples were collected which were taken using bulk deposition samplers during the period of 2008—2009 (about 365 days). The samples were analyzed for heavy metal concentration by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic spectrometry (ICP-AES). The deposition flux was calculated. Sources analysis was made by the method of principal component analysis (PCA), Pearsons and enrichment factor (EF). The following points can be gained through multivariate analysis. Mn and Co are mostly from natural sources while the others may be brought by coal dust, vehicle emissions and metal smelting.
Based on the phase and composition analysis of 56 batches of samples, the present paper showed that hydrozincite, just as smithsonite, should be named as the mineralogical origin of medicinal galamina. Galamina was proved to be polymineral aggregation by electron probe micro-analysis, which was constituted by various mineral particulates, such as hydrozincite, smithsonite, zinc oxide, dolomite, etc. It is hydrozincite but not smithsonite that is the current mainstream mineral of commercial galamina. Both hydrozincite and smithsonite should be calcined to turn into zinc oxide when they were used as medicine. As a provider of medical galamina, essentially the zinc oxide, hydrozincite is appropriate.
Heavy metals as one of major pollutants is harmful to the health of forest ecosystems. In the present paper, the concentrations of thirteen heavy metals (Fe, Al, Ti, Cr, Cu, Mn, V, Zn, Ni, Co, Pb, Se and Cd) were compared between natural and plantation forests in the Mt. Lushan by ICP-AES and atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results suggest that the soil of natural forest had higher concentrations of Fe, Al, Ti, Cu, Mn, V, Zn, Ni, Co, Pb, Se, and Cd than the plantation forest except for Cr. The soil of natural forest had a higher level of heavy metals than that of the plantation forest as a whole. This might be due to that the natural forest has longer age than the plantation forest, and fixed soil heavy metals take a longer period of time than the plantation forest.
Blood lead is a reflection of environment lead in vivo, its concentration could be used to assess lead exposure of environment quantitatively, and its isotopic ratio could be used to fingerprint environment source qualitatively. In the present study, concentrations and isotopic ratios of blood lead (BPb) of four cities in China were measured by ICP-MS for the first time. The regional effects of BPb in four Chinese cities were observed in our study .The BPb levels of industrial cities (Taiyuan and Chengdu) are higher than that of non-industrial cities (Suzhou and Beijing), indicating that industrial pollution remains primary lead contamination factor. The BPb isotopic ratios are diverse with the different character of environment the individuals live in. Food-borne lead probably has replaced the air-borne lead to be the major source of BPb in Beijing. Besides, regional effect of BPb in some developed cities is partly weakened by diversity of vast majority of imported resources.
The contents of K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu and so on in the roots of Paeonia lactiflora Pall and in the soil in which they grew were determined by ICP-AES technique to study the mineral elements utilization of P. lactiflora Pall. The results indicate that the elements utilization rate of P. lactiflora Pall is different in different locations, so the contents of mineral elements in the roots of P. lactiflora Pall and even the quality of medicinal materials coming from them in different locations are different. The contents of Ca, Fe, Zn and so on in Chi Shao in Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia are relatively high. The contents of mineral elements in soil influence not only themselves’ utilization but also other mineral elements utilization of P. lactiflora Pall.
The content of nine mineral elements in the root, stem and leaf of 1~3 years old Scutellaria baicalensis, skullcap tea, and its solution was determined by the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results show that the main mineral elements in the root, stem and leaf are similar. The main mineral elements include K, Ca, Mg, P, Al and Fe. The content ratio of Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, Al, P, Mg, Ca and K in the leaf of Scutellaria baicalensis is 1∶3∶6∶15∶18∶19∶41∶333∶423. The contents of Fe, Mn, P, Mg and Ca in the stems and leaves of Scutellaria baicalensis increase with the increase of cultivation period. There were K, Ca, Mg and other mineral elements in the skullcap tea, and Fe, Zn and Mg were easy to be dissolved, the dissolution rates were 61.8%, 55.4% and 61.4% respectively. This study can provide scientific basis for rational utilization of the above ground resources of Scutellaria baicalensis.
ICP -AES technology was used to determine the mineral elements content of Cistanche deserticola Ma (C. deserticola). The results showed that: (1) At succulent stem stages, the content of K was the highest in 5 macroelements, it can reach to 9.45 mg·g-1, and the proportion for K∶Na∶P∶Ca∶Mg was 12∶3.4∶1.6∶1.4∶1. Among 5 microelements, the content of Fe was the highest and can reach to 97.31 μg·g-1, and the proportion for Fe∶Cu∶Mn∶Zn∶Cu∶B was 25∶3.7∶3.5∶1.2∶1. (2)At reproductive growth stages, the contents of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and B at unearthed stage were significantly higher than that at the underearth stage, especially for the content of Fe and Mn, they can respectively reach to 697.55 and 38.75 μg·g-1 at capsule formative stage. The contents of Fe and Mn at capsule formative stage were almost 7.2 and 8.3 times than that at succulent stem stage. (3) At reproductive growth stages, the aerial part will exclude Na and accumulate P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B. This result of the study will be a scientific basis for evaluating the quality of C. deserticola.
The present study is to investigate the feasibility of multi-elements analysis in determination of the geographical origin of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus, and to make choice of the effective tracers in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus geographical origin assessment. The content of the elements such as Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Cd, Hg and Pb in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus samples from seven places of geographical origin were determined by means of ICP-MS. The results were used for the development of elements database. Cluster analysis(CA) and principal component analysis( PCA) were applied to differentiate the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus geographical origin. Three principal components which accounted for over 89% of the total variance were extracted from the standardized data. The results of Q-type cluster analysis showed that the 26 samples could be clustered reasonably into five groups, the classification results were significantly associated with the marine distribution of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus samples. The CA and PCA were the effective methods for elements analysis of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus samples. The content of the mineral elements in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus samples was good chemical descriptors for differentiating their geographical origins.
The samples were decomposed with HNO3+HCl, and Fe3+-citric acid mix solution was added to eliminate interferences. The elimination and mechanism of tellurium interference with selenium determination by HG-AFS were studied, and the residuary influence of NO-3 and NO-2 was investigated. The interference of ferric trichloride, hydrochloric acid, citric acid and PBH concentration with the fluorescence intensity of selenium was observed by the orthogonal test design combined with the mono-factor test. The detection limit was 0.15 μg·L-1. The relative standard deviation of a solution containing 27.01 μg·L-1 selenium in sample was in the range of 3.1%~4.2% (n=11), and the recoveries of selenium were 96.1%~102.3%. The results obtained were satisfied, and the method was successfully applied to the determination of selenium in high purity tellurium samples.
The present research was aimed at the study of adsorption properties of lead ion on natural sand particle (NSP) by FAAS and at the development of NSP as an adsorbent used in the removal and preconcentration of lead(Ⅱ) ion in aqueous solution by adsorption. Particle structure and size distribution, surface morphology, specific surface area, functional radical of NSP and adsorption properties of lead ion onto NSP and factors which affect the adsorption capacity were analyzed using FTIR, SEM, NSA and FAAS. The adsorption condition such as acidity of solution, flow rate and time etc were optimized. The 5.0 cm×5 mm i.d. separation column was prepared by filling with the NSP as adsorbent. The experimental results showed that under the optimal adsorption conditions, such as the procedure was carried out at room temperature, pH of solution was 6, the flow rate was 2.55 mL·min-1, the maximum adsorption of Pb(Ⅱ) onto NSP as adsorbent was 24.9 mg·g-1. Adsorption rate was 91.5%. Specific surface area and pore size were 7.60 m2·g-1 and 3.91 nm respectively. Using 0.10 mol·L-1 chloride acid for desorption of Pb(Ⅱ), the desorption rate reached 99%. At the same time the adsorption mechanism of Pb(Ⅱ) was studied.
Enteral nutritional powder (VIVONEX) is mainly used to provide nourishment for critical patients and those patients who have just undergone surgical operation. Microelements included in it exert significant influence on the patients’ physical functioning. In the present paper, Enteral nutritional powder was digested with HNO3 by microwave digestion. After that, the content of eight metal elements in it, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn, was determined by FAAS. With the good linear correlations of standard curves (r=0.999 2~0.999 8), the recovery (n=6) ranging from 97% to 103%, and the RSD (n=6) from 0.46% to 1.12%, the method can be applied to simultaneous determination of several metal elements in enteral nutritional powder, and offers advantages of low detection limit, high sensitivity, speediness and accuracy. The determination of metal elements in samples by this method gives satisfactory results. Hence, the method helps to guarantee quality control of this kind of medicine, and supplies statistical evidence for the safety of clinical drug use.
The techniques of portable energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (PXRF), proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) were employed to analyze the chemical composition, structure and mineral constitution of 12 samples. The results indicated that the chemical compositions determined by PXRF and PIXE are well comparable and most samples are constituted by almost pure jadeite with low concentration of secondary elements. One sample contains a little omphacite and one sample is composed only by omphacite. Raman characteristic peaks of jadeite occurred at 201, 372, 698, 985 and 1 037 cm-1, while those of omphacite located at 680 and 1 017 cm-1. By using laser Raman spectroscopy for testing the fissures of the samples, wax in 3 samples and epoxy resin in one sample were found. Raman characteristic peaks of wax located at 2 846 and 2 880 cm-1 and those of epoxy resin occurred at 2 924 and 3 065 cm-1. The application of nondestructive techniques in jadeite jade broadens the range of samples for future study and provides technical support for jadeite jade’s further study, identification and classification.
The major elements in the early neolithic potteries unearthed from Xiaohuangshan site, Zhejiang Province and Jiahu site, Henan Province were determined by energy disperse X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF). The results show that the chemical compositions of the potteries from these two sites possess obvious regional features respectively. Compared with the specimen from Jiahu site, the potteries from Xiaohuangshan site have the common feature of ancient Chinese southern ceramics with high silicon and low aluminum contents. Simultaneously, the chemical composition of Xiaohuangshan pottery samples nearly unchanged from its early stage to the last stage. This phenomenon indicates that the source of the ceramic raw materials of Xiaohuangshan site was stable, and the continuous improvement of its pottery quality was mainly due to the progress in sintering techniques. However, the chemical composition of Jiahu potteries changed a lot in its three different periods. This change occurred because a large number of admixtures were added to the pottery bodies to improve their operating performances. These results also show that the improvements of pottery making techniques in different Chinese areas may have their own evolution directions respectively for the different geographical environments.
A zinc ion fluorescence sensor with imaging was fabricated by using 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol and fluorescent reagent of rhodamine B together as the indication which was immobilized on an tip of gradient index lens by base catalyzed sol-gel method. Combined with improved metallographic microscope and laser, the measurement of zinc ion concentration and the view of sample morphology could be realized simultaneously by this system. The sensor has the linear range of zinc ion concentration from 0.1 to 1 mmol·L-1. Moreover, it has the capabilities of imaging with the whole system’s resolution of 18.73 lp·mm-1. This sensor with the function of imaging has the potential applications in biosensing.
During the spectral imaging course of interference imaging spectrometers, satellite platform’s instability will bring serious impact on the imaging quality. Based on studying the degradation mechanism, a differential dynamic imaging simulation method is proposed here to simulate the process of spectral imaging degradation. And in this method, the mean ratio of doping is put forward, which combines the satellite motion parameters with the impacts on spectral imaging. And the quantitative relationship between them is deduced in detail. With environmental resources satellite as an example, the degraded result is simulated, showing that the vibration affects the spectral imaging not only in the spatial resolution but also in spectrum, with the region of rich species having more serious influence. And through the simulation and analysis, the satellite attitudes’ stability is requested accurately, below which the impacts of satellite vibration on spectral imaging should be significant and it’s necessary to adopt corresponding compensation measures.
A method which uses MOEMS mirror array optical structure to reduce the high cost of infrared spectrometer is given in the present paper. This method resolved the problem that MOEMS mirror array can not be used in simple infrared spectrometer because the problem of imaging irregularity in infrared spectroscopy and a new structure for spectral imaging was designed. According to the requirements of imaging spot, this method used optical design software ZEMAX and standard-specific aberrations of the optimization algorithm, designed and optimized the optical structure. It works from 900 to 1 400 nm. The results of design analysis showed that with the light source slit width of 50 μm, the spectrophotometric system is superior to the theoretical resolution of 6 nm, and the size of the available spot is 0.042 mm×0.08 mm. Verification examples show that the design meets the requirements of the imaging regularity, and can be used for MOEMS mirror reflectance scan. And it was also verified that the use of a new MOEMS mirror array spectrometer model is feasible. Finally, analyze the relationship between the location of the detector and the maximum deflection angle of micro-mirror was analyzed.
The requirements of imaging interferometer visualization is imminent for the user of image interpretation and information extraction. However, the conventional researches on visualization only focus on the spectral image dataset in spectral domain. Hence, the quick show of interference spectral image dataset display is one of the nodes in interference image processing. The conventional visualization of interference dataset chooses classical spectral image dataset display method after Fourier transformation. In the present paper, the problem of quick view of interferometer imager in image domain is addressed and the algorithm is proposed which simplifies the matter. The Fourier transformation is an obstacle since its computation time is very large and the complexion would be even deteriorated with the size of dataset increasing. The algorithm proposed, named interference weighted envelopes, makes the dataset divorced from transformation. The authors choose three interference weighted envelopes respectively based on the Fourier transformation, features of interference data and human visual system. After comparing the proposed with the conventional methods, the results show the huge difference in display time.
In order to not affect the image quality of interference fringes on the basis of the structure by increasing the structure angle of Wollaston prism to improve spectrum resolution, the authors optimized the structure of Wollaston prism. Calculating the function of the splitting angle and the structure angle, analysis indicated that taking the isosceles triangle prism with the same nature of the second wedge-shaped prism after the Wollaston prism, which makes the o and e light parallel to the optical axis, and α=0°, the imaging interference fringes are no longer affected by changes in the splitting angle. Several optimized Wollaston prisms were made as an array to improve the spectral resolution. Experiments used traditional and optimized Wollaston prism array to detect the spectrum of the 980 nm laser. Experimental data showed that using optimized Wollaston prism array gets a clearer contrast of interference fringes, and the spectral data with Fourier transform are more accurate with DSP.