THz time domain spectrum of KH2PO4 crystal in the range from 0.2 to 1.6 THz, the far-infrared spectrum in the range from 50-4 000 cm-1, and ultraviolet-visible-infrared spectrum in the range from 200-2 000 nm were measured at the room temperature. The energy band gap Eg of KH2PO4 Crystal is 5.91 eV. There is a wide band of the phonon absorption in the KDP crystal. The values of the absorption coefficient are 35-80 cm-1 in the range from 0.2 to 205.5 THz. The end of the low frequency of the optical phonon model is smaller than 0.2 THz. The highest frequency νLO of the longitudinal optical phonon model LO is about 205.5 THz, and the force constant K of H—O ionic chemical bond stretch vibration from the ωLO was calculated to be 13.13 N·cm-1.
The soil samples at six different humidities were prepared for studying the influence of soil humidity on laser-induced plasmas. By analyzing the characteristic spectral lines of Pb with the wavelength of 405.78 nm, it was demonstrated that the intensities of spectral line, SNR and RSD are linearly inversely proportional to the soil humidity. Under the approximation of local thermal equilibrium, by analyzing the characteristic spectral lines of Fe within the wavelength range of 400 to 440 nm, the temperature of plasmas was obtained by means of the two-dimensional Boltzmann plane. The experimental results show that the plasma temperature monotonously changes from 11 800 to 7 800 K and the electron density monotonously changes from 3.3×106 cm-3 to 2.8×106 cm-3, when the humidity increases from 0 to 20%.
The characteristic of landscape spectrum is the basic of application of remote sensing and plays an important role in quantitative analysis of remote sensing. However, in spectrum-based application of remote sensing, because the difference of measuring scale and instrument resolution yield serious error in spectral curve and reflectance for the same landscape, there exists difficulty in quantitative retrieval of special information extraction of remote sensing. Firstly, the imaging simulation principles of the optics image was described and proposed A method using field measured endmember spectrum with higher spectrum resolutions to simulate spectrum of Multi-spectrum images with lower spectrum resolution was proposed. In the present paper, the authors take the delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers ocated in the North of Tarim Basin as study area, and choose vegetation and soil as study object. At first, we accomplished the simulation from field measured endmember for multi-spectrum by using the spectral response function of AVNIR-2, and found the large correlation between simulated multi-spectrum and pixel spectrum of AVNIR-2 by using the statistical analyse. Finally, the authors set up the linear model to accomplish the quantitative transformation from edmember scale to pixel scale. The result of this study has the realistic meaning for the quantitative application of remote sensing.
A plasma jet of a dielectric barrier discharge in coaxial electrode was used to produce plasma plume in atmospheric pressure argon. Spatially and temporally resolved measurement was carried out by photomultiplier tubes. The light emission signals both from the dielectric barrier discharge and from the plasma plume were analyzed. Furthermore, emission spectrum from the plasma plume was collected by high-resolution optical spectrometer. The emission spectra of OH (A2Σ+→X2Π, 307.7-308.9 nm) and the first negative band of N+2(B2Σ+u→X2Π+g, 390~391.6 nm) were used to estimate the rotational temperature of the plasma plume by fitting the experimental spectra to the simulated spectra. The rotational temperature obtained is about 443 K by fitting the emission spectrum from the OH, and that from the first negative band of N+2 is about 450 K. The rotational temperatures obtained by the two method are consistent within 5% error band. The gas temperature of the plasma plume at atmospheric pressure was obtained because rotational temperature equals to gas temperature approximately in gas discharge at atmospheric pressure. Results show that gas temperature increases with increasing the applied voltage.
Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) technique has been used to measure trace gases in the atmosphere by their strongly structured absorption of radiation in the UV and visible spectral range, and nowadays this technique has been widely utilized to measure trace polluted gases in the atmosphere e.g. SO2, NO2, O3, HCHO, etc. However, there exists lamp (xenon lamp or deuteriumlamp) spectrum structure in the measured band (300-700 nm) of the absorption spectra of atmosphere, which badly impacts on precision of retrieving the concentration of trace gases in the atmosphere. People home and abroad generally employ two ways to handle this problem, one is segmenting band retrieving method, another is remedial retrieveing method. In the present paper, a new retrieving method to deal with this trouble is introduced. The authors used moving-window average smoothing method to obtain the slow part of the absorption spectra of atmosphere, then achieved the lamp (xenon lamp in the paper) spectrum structure in the measured band of the absorption spectra of atmosphere. The authors analyzed and retrieved the measrued spctrum of the amosphere, and the result is better than the forenamed ways. Chi-square of residuum is 2.995×10-4, and this method was proved to be able to avoid shortcoming of choosing narrowband and disadvantage of discovering the new component of atmosphere in retrieving the concentration of air pollutants and measuring the air pollutants.
A new method using oil atomic spectrometric analysis technology to monitor the mechanical wear state was proposed. Multi-dimensional time series model of oil atomic spectrometric data of running-in period was treated as the standard model. Residues remained after new data were processed by the standard model. The residues variance matrix was selected as the features of the corresponding wear state. Then, high dimensional feature vectors were reduced through the principal component analysis and the first three principal components were extracted to represent the wear state. Euclidean distance was computed for feature vectors to classify the testing samples. Thus, the mechanical wear state was identified correctly. The wear state of a specified track vehicle engine was effectively identified, which verified the validity of the proposed method. Experimental results showed that introducing the multi-dimensional time series model to oil spectrometric analysis can fuse the spectrum data and improve the accuracy of monitoring mechanical wear state.
Y2O3 powders doped with rare-earth ions were synthesized by sol-gel combustion synthesis. Effects of different calcinating temperatures, Er3+ doping concentration and Yb3+ doping concentration were investigated. It was shown that the single well crystallized Y2O3 powders could be obtained at 800 ℃; as the calcinating temperature increased, the crystallinity and upconversion luminescence intensity were higher; the particle size was uniform around 1 μm at 900 ℃; when Er3+ doping concentration was 1 mol%, the green upconversion luminescence intensity reached the maximum, but for red upconversion luminescence, when Er3+ doping concentration was 4 mol%, its luminescence intensity reached the maximum; as the ratio of Yb3+ to Er3+ was 4∶1, the green emission intensity reached the maximum, while the red emission intensity was always increasing as Yb3+ doping concentration increased.
By adding the thulium oxide nanoparticles ( NP) of Gd2O3 and Eu2O3 and Nd2O3 to polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLC), and the transmittances of PDLC and NP-PDLC changing with voltage in visible light was tested, and the thulium oxide modulation for PDLC was studied. The results show that transmittance of Gd2O3-NP-PDLC decreases with increasing voltage when the voltage is less than 10 V. The relaxation phenomenon of the sample appears at 15 V, and its transmittance curve fluctuates slightly around that at 10 V. The transmittance of Gd2O3-NP-PDLC increases rapidly at 20 V, and its filter phenomenon emerges. And the transmittance of Eu2O3-NP-PDLC decreases with increasing voltage, but the decrease is only slight. And the transmittance of Nd2O3-NP-PDLC changes with voltage insignificantly.
Noninvasive detection of temperature with thermography from natural things has been used in many fields and it was attempted to detect the temperature for leaves and branches of trees in the present paper. Leaf and twig temperatures were monitored during the increasing process of temperature under the direct sunshine heating. The difference of specific heat and latent heat from leaves and twigs caused by different water content and transpiration capacity were measured. Not only the leaf temperature, scorch and branch dieback were detected, but the transpiration cooling fail of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) leaves was successfully measured by using thermography. In this study, the local water stress characteristics on sweetgum leaves from specially designed vein severing became special materials for studying the leaf temperature or transpiration failure. The temperature gradient on severed leaf made the thermo image taking easy, with less systematical error. Direct comparison between non-severed lobes and vein-severed lobes on the same leaf lamina makes it more comparable. According to thermography analysis, significant high temperature area was observed and there existed the consistence between high temperature area and the reddened leaf lamina.
A frequency selection method of NIR spectroscopy was proposed in the present paper for discrimination of maize seed varieties. A criterion function was defined to evaluate the discriminative ability of NIR spectroscopy at different frequencies, and then features of maize seed varieties were extracted accordingly for further processing. By eliminating correlation between features at different frequencies, the selected features are guaranteed to contain as much information of inter-variety difference as possible. Also, features with larger variances are preferred to suppress the impact of noise. Experiment results demonstrate that our frequency selection method can achieve high recognition rate with less spectroscopy features than traditional methods. Specifically, a recognition rate as high as 94.16% can be attained with NIR spectroscopy with only 30 frequencies. Simulation results show that recognition rate of NIR spectroscopy at selected frequencies is stable with small disturbance of frequencies, which verifies the robustness of the authors’ method.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis spectra, laser nano size detector (LNSD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were employed to analyze the characters and structure of enzyme and octenyl succinic anhydride modified starch. The results indicated that the enzymatic starch reacted with octenyl succinic anhydride, bringing only octenyl succinic anhydride groups but not any other groups. The esterification of enzymatic starch only took place in amorphous region, but had no effect on the crystal form of starch granule. The clarity of EOSS increased with the increase in substitution degree. The particle size of oil emulsion made by EOSS was fine and well-distributed, meaning that the emulsion has excellent emulsibility and emulsifying stability. The embedding of oil encapsulated with EOSS is fine. It can be concluded that the properties of EOSS is excellent, and can be used as emulsifier and wall material of microcapsule.
Olinda valencia orange leaves dry powder-like were taken as sample, and chemical analysis combined with technology of visible near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis/NIRS) was used, through the treatment process of second derivative spectrum of samples of the original spectrum and denoising (Noise). Meanwhile, method of partial least squares (PLS) and cross-validation were used to establish maths model of Zn concentration which applying band combination composited by 400-500 and 1 201-1 300 nm of characteristic wavelength band. The coefficient of establishing models is 0.997 5, while the coefficient of correlation coefficient of prediction is 0.992 0. The root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of cross-validation is 0.586 8. Therefore, the means using visible near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis/NIRS) and the methods of cross-validation and PLS to establish the spectral correction model reflecting the Zn content in leaves and characteristic wavelength bands can detect the Zn content in citrus leaves quantitatively and quickly.
Elastic net is an improvement of the least-squares method by introducing in L1 and L2 penalties, and it has the advantages of the variable selection. The quantitative analysis model build by Elastic net can improve the prediction accuracy. Using 89 wheat samples as the experiment material, the spectrum principal components of the samples were selected by Elastic net. The analysis model was established for the near-infrared spectrum and the wheat’s protein content, and the feasibility of using Elastic net to establish the quantitative analysis model was confirmed. In experiment, the 89 wheat samples were randomly divided into two groups, with 60 samples being the model set and 29 samples being the prediction set. The 60 samples were used to build analysis model to predict the protein contents of the 29 samples, and correlation coefficient (R) of the predicted value and chemistry observed value was 0.984 9, with the mean relative error being 2.48%. To further investigate the feasibility and stability of the model, the 89 samples were randomly selected five times, with 60 samples to be model set and 29 samples to be prediction set. The five groups of principal components which were selected by Elastic net for building model were basically consistent, and compared with the PCR and PLS method, the model prediction accuracies were all better than PCR and similar with PLS. In view of the fact that Elastic net can realize the variable selection and the model has good prediction, it was shown that Elastic net is suitable method for building chemometrics quantitative analysis model.
The method of near-infrared, attenuated total reflectance infrared and Raman spectroscopy was used for the rapid determination of the content of deltamethrin in agrochemicals. The quantitative models were established by PLS (partial least squares) method and optimized. The independent validation sets were used to evaluate the model accuracy. The determination coefficient R2 and RMSECV of the near-infrared model and mid-infrared model were 0.999 9, 0.022 and 0.999 6 and 0.056, respectively. The accuracy of both was similar. The determination coefficient R2 and RMSECV of Raman were 0.996 7 and 0.172, which exhibits the lower accuracy. The result indicated that near-infrared, mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy can be applied to the rapid determination of the content of the active ingredients precisely, which has an important significance in the on-line determination, analysis on site in the enterprise and the rapid quantitative analysis of agrichemicals in the department of quality monitoring.
Fourier transform attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy(FTIR-ATR)has been a nove1 technical procedure to identify and classify microorganisms in recent years.In the present study, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)in combination with an attenuated total reflection(ATR)unit were used to discriminate important plant-destroying fungi. Mycelia of 17 fungal strains belonging to 14 different species were grown on potato dextrose agar(PDA)plants and subjected to FTIR-ATR measurements. High-resolution and well-reproducibility infrared spectra were obtained, and significant spectral differences among these strains were observed in the wavenumber regions of 1 800-1 485 cm-1, 1 485-1 185 cm-1, and 1 185-900 cm-1.According to the characteristic bands in these regions, cluster analysis was executed to classify the FTIR spectra. The result showed that different fungal strains could be identified correctly, demonstrating the high potential of FTIR-ATR as a tool for fungal strain identification and classification. The method is rapid, inexpensive and reproducible, and requires minimum sample preparation.
Fourier transform-near infrared (FT-NIR) spectra of microorganisms reflect the overall molecular composition of the sample. The spectra were specific and can serve as spectroscopic fingerprints that enable highly accurate identification of microorganisms. Bacterial powders of one yeast and five bacteria strains were prepared to collect FT-NIR spectra. FT-NIR measurements were done using a diffuse reflection-integrating sphere. Reduction of data was performed by principal component analysis (PCA) and two identification models based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and artificial neural network (ANN) were established to identify bacterial strains. The reproducibility of the method was proved to be excellent (Dy1y2: 1.61±1.05-10.97±6.65) and high identification accuracy was achieved in both the LDA model (Accuracy rate: 100%) and the ANN model (Average relative error: 5.75%). FT-NIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) may provide a novel answer to the fields which need for rapid microbial identification and it will have great prospect in industry.
Cooking loss and tenderness are important quality characteristics of fresh pork. To find a rapid, non-destructive and non-contaminated method to measure them, visible/near infrared spectroscopy was proposed for measurement of cooking loss and tenderness of vacuum-packed pork loin. The acquired raw spectra were pretreated by Savisky-Golay smoothing, second derivative and MSC, respectively using the software of Unscrambler 9.6. A total of 104 samples were used in the experiment. The samples were divided into calibration set and validation set. The calibration set was used to set up calibration model and then the model was adopted to predict the samples of validation set. The partial least square regression(PLSR) was used to build calibration model. The results show that the correlation coefficient for cooking loss and shear force are 0.81 and 0.78 respectively. It is feasible and effective that measure cooking loss and shear force of vacuum-packed fresh pork loin using visible/near infrared spectroscopy in interactance mode.
Near infrared spectroscopy combined with pattern recognition techniques were applied to develop a method of fast and nondestructive discrimination between Chinese ginseng and American ginseng. A total of 90 representative ginseng samples including root, fiber and powder were collected. NIR spectra of the samples were obtained directly with wrapped polyethylene packing film. MSC and first derivative were performed after the elimination of notable packing film absorbance in raw spectra. Then the informative wave bands were chosen by moving window partial least-squares regression method. PLS-DA, PCA-DA and SVM discrimination models were founded and their results were compared. SVM was proven to be the most effective method with 100% accurate identification rate for validation set. It indicates that the method founded is precise and convenient and can be practically used in practice for quality control and fast screening of raw herb materials.
A dataset of 310 samples of tablet were obtained by using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) technique, and then the NIR data were used to discriminate the four types of tablets with three scales. Wavelet clustering algorithm, a new unsupervised method, which applied a classical clustering strategy on the suitably chosen subset of wavelet coefficients, was introduced to improve the clustering performance. The optimal wavelet decomposition and wavelet coefficients partition were determined according to the index of discriminant accuracy. The total accuracy rates for laboratory-scale, pilot-scale and full-scale tablets samples were 100%, 100% and 99.2%, respectively, with only one sample misclassified. The overall results indicated that the wavelet clustering was an effective way for the discrimination analysis. NIR combined with wavelet clustering method is surely much more rapid and easier to use, and offers a feasible solution to the quality control of pharmaceutical tablet products.
In the present study, the content of dichlorvos in chlorpyrifos was rapidly determined by mid-infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy. The quantitative models were established by partial least squares (PLS) method and optimized. The independent validation sets and 7 test samples were used to evaluate the model accuracy. The results showed that mid-infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy can accurately determine the content of dichlorvos in chlorpyrifos. The RMSEC (the root mean square error of calibration) of the mid-infrared model and near-infrared model was 0.013 and 0.020, respectively. R2 (determination coefficient) both were 1.000. For 7 test samples, RMSEP before model recalibration is 0.22 (MIRS) and 0.09 (NIRS). The adaptability of the near-infrared model was much better and model updating was unnecessary. To sum up, MIR and NIR are both rapid and easy-operation method with simple pretreatment.
Pressured SF6 gas is widely used in GIS for electrical insulation as well as for arc extinction. And a chemical way for detecting the SF6 and its byproducts is a powerful diagnosis method for GIS. The present paper analyzes the decomposition of insulated gas of GIS (mostly SF6) in three cases with infrared spectrometer. As a result, it was found that the content of S2F10 can be used to decide whether spark or arc discharge leads to the fall down of GIS; CF4 can be used for judging the insulation grade of GIS. Besides, the gas leakage of the GIS should be concerned in the long lifetime of GIS. Finally, it is supposed that a data base containing the history of results from the gas diagnostics for each piece of equipment should be created for future maintenance activities.
The detection of the quality of honey and the differentiation of adulteration are very important for quality and safety assurance. Traditionally used chemical methods were expensive and complicated, therefore they are not suitable for the requirement of wide-scale detection. In the past decade, the detection technology of honey developed with a trend of fast and high throughput detection. Spectroscopy has the fast and non-contact characteristic, and was widely used in petrifaction. This technology also has the potential for application in honey analysis. In the present study, the progress in quantitative and qualitative analysis of honey by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and mid infrared spectroscopy (MIR) is reviewed. The application of this two spectroscopy methods to honey detection refers to several aspects, such as quality control analysis, determination of botanical origin, determination of geographical origin and detection of adulteration. The detailed information of the detection of honey by NIR and MIR spectroscopy was analyzed, containing detection principle, technology path, accuracy, influence factors, and the development trend.
Quantum chemistry ab initio calculation was applied to study the hyperfine structure of ternary alkali phosphosilicates. Restricted Hartree-Fock method (RHF) with the basis sets of 6-31G(d) was employed to optimize geometric structure and calculate Raman spectra of a series of phosphosilicates model cluster structural units. Stress index of tetrahedron (SIT) was introduced to describe and classify the microstructure of ternary alkali phosphosilicates in order to investigate the effect of phosphorus-oxygen tetrahedron on the micro-environment of silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. It was suggested that the calculated vibrational wavenumbers of symmetric stretching vibration of non-bridging oxygen (NBO) depend not only on the species of the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, which was called primary structure units, but also on the linkage of the neighboring tetrahedron and ring types. The phosphorus-oxygen tetrahedron exhibits regulative ability of bond angle and conductive ability of stress, so that the vibrational wavenumbers of silicon-oxygen tetrahedron are insensitive to the bond angle. It demonstrated that vibrational wavenumbers of NBO stretching vibration in the high frequency range show linear relationship with the value of SIT.
The surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy and normal Raman spectroscopy of single living human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells(CNE-1) were tested and analyzed by gold nanoparticles incubation into cells. Six obvious Raman bands (718, 1 001, 1 123, 1 336, 1 446 and 1 660 cm-1)were observed in the normal Raman spectroscopy of living CNE-1 cells. The characteristic Raman bands in the SERS spectra of living cells were tentatively assigned. Colloidal gold particles that were introduced inside cells result in strongly enhanced Raman signals of the native chemical constituents of the cells, and over twenty SERS Raman bands were observed in the SERS spectroscopy of living CNE-1 cells. The Raman lines of 1 026, 1 097, 1 336 and 1 585 cm-1 were assigned to vibrations of the DNA backbone, which confirms that some gold nanoparticles were able to enter the nucleus. The results showed that, based on colloidal gold, the SERS spectroscopy might provide a sensitive and structurally selective detecting method for native chemicals inside a cell, such as DNA and phenylalanine.
Xiuyan, Liaoning was an important locality of jade material of the Red Mountain Culture in the Neolithic Age in Chinese history where there are two types of raw material of nephrite jades, namely gravel nephrite jade (Hemo Yu in Chinese) and old nephrite jade (Lao Yu in Chinese). In the present paper, Laser Raman spectrum technique was applied to analyze the graphite enclaves in the nephrite jades of the two types of materials. The results show that the graphite enclaves in the two types of jades have different characteristics of Raman spectra, indicating that they probably were formed under different geological conditions, or originated from different ore-forming periods or were exploited from different section of ore body. Hence, laser Raman spectrum technique could be used as a supplementary measure for nondestructive detection to determine the occurrence of jades.
The authors studied on self oxidation of linoleic acid and the effect of UV irradiation on oxidation of linoleic by Raman spectroscopy.The result reflects that:the intensity of 1 266 cm-1which stands for CH olenic hydrogen in-plane bend is diminished, and it disappeared at 72 hours after the oxidation beginning.That indicates that double bond was lost or reduced. ν(CC) and the carboxylic acid CO vibrations are lies in 1 658 cm-1. The intensity of 1 658 cm-1 was increased in the beginning and decreased then.At the initial stage in the reaction, rearrangement of carbon chains and the formation of carboxylic acids caused the increasing. Later in the reaction, carboxyl of linoleic acid reacted with the generated hydroxy acids, hydroxy aldehyde. So it decreased. UV irradiation accelerated the oxidation reaction starting, increased the speed of the oxidation reaction. All the result shows that the changes of Raman spectroscopy indecate the changes of bulky group in fatty acid oxidation process and the effect of UV irradiation.It provides an effective research tool for the mechanism of lipid peroxidation reaction.
A novel method for fast recognition of gasoline brands based on the Raman spectroscopy is presented. A classification model on the basis of product gasoline samples with known brands was established. The detailed modeling process includes measurement and pretreatment of Raman spectra of these samples, principal component analysis (PCA) to obtain loading vectors and score vectors of all known samples, and calculating each average score vector for all of the samples with the same brand. For a gasoline sample with unknown brand, first measure and preprocess its Raman spectrum with the same pretreatment algorithm, then calculate its score vector on the above loading vectors and its distances to the average score vectors for different brands, and finally determine the brand of the unknown sample by the minimum distance. For 45 product gasoline samples from different refinery, experimental results show that there are significant distances between different brands in the principal component space, and the above classification model can decide the brand of unknown gasoline samples rapidly and accurately.
During the experiment, diversified proteins were separated from hen egg yolk by ammonium sulphate rapid fractionation, and pure LDL was obtained after filtrating through Sephadex G-200 chromatography. After the qualitative detection of SDS-PAGE, the authors discovered that LDL consists of five major apoprotein. The Raman and infrared spectrum showed CH2 asymmetric stretching and symmetric stretching mode. However, the authors found CO stretching vibrations of protein peptide bonds and N+(CH3)3 asymmetric stretching vibration from the choline group in phospholipids. Laser Raman and infrared spectrum analysis of LDL provided useful information for studying their structure.
In order to fast analyze the benzene concentration in gasoline, a new measure method based on low-resolution dispersive Raman spectroscopy is proposed. There exist strong measurement noise and fluorescence background in dispersive Raman spectra, so the present paper applies the Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter to remove the measurement noise and uses iterative polynomial curve-fitting to reduce the fluorescence background. Based on ridge regression, principal component regression and partial least squares algorithm, three calibration models of the benzene concentration in gasoline are built and validated by a set of gasoline samples from a refinery. Experimental results show that their repeatability and reproducibility can satisfy the accuracy requirement specified by the standards SH/T0713-2002, regardless of applying what kind of calibration models. In addition to its low cost, small size, convenience to use and so on, the fast measure method based on low-resolution dispersive Raman spectroscopy can be widely applied to the routine analysis.
With the merits of doing without sample pretreatment, easy operation, short response time and high sensitivity, Raman spectroscopy technique can acquire samples’ physical chemistry and the deep structure information. It has been widely applied in petrol chemical, biomedicine, geoarchaeology, criminal justice, gem identification, etc. Raman spectroscopy has good application prospect in food quality and safety determination, for its spectra are not extremely sensitive to polar materials such as water. The detection principle, classification and the system composition of Raman spectroscopy technique were introduced briefly. The latest research progress in food constituent analysis and pesticide residue determination by Raman spectroscopy was reviewed. Finally, its key technologies for food quality and safety determination were pointed out and the future research was prospected.
The present paper analyzes the different pump wave theory under the fluorescence decay law, and presents a different pump wave measured fluorescence lifetime of the new method—double-pulse detection method, namely the use of pump pulse and probe pulse for the fluorescence decay methods to measure fluorescence lifetime. By measuring the sample neodymium glass and Cr∶ZnSe crystal fluorescence lifetime, results showed that: using this method can be achieved under different pump wave in visible and near-infrared to the mid-infrared laser medium of the fluorescence lifetime measurement. Therefore, using the measurement method can be convenient and effective to avoid seeking samples by deconvolution for fluorescence lifetime with the cumbersome process of measuring laser medium at different pump wave under the fluorescence lifetime with a reference value.
The diagnosis model of the cucumber diseases and insect pests was established by laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (LICF) spectroscopy technology combined with support vector machines (SVM) algorithm in the present research. This model would be used to realize the fast and exact diagnosis of the cucumber diseases and insect pests. The noise of original spectrum was reduced by three methods, including Savitzky-Golay smoothing (SG), Savitzky-Golay smoothing combined with fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Savitzy-Golay smoothing combined with first derivative transform (FDT). According to the accumulative reliabilities (AR) seven principal components (PCs) were selected to replace the complex spectral data. The one hundred fifty samples were randomly separated into the calibration set and the validation set. Support vector machines (SVM) algorithm with four kinds of kernel functions was used to establish diagnosis models of the cucumber diseases and insect pests based on the calibration set, then these models were applied to the diagnosis of the validation set. According to the best diagnosis accuracy of cross-validation method in calibration set, the parameters of four kinds of kernel function models were optimized, and the capabilities of SVM with different kernel function were compared. Results showed that SVM with the ploy kernel function had the best identification capabilities and the accuracy was 98.3% after the original spectrum noise was reduced by SG+FDT+PCA. This research indicated that the method of PCA-SVM had a good identification effect and could realize rapid diagnosis of the cucumber diseases and insect pests as a new method.
The forest canopy chlorophyll content directly reflects the health and stress of forest. The accurate estimation of the forest canopy chlorophyll content is a significant foundation for researching forest ecosystem cycle models. In the present paper, the inversion of the forest canopy chlorophyll content was based on PROSPECT and SAIL models from the physical mechanism angle. First, leaf spectrum and canopy spectrum were simulated by PROSPECT and SAIL models respectively. And leaf chlorophyll content look-up-table was established for leaf chlorophyll content retrieval. Then leaf chlorophyll content was converted into canopy chlorophyll content by Leaf Area Index (LAI). Finally, canopy chlorophyll content was estimated from Hyperion image. The results indicated that the main effect bands of chlorophyll content were 400-900 nm, the simulation of leaf and canopy spectrum by PROSPECT and SAIL models fit better with the measured spectrum with 7.06% and 16.49% relative error respectively, the RMSE of LAI inversion was 0.542 6 and the forest canopy chlorophyll content was estimated better by PROSPECT and SAIL models with precision=77.02%.
Reflectance spectral curve reveals the unique physical characteristic of different materials. Through spectral match and recognition, different materials could be distinguished. Because of the great amount of spectral data and the ambiguous absorption feature of original spectral curve, feature extraction of reflectance spectral curve is one of the essential techniques in hyperspectral image classification and recognition. Using wavelet decomposition technique, the present paper proposes a new spectral feature extraction algorithm to compress data amount while reserve spectral feature selectively. Through selecting the appropriate decomposition level by measuring the objective absorption feature frequency, the original signal would be projected into a new feature space with less data amount and more obvious objective feature than the original one. The experiments show that the method proposed can reduce the spectrum dimensions effectively and improve the recognition precision with the spectrum matching.
Based on the leaf spectra data measured with LOPEX’93, the authors analyzed the relationship between leaf spectra and leaf biochemical components including leaf chlorophyll and leaf water content. It was showed that leaf chlorophyll was highly correlated with the second derivation of leaf reflectance at wavelengths 700, 670, 600, 500, 490, 440, and 410 nm; similarly, it was also showed that leaf water content was highly correlated with the continuum removed leaf reflectance at wavelengths 2 350, 2 180, 2 130, 2 120, 1 870, and 1 820 nm, which correspond to the absorption features of water in shortwave infrared bands. In addition, the authors found that ND(Normalized Difference) has a higher response to chlorophyll than other spectral indexes and the correlation coefficient is 0.618; Ratio975 has a very high response to water content and the correlation coefficient is up to 0.996. Based on the above evidences, the authors built a model to retrieve leaf chlorophyll and leaf water content through ground measured leaf spectra data and the simulated leaf chlorophyll and leaf water content are very accurate as compared to the ground measurements.
The present paper presents a new alteration mineral mapping method based on statistical analysis of field measured spectra. First of all, this method processes a cluster of measurement data of spectra of field samples, in order to distinguish different sample area from the overall types. Second, the results of the clustering of different mineral alterations established their respective discriminant functions. Thus, mapping major alteration type accords with the clustered reference spectra by given remote sensing images. Finally mapping further alteration types was based on the discriminant function of second step, which leads to final alteration map. This method takes full account of the different combination of alteration types, as well as the regional differences of alterations, and the establishment of the discriminant function for alteration minerals is more scientific. Moreover, the authors accessed the reliability of mapping to a certain extent. The method was applied to a study area of Baogutu in Xinjiang Province, which represents a good result.
More or less principal components often give an over-fit or under-fit quantitative calibration model. In order to avoid over-fit or under-fit in spectra calibration, a principal components selection method based on a modified randomization test is proposed. Three near infrared spectra experiments (the complexity of the sample components in each experiment is increasing by degrees) are introduced in this paper for evaluating the proposed method. The method is compared with the cross-validation method. And the spectra model complexity of how to affect the prediction performance of calibration is discussed. Then the adaptability of this modified randomization test to the uncertainty complex spectra model is also discussed. The results indicate that the proposed method has no process of leaving some samples out like cross-validation does, and all the training samples are considered when selecting principal components, so the problem of over-fit or under-fit can be avoided, which is benefit to improve prediction performance of calibration in spectral analysis. And the modified randomization test method is different with the commonly used randomization test that a simplified criterion is introduced here and it is easy to implement. With the proposed method, the authors can have a visualized and interactive process when selecting principal components. For these three experiments, 4, 5 and 8 selected principal components are employed in calibration respectively and the prediction result is the best for the independent external prediction sets. It is also implied that the proposed method is adaptable to the complex samples with more variables and little samples.
A combinational study of circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence of protein and exogenous fluorescence probe of ANS was made to investigate the conformational change of silk fibroin in methanol-water mixtures as well as the mechanism.The spectral results showed that small hydrophobic regions were formed in silk fibroin in methanol-water mixtures at the concentration lower than 30% (V/V) via hydrophobic interaction, which was decreased at higher methanol content due to a structural transition of silk fibroin from random coil to β-sheet.The conformational change of silk fibroin was found to be of a close relationship with the microstructure of the solvent and to be determined by the interaction between the peptide unit of silk fibroin and the cluster of the mixed solvent.Methanol-water mixture at low concentration had little effect on the solvation of the peptide unit and the conformation of silk fibroin, as a consequence of the fact that the inherent water structure was conserved.The transition from the tetrahedral-like water structure to the chain-like methanol structure, due to the increasing concentration of methanol, induced the conformational change of silk fibroin to eliminate the contact of peptide unit with the solvent molecular.
A novel class-specific molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) beads for sulfonylurea herbicides was synthesized by precipitation polymerization using chlorsulfuron as the template molecule, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA) as the functional monomer, and trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) as the cross-linker. The mechanisms of recognition of MIP beads to the template molecule were evaluated by UV-spectrum and FTIR in the choosing and optimizing polymerization system experiment. The results showed that MIP beads contained the group which could interact with template molecule and its analogue by the hydrogen bonding specifically
This present paper presents a new inversion method of inland water based on spectral matching. First step of this method is using the known water surface measured hyperspectral and the absorption coefficient of each component, and obtaining backscattering coefficient of suspended matter with bio-optical model. The second step is calculation of the spectral reflectance of water bodies based on bio-optical model, through the cross-combination of inherent optical property of water components (chlorophyll, suspended matter, yellow substance), in order to create a look-up table of Rrs that corresponds to all combinations of water component. The third step is changing the look-up table data into MODIS spectral data using MODIS channel response function. The final study examined the applicability of the look-up table using the Hyperspectral and MODIS bands spectra, based on the minimum distance principle, to find the best matched spectra, thus it has found corresponding concentrations of three components. The average relative error of chlorophyll and suspended matter is 38.6% and 28% respectively. Optical properties of water components interfere with each other because of the complexity of inland water bodies, resulting in difficulty to extract the feature band for statistical model, and while it is hard for bio-optical model inversion method to solve the unstable problem of special inherent optical property with the seasons and regional issues, the method of this paper would have the advantages of bio-optical model, while eliminating instability of special inherent optical property, so it is a good approach to inland water retrieval.
Biomass, leaf area index (LAI) and nitrogen status are important parameters for indicating crop growth potential and photosynthetic productivity in wheat. Nondestructive, quick assessment of leaf dry weight, LAI and nitrogen content is necessary for nitrogen nutrition diagnosis and cultural regulation in wheat production. In order to establish the monitoring model of nitrogen richness in winter wheat of growth anaphase, studying the relationship between the nitrogen richness (NR) containing nitrogen density, LAI and leaf dry weight and the difference of hyperspectral reflectance rates (ΔR), we conducted a comparable experiment with five winter wheat varieties under nitrogen application level of 0, 100, 200 and 400 kg·N·ha-1. The results indicated the NRs of the different varieties of winter wheat leaves increased with increasing growth stage while in the different nitrogen levels it was sequenced as: N0>N3>N1>N2. Twelve vegetation indices were compared with corresponding NR. The NR had significantly negative correlation to TCARI and VD672 in those vegetation indices, and their correlations (r) arrived at 0.870 and 0.855, respectively. The coefficients of determination (R2) of two models were 0.757 and 0.731 by erecting model with the two indexes and NR. Root mean square error (RMSE), relative error (RE) and determination coefficient between measured and estimated NR were employed to test the model reliability and predicting accuracy. Accuracy rates of the models based on TCARI and VD672 achieved 84.56% and 80.13%. The overall results suggested that leaf nitrogen status of growth anaphase in winter wheat has stable relationships with some vegetation indexes, especially index of TCARI and VD672.
Soil water content is a key parameter in monitoring drought. In recent years, a lot of work has been done on monitoring soil water content based on hyperspectral remotely sensed data both at home and abroad. In the present review, theories, advantages and disadvantages of the monitoring methods using different bands are introduced first. Then the unique advantages, as well as the problems, of the monitoring method with the aid of hyperspectral remote sensing are analyzed. In addition, the impact of soil water content on soil reflectance spectrum and the difference between values at different wavelengths are summarized. This review lists and summarizes the quantitative relationships between soil water content and soil reflectance obtained through analyzing the physical mechanism as well as through statistical way. The key points, advantages and disadvantages of each model are also analyzed and evaluated. Then, the problems in experimental study are pointed out, and the corresponding solutions are proposed. At the same time, the feasibility of removing vegetation effect is discussed, when monitoring soil water content using hyperspectral remote sensing. Finally, the future research trend is prospected.
Hyperspectral imaging technology is expected as a breakthrough to resolve the lack of objective indicators on the diagnosis of TCM syndrome because of its high sensitivity and including abundant information of the images and spectra. In view of fuzzy and complicated mappings between tongue and syndrome, aiming at the defects of the acquisition methods of tongue information and its processing mode which extracts the features by fragmenting the integrative information, a new idea is proposed that the specific spectral indices pool be extracted after acquiring the hyperspectral data cube of tongue by hyperspectral imaging technology and associating it as a whole because of the overlapping mixing of these characteristic information with syndrome in black-box mode by means of intergration of various linear and nonlinear data mining algorithms. The mechanisms of etiological factor and pathogenesis are analyzed from all angles by synthesis of specific spectral indices pool, clinical physiological and biochemical indicators and TCM indicators. Then a new mode of objective diagnosis for syndromes can be found.
Optical biosensors are becoming an important tool for drug research and life science, and the label-free optical biosensor based on whisper-gallery-mode (WGM) is reviewed in the present paper. The WGM-based sensors are categorized into three types according to the microcavity structure. The biosensor using microsphere got extensive research because of high quality factor, and its response to protein, virus, and bacteria had been studied. The models based on single photon resonant state and perturbation theory were established. The biosensor using microdisk was proposed early since it can make use of mature lithography technology; however, the quality factor was increased greatly only after the thermal reflow process was introduced and single molecule measurement was then realized. The biosensor using microring has simpler mode structure and materials such as polymer, silicon nitride and silicon-on-insulator had been used for sensor fabrication. As a 3-dimension expansion, sensor using microtube can combine the optical channel and fluidic channel, which attracting more and more attention.
The characteristic parameters obtained from UV-Visible spectra of dissolved organic matter (DOM) during composting were studied in the present paper. The results showed that, during composting progress, the non-humic substances were translated into humus substances, and the aromatization, humification degree and molecular weight of the humus substances increased, while the fatty chains linked with the benzene ring structure were cleavaged into carbonyl, carboxyl and other functional groups. The correlation analysis showed that, when DOM concentration (DOC) from all samples was the same, the specific ultraviolet absorbance values at 254 and 280 nm (SUVA254 and SUVA280, respectively), and the area of a spectrum obtained from 226 to 400 nm (A226-400) showed significant positive correlation, furthermore, they were all significantly negatively correlated with the concentration of DOM (DOC), but the correlation between A226-400 and DOC was the best; The ratio between the absorbance value at 253 nm and that at 203 nm (E253/E203) was significantly correlative with SUVA254, SUVA280 and A226-400, though the correlation between E253/E203 and DOC was not as good as the other three characteristic parameters; The ratio between the absorbance value at 250 nm and that at 365 nm (E250/E365) and the ratio between the absorbance value at 465 nm and that at 665 nm(E250/E365) were not correlated with the other parameters. The results showed that, the stability of DOM extracted from chicken manure increased during composting, and the complex ability between DOM and heavy metals enhanced as well; A226-400 reflects the changes of compost maturity best in all UV-Visible spectral absorption parameters studied in this paper.
Compared with the spectral detection method, polarization detection could obtain more information of the target. For example, the polarization detection could be applied to interpret the refractive index and the surface roughness of the object, or retrieve the soil moisture, etc. Polarization detection provides a new approach to quantitative retrieval of soil moisture, and this is very important in agriculture, hydrology, meteorology and ecology. The polarization characteristics of soil surface with low vegetation cover, which is a example of mixed pixel in remote sensing, were researched with experiments, and the relationship between the polarization characteristics and soil moisture was also explored. The results showed that the polarization characteristics of soil surface with low vegetation cover are mainly determined by the area of bare soil, and are strongly relevant with the soil moisture. For the results of experiments in this paper, the DOLP of soil surface with low vegetation cover increased with increasing soil moisture when the viewing angle of instrument was between 20 degree and 60 degree, while the incident angle of light source was fixed at 40 degree. This paper offered a new method to retrieve moisture content of soil with low vegetation cover.
The spectrum and physical-chemical parameters were measured on cotton leaves infected by aphid with different severity levels (SL) at main cotton growth periods. Meanwhile, the reflectance and physical-chemical parameters of cotton leaves infected by aphid were analyzed and compared in different cotton growth periods and varieties. The sensitivity wave bands of cotton leaves infected by aphid were confirmed, and the estimating models of leaves infected by aphid were established. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the spectrum and physical-chemical parameters of cotton leaves infected by aphid. The thickness, water and Chl.b increased, while Chla, Chl.a+b and Cars content decreased in leaves infected by aphid. Besides, in visible region, the reflectance of cotton leaves infected by aphid has shown going up first and then down in different cotton growth periods and varieties with increasing of SL. However, in NIR region, it has shown discrepancy in varieties. The 434-727 and 648 nm can be used as sensitive and optimal aphid-band for cotton leaves. Estimation models for leaves infected by aphid were all in significant correlation. Among all the models, the model of (R1 589-R648)/ (R1 589+R648) had the best estimation precision, RE was the smallest (0.128), and it was commended as best models to estimate SL of leaves infected by aphid. The study provides an experimental reference for monitoring spectrum of cotton infected by aphid with remote sensing in large areas.
Crop biomass is one of the key indicators not only in crop condition monitoring, but also in crop production estimation. With the development of 3S technology, it is feasible to estimate crop biomass at large scales with remote sensing. In the present paper, the researches on crop biomass estimation models with remote sensing were reviewed, and the methods of crop biomass estimation were classified into six categories according to their differences in data source and methodology. The advantages and deficiencies of each method were discussed and analyzed. Finally, the paper presents the prospect of the methods of crop biomass estimation.
A green house experiment was conducted to research the characteristics of tomato canopy spectral reflectance and leaf spectral reflectance under different nutrition treatments, and the relationships between spectral reflectance and the water content, chlorophyll content, as well as nitrogen content were analyzed. Substrate cultivation method was used to grow the plants. The substrate was made from a mixture of peat and vermiculite. Test area was prepared for four levels of nutrition to form nutritional stress. There were 12 seedlings under each nutritional condition and a total of 48 seedlings were planted for the experiment. The canopy reflectance and leaf reflectance were measured by an ASD handheld spectroradiometer and a FT-NIR spectrometer respectively. It was observed that the trend of tomato canopy reflectance was similar to each others. There was a reflection peak at about 550 nm, and the reflectance in the visible light region was lower than that in near-infrared region. The results of analysis also indicated that under different nutrient conditions, canopy spectral reflectance characteristics of tomato took on disciplinary change. At near-infrared bands, the reflectance gradually increased with adding nutrition, while reduced at visible light bands. The leaf spectral reflectance characteristics at near-infrared bands had the similar change with the canopy reflectance. There were four sensitive wavelengths of water at near-infrared bands: about 980, 1 450, 1 930, and 2 210 nm, and the results of single linear regression (SLR) and multi-linear regression (MLR) indicated that the reflectance at these sensitive wavelengths could be used to estimate the water content in tomato leaves. R2 were 0.590 3 and 0.743 7 respectively. NDCI as one of the most important spectral parameter was calculated by the spectral reflectance of 530 and 760 nm, and the result indicated that there existed a good correlation between NDCI and the nitrogen content, with R2=0.751 1. Meanwhile, red edge inflection points were analyzed under four nutrition treatments based on the first derivative of canopy spectral reflectance. The analysis results illustrated that red edge inflection position moved to direction of red light (long wavelength) with the nutrition supply.
Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 (BST) nanopowders doped with Er3+ were prepared by sol-gel method. The absorption spectrum and photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of Er3+∶BST nanopowders was measured at room temperature. Based on the Judd-Ofelt theory, the intensity parameters of Er3+ in BST nanopowders were determined, Ω2=0.993×10-20 cm2, Ω4=1.665×10-20 cm2 and Ω6=0.540×10-20 cm2, and then the values of the line strengths, radiative transition probabilities and branching ratios of Er3+ were calculated. According to the PL spectrum, the emission bands centered at about 522, 545, 654 and 851 nm corresponding to 2H11/2→4I15/2, 4S3/2→4I15/2, 4F9/2→4I15/2, and 4S3/2→4I13/2 transition were observed, and the emission properties were also discussed. The results show that the Er3+∶BST nanomaterials are prospective candidates for applications in new photoelectric devices
The spectral features of ground objects are not only the brief contents of mechanism of remote sensing, but also the important basis in remote sensing application. As one of main components of terrestrial ecosystems, urban forest plays a key role in maintaining urban ecosystem balance. In the present paper, the authors adopted FieldSpec3 portable spectroscope made by American ASD Company, and investigated or examined some spots in the Kangjian park of Shanghai, China. The spectra of euonymus japonicus L.cv, hypericum monogynum, sabina chinensis, ophiopogon japonicus, viburnum awabuki, and buxus sinica were measured. According to the actual conditions, the authors analyzed the data noise characteristic of the spectrum and got rid of the noise with Savitzky Golay method. Meanwhile, differential spectrum technology was used to remove the environmental background influence. Then the authors analyzed their features and variation of these spectral curves from the vegetation canopy and leaf level respectively. The research on spectral reflectance characteristics for urban vegetations is very significant. And the result of this research can be used for the study of physical chemistry performances of urban vegetation, remote sensing retrieval, vegetation classification, vegetation survey and environmental monitoring in urban area.
In pH 7.0 Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4 buffer solution, nanogold particles interacted with the aptamer to form a stable aptamer-nanogold complex that was not aggregation by NaCl. At 80 ℃, K+ and aptamer folded to form a stable G-quadruplex that released nanogold particles, the uncombined nanogold particles aggregated to large nanogold clusters that caused the increase in resonance scattering (RS) intensity at 563 nm in high concentration of NaCl, and the laser scattering showed that the average diameter was 120 nm. In the present paper, the resonance scattering spectral characteristics of K+-ssDNA1-Au, K+-ssDNA2-Au and K+-aptamer-Au systems were investigated, and the structural changes of aptamer were studied by circular dichroism spectral technology. Effects of pH value, NaCl concentration, nanogold concentration, aptamer concentration, and the reactation temperature and time on the resonance scattering intensity were considered in detail. The influence of coexistent substances on the determination of K+ was investigated, result showed that the common heavy metal ions such as Cu2+, Mg2+, Pb2+, Ca2+, Al3+, Zn2+ and Fe3+do not interfere with the determination, and the method has good selectivity. Under the conditions selected, a 0.67-3 350 μmol·L-1 K+ can be detected by the aptamer-nanogold RS assay, with a detection limit of 0.3 μmol·L-1 K+, regression equation ΔI=0.167c-0.7, and a coefficient of 0.993 2. The method was used for analysis of K+ in serum sample with the results consistent with the ion-selective electrode method.
The mechanism of radical generation in HRP-NADH-O2/H2O2 systems and state-change of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was investigated by using ESR and UV measurements, and the novel enzyme-coenzymatic systems were performed to degrade chlorobenzene as a non-phenolic persistent organic pollutants. The UV results showed that compound Ⅲ was produced from HRP oxidized by hydrogen peroxide with the catalysis of NADH, which would generate hydroxyl radical. The ESR results demonstrated the production of ·OH and O-2· in enzyme-coenzymatic system in the presence of O2 or H2O2 with DMPO and POBN as spin-trappers, respectively. In HRP-NADH-H2O2 system, compound Ⅲ was the main state of HRP in the initial 10 min, and then converted to HRP with generating hydroxyl radical; and after the addition of oxygen, the production of hydroxyl radical was promoted rapidly, as 4 times as that of the system in absence of oxygen. The addition of SOD(Zn-Cu) decreased the production of hydroxyl radical significantly, resulting from that SOD eli minated O2 reduction to O-2· by NADH and then inhibited ·OH formation. The results showed that NADH could improve by about 20% enzyme activity of HRP for phenol removal. The removal of chlorobenzene with HRP-NADH-H2O2 and HRP-NADH-H2O2-O2 systems reached 24.6% and 48.2%, respectively, which was much higher than that with traditional enzymatic system (1.42%), showing a promising prospect in proposal of other non-phenol POPs in wastewater.
The DTPA ligand modified by heterocyclic compound and linked through double alkyl ester covalent bond was synthesized by acylation reaction between diethylenetriamine pentaacetic (DTPA) bisanhydride and a novel heterocyclic compound. The corresponding paramagnetic Gd(Ⅲ) complex was gained by the reaction of the DTPA ligand with GdCl3·6H2O. The structure of the ligand and its Gd(Ⅲ) complex was characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR and 1H NMR, and the longitudinal relaxivity (R1) was measured. Besides, the magnetic resonance imaging of the new Gd(Ⅲ) complex in vitro was studied. The result suggested that the stability of the complex was well, and when the Gd(Ⅲ) quantity was identical, the R1 of the Gd(Ⅲ) complex (5.12 mmol·L-1·s-1) was higher than the clinical magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent Gd-DTPA (3.64 mmol·L-1·s-1).
High power YAG laser and MAG arc hybrid source is a promising material processing heat source for future industry application. Diagnosis of the plasma state is critical for better understanding of the coupling effect, application of the source and optimization of the hybrid parameters. Through establishing a hollow probe spectral collecting system, Avaspec-Ft-2 high speed digital spectrometer was applied for collecting the spectral information of hybrid arc plasma. The hollow probe scans the plasma body to acquire the spatial distribution of the YAG laser-MAG hybrid arc spectrum. The radiation intensity in specific spectral zone was acquired for analysis of the radiation variation when the laser beam was hybrid with the MAG arc. High speed photo was also applied for comparison of the plasma with and without laser beam coupling. Furthermore, line spectra of Fe Ⅰ were selected for calculating the electronic temperature of the hybrid plasma with Boltzmann plot method. The results show that energy of the hybrid plasma focused on the weld plate with high intensity and wider acting zone. The electronic temperature increased in the center of the hybrid plasma.
The present paper analyzed the characteristics of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) of metal element Cu in soil using the Nd∶YAG (wavelength: 1 064 nm) laser as the excitation source, where the spectral signals were detected by the highly resolved and wide spectral echelle spectrograph and intensified charge coupled device (ICCD). The time evolution of the characteristic spectral line of Cu was obtained by changing the delay time of ICCD at the same concentration and the gate of ICCD with wavelength of 329.396 nm of Cu as the characteristic spectral line, from which the best delay time 1.1 μs was found. By measuring the intensities of the characteristic spectral line with different Cu concentrations, it was demonstrated that the intensities of the spectral line increased with the concentration of Cu under the condition of low concentration. From the results the LIBS calibration curve of Cu was obtained, and by fitting calculation the detection limit of Cu in soil at 13.36 μg·g-1 was obtained.
In the present study, a method for determination of BrO-3 and Br- using ion chromatograghy coupling with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-MS) was developed. BrO-3 and Br- were separated on a Hamilton PRP X-100(150×4.1 mm, 10 μm)column guarding with a On-guard Ⅱ RP(4×50 mm)column with 10 mmol·L-1 NH4NO3 eluent solution at 2 mL·min-1. By using 200 μL sample loop, the detection limits for BrO-3 and Br- were 0.35 and 0.36 μg·L-1, respectively. BrO-3 had good linearity in the range 4.8 -160.0 ng·L-1. The standard solution linear equation was y=250.31x-45.43, and R2=0.999 9. Br- had good linearity in the range 4.2-140.0 ng·L-1. The standard solution linear equation was y=186.84x-127.10, and R2=0.999 4. Recoveries of spiked samples were 98.9%-109.5% and 97.4%-106.1%, respectively. The samples included various kinds of Chinese patent drugs, waters, and beverages. Among them, 14 bottled drinking waters and 2 kinds of tap waters were found containing BrO-3, while other samples were under BrO-3 detection limit. Br- was detected in all samples.
Determining the content of Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Mg in Potentilla parvifolia Fisch by atomic absorption spectrometry was studied. Recovery and RSD of the method is 98.3%-103.2% and 1.21%-3.01% respectively, and the method is rapid and precise. The order of the content in Potentilla parvifolia Fisch is Mg>Ca>Fe>Mn>Zn >Cu. There is not a relation between altitude and content. The mean of the content of Mg, Ca and Fe is 5 079.641, 2 760.188 and 1 070.297 mg·kg-1 respectively. The result of Potentilla parvifolia Fisch can provide theoretical basis for medicine research.
The preparation of 17 kinds of ceramic standard samples(CSS) is introduced briefly in the present paper, and the experimental results of the sintered CSS by using EPMA and XRF are discussed in detail. The conclusions can be mainly drawn that the CSS, which have high density, low water absorption and good homogeneity of element distribution, have similar phase structure (or matrix) to the bodies of ancient ceramics, and perfectly meet the requirements of being used as ceramic standard samples. This set of CSS are expected to play an important role in x-ray fluorescence spectrometric quantitative analysis of Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, K2O, CaO, TiO2 and Fe2O3 in the body of ancient ceramics and can provide accurate and reliable data for study and identification of ancient ceramics.
Hyper spectrum imager (HSI) loaded on HJ-1A satellite is Chinese first spaceborne hyperspectrum sensor. Since the HSI has no spectrum response function of all channels, the usually used calibration method-reflectance based method has been modified, and a new calibration method is proposed, in which the spectrum response function is neglected. Based on the calibration experiment data of Dunhuang in Aug., 2009, the HSI sensor was calibrated on orbit. The different kinds of spectrum response were constructed based on the formula, and the errors of calibration results with different spectrum response function were analyzed. The results show, expecting for the channels of water vapor and oxygen absorption channel, the influence of spectrum response function in other channel is less than 3%, and the calibration result based on new calibration method can satisfy the application requirement.
An 115-180 nm far ultraviolet limb imaging spectrograph prototype was developed for the detection of the ionosphere. For the particularity of the wavelength band in far ultraviolet, the signals accepted by the instrument are very weak. So the sensitivity and signal-noise-ratio (SNR) are two important performance parameters for the spectrograph. In the present paper, based on the signal statistical detection theory and the threshold detection theory, a method for calculation of the sensitivity and SNR has been proposed. Firstly, the probabilities of the accepted signals and system noises were analyzed. Secondly, the mathematical expressions of sensitivity and SNR of the instrument were deduced by introducing the detection probability factor and the false alarm rate factor. Based on the calculation of the sensitivity and the intensity of the particles radiation wavelengths, it was found that the sensitivity can meet the need of the detection. Finally, the SNR of the instrument were analyzed by using the method, and the coherent experiment was built to prove the results. The error of theoretic calculation and experimental results can be accepted. It indicates that the SNR analysis method is feasible.
In modern dynamics system, the radiant temperature of the flame, which caused by the transient plasma stimulated by high-energy-level electromagnetism field, takes an important role in the description of the flying object’s status as well as cauterization of the trajectory. Due to its extremely high temperature and transient process, the radiant temperature of the flame can hardly be measured through contracted ways, either static ways such as traditional pyrophotometer or CCD arrays. In the present paper, the authors bring forward a novel pyrophotometer based on classical theory of Planck’s law (blackbody radiation law) and multi-channel spectrums radiation method. With this new type pyrophotometer, any spectrum can be selected out from the wavelength of 300 to 860 nm within 2 ns. Also, the application of high-definition diffraction grating and fibers can ensure the accuracy of selected spectrum. The results through a serial of experiments by using this theory as well as high-speed photodetector indicate that this method is valid and accurate for the measurement of the object’s surface’s radiant temperature.