(1) The FinFET shows strong gate control of the channel and reaches a very high breakdown voltage. Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) has been observed in β-Ga2O3 FinFETs, and was found to be the dominant breakdown mechanism in these devices[
Journal of Semiconductors, Volume. 44, Issue 7, 070301(2023)
Vertical β-Ga2O3 power electronics
(1) The FinFET shows strong gate control of the channel and reaches a very high breakdown voltage. Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) has been observed in β-Ga2O3 FinFETs, and was found to be the dominant breakdown mechanism in these devices[
Figure 2.(Color online) The schematic diagram of four kinds of vertical transistors, (a) fin field-effect transistor (FinFET), (b) current aperture vertical electron transistor (CAVET), (c) vertical diffused barrier field-effect transistor (VDBFET), and (d) U-shaped gate trench MOSFET (U-MOSFET).
(4) Annealing at oxygen environment is believed to passivate the oxygen vacancies and compensate for the surface charge from 300 °C to 1000 °C. Compensation of the surface charge not only reduces the image forces lowering but also increases the electron tunneling width, resulting in the increased Schottky barrier height and the reduced reverse leakage current[
(3) By inserting oxidized metal layer like PtOx or PdCoOx in Schottky contact can lead to a higher barrier height, thereby reducing the leakage current density and improving the breakdown characteristics. However, this approach may not be conducive for the turn-on voltage[
(2) The CAVET consists of the highly resistive current blocking layers (CBLs) around the conductive aperture to confine the current path. A robust CBL and a clean dielectric/semiconductor interface are needed for sustaining high reverse voltage and promoting effective/stable channel modulation respectively. Proper designs of doping schemes and aperture conductivity are also vital[
(2) The absence of p-type doping in β-Ga2O3 poses a challenge in the development of power devices. On the one hand, we can use mesa structure or high resistivity region or PtOx/p-NiO-based junction engineering to reduce off-state leakage. On the other hand, optimizing the thermal oxygen process/nitrogen implantation process/in situ epitaxy, studying the leakage mechanism and the formation mechanism of compensating defects will also help.
(1) The breakdown voltage and PFOM of large area devices are far inferior to the small-size devices. The high defect density and severe interface damage greatly affect device performance. To address these issues, techniques such as high aspect ratio ICP etching and BOE surface damage repair can be employed.
β-Ga2O3 possesses a highly promising critical electric field of 8 MV/cm, allowing devices with improved performance compared with other wide bandgap materials[
(1) There are several pre-treatment methods available to ensure a reliable surface before fabricating the Schottky metal. The performance of Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) can be significantly enhanced by employing pre-treatment methods such as piranha, Hydrochloric acid (HCl), acetone, and UV ozone. These methods can lead to improved characteristics, including near-ideal ideality factors and higher breakdown capabilities in SBDs[
After a decade of development, β-Ga2O3 power devices have made great progress so far. However,
(3) The JTE technique is a very effective technique commonly used in commercial Si and SiC devices. The p-type NiO can expand the depletion boundary to reduce the peak electric field[
(2) The high-resistance zone formed by ion implantation or oxygen annealing promotes the spreading of the potential along the surface and suppresses leakage current[
The interface quality is the baseline to ensure the performance of device. However, with the transition of planar junction to cylindrical junction at the edge of anode, the edge electric field crowding effect becomes apparent. Thus the implementation of
(3) The low thermal conductivity is also a big problem. Thinning the substrate combined with double-side packaging or flip-chip packaging may abate this inherent vice. Of course, these problems in the development of gallium oxide power devices still require the efforts of international community to promote the early industrialization of gallium oxide power devices.
(3) In VDBFETs or UMOSFETs, a quasi-inversion conductive channel can be formed at the surface of the CBL under a proper gate voltage[
In summary, the current maximum commercial wafer size is 100 mm, containing an n+ monocrystalline substrate and an n- HVPE epitaxial layer. Increasing the wafer size further would lead to a reduction in the fabrication cost of gallium oxide devices. The development of interface engineering and various edge termination techniques has continually pushed the boundaries of β-Ga2O3 high-performance devices. U-MOSFET shows promise as potential solutions for β-Ga2O3 power transistors, but this structure has many uncertainties such as breakdown voltage and reverse recovery characteristics. In-depth exploration of device physics mechanisms related to interface defects and intrinsic defects is necessary. Reliable soft breakdown and ideal reverse leakage have not been achieved. Additionally, attention should be given to the development of ampere-level diodes/transistors and improving device reliability.
(4) Mesa termination provides a simple and cost-effective method, which the peak electric field can be transfered from contact edge to the mesa corner[
Figure 1.(Color online) The schematic diagram of the roadmap and structures for SBDs. Surface engineering technique (a), and edge termination techniques (b-e) have emerged in recent years.
“The interface is the device” was coined by Nobel laureate Herbert Kroemer. This famous phrase is also applicable to β-Ga2O3 diodes.
(1) The silicon dioxide is commonly used as dielectric for other semiconductors. However, the permittivity of silicon dioxide is relatively low compared to that of β-Ga2O3, making silicon dioxide less prone to experiencing breakdown before β-Ga2O3[
(2) During the device preparation process, the surface of gallium oxide probably adsorbs part of the gas molecule from the surrounding environment. The performance and uniformity of devices can be significantly improved by employing dry etching techniques and minimizing the time exposed to ambient air during the preparation process[
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Guangwei Xu, Feihong Wu, Qi Liu, Zhao Han, Weibing Hao, Jinbo Zhou, Xuanze Zhou, Shu Yang, Shibing Long. Vertical β-Ga2O3 power electronics[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2023, 44(7): 070301
Category: Articles
Received: Jun. 26, 2023
Accepted: --
Published Online: Aug. 7, 2023
The Author Email: Xu Guangwei (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Wu Feihong (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Liu Qi (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Han Zhao (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Hao Weibing (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Zhou Jinbo (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Zhou Xuanze (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Yang Shu (xugw@ustc.edu.cn), Long Shibing (shibinglong@ustc.edu.cn)