Journal of Semiconductors, Volume. 45, Issue 7, 072301(2024)

Implementation of sub-100 nm vertical channel-all-around (CAA) thin-film transistor using thermal atomic layer deposited IGZO channel

Yuting Chen1, Xinlv Duan2, Xueli Ma1、*, Peng Yuan1, Zhengying Jiao1, Yongqing Shen1, Liguo Chai1, Qingjie Luan1, Jinjuan Xiang1、**, Di Geng2, Guilei Wang1、***, and Chao Zhao1
Author Affiliations
  • 1Beijing Superstring Academy of Memory Technology, Beijing 100176, China
  • 2State Key Laboratory of Fabrication Technologies for Integrated Circuits, Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
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    In–Ga–Zn–O (IGZO) channel based thin-film transistors (TFT), which exhibit high on–off current ratio and relatively high mobility, has been widely researched due to its back end of line (BEOL)-compatible potential for the next generation dynamic random access memory (DRAM) application. In this work, thermal atomic layer deposition (TALD) indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO) technology was explored. It was found that the atomic composition and the physical properties of the IGZO films can be modulated by changing the sub-cycles number during atomic layer deposition (ALD) process. In addition, thin-film transistors (TFTs) with vertical channel-all-around (CAA) structure were realized to explore the influence of different IGZO films as channel layers on the performance of transistors. Our research demonstrates that TALD is crucial for high density integration technology, and the proposed vertical IGZO CAA-TFT provides a feasible path to break through the technical problems for the continuous scale of electronic equipment.



    Lately, there has been a significant amount of interests in amorphous oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors (TFTs)[13]. Oxide semiconductors composed of metal compounds such as InSnO, InZnO, ZnSnO, InGaZnO, etc. have been widely studied. By adjusting the atomic ratio in the process of deposition[4, 5], their properties can be modulated. Among these materials, In–Ga–Zn–O (IGZO) is widely recognized as a standard channel layer in flat-panel display field[6, 7]. Additionally, owing to their favorable characteristics such as large area uniformity, low growth temperature, and extremely low off-current consumption, IGZO films are considered as potential channel materials for next-generation BEOL-compatible transistors used in monolithic 3D integration[810].

    Meanwhile, to continuously scale down device size and increase integration density, new device structures are always exploited to optimize device performance[11, 12]. Our previous work proposed a novel vertical channel-all-around (CAA) TFT for 2T0C dynamic-random-access memory (DRAM), which offers superior density advantages[13]. Due to the remarkable merits, such as accurate control of thickness and composition, good step coverage and so on[14, 15], plasma atomic layer deposition (PEALD) was used as the film growth technology to deposit the channel layer, gate insulator, and gate electrode. However, PEALD technology employ O plasma as the oxidant, which has direction performance, and is incapable to achieve excellent groove coverage and uniformity on complex structures with higher aspect ratios. Thermal atomic layer deposition (TALD) employs ozone (O3) as oxidant, which is directionless, and is advantaged over PEALD for achieving better groove coverage. Therefore, exploring TALD IGZO is necessary to provide strong support for the application of IGZO channels in 3D structure devices[16].

    In this work, the physical properties of TALD IGZO films were investigated by changing the sub-cycles number during ALD process. Moreover, the effect of TALD IGZO films as channel layers on the performance of vertical CAA TFTs were also explored. The application of TALD methodology greatly contributed to these excellent device properties of our sub-100 nm IGZO CAA-TFTs. These groundbreaking findings offer insights and guidance for future high-density 3D integration technologies.


    The structure and fabrication process flow for creating an IGZO FET with a CAA structure are illustrated in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b). Initially, a 70 nm Mo bottom source/drain (S/D) electrode was deposited by sputtering techniques and the pattern was subsequently etched by dry etching. Subsequently, we formed a metal/insulator/metal (MIM) structure by sequentially depositing a SiO2 insulation layer (50 nm thick) followed by a Mo top S/D electrode (30 nm thick), also via sputtering processes. To create the vertical channel, we used dry etching techniques to sequentially etch the MIM structure until it formed a hole with a diameter measuring 4 μm. After forming the etched hole, 6 nm thick IGZO channel films were deposited by TALD. Without breaking vacuum conditions within the chamber, we then deposited HfO2 (7 nm thick) to improve the quality of interface between channel layer and gate insulator. Similarly, without breaking vacuum conditions again within the chamber, we proceeded to deposit an InZnO (IZO) film as gate electrode on top of HfO2 film at an ideal thickness of 16 nm. Finally, device isolation was achieved through the dry etching process, resulting in successful fabrication of an IGZO CAA-TFT device. In accordance with the top view of the device, we respectively define critical dimension (CD) and channel width (W) as the diameter and perimeter of the etched hole. Additionally, the channel length (L) relies upon both SiO2 insulation layer thickness and angle specifications of the etched hole, which is 65 nm.

    (Color online) (a) The structure of IGZO TET with a CAA structure; (b) the process flow of CAA IGZO TFT fabrication.

    Figure 1.(Color online) (a) The structure of IGZO TET with a CAA structure; (b) the process flow of CAA IGZO TFT fabrication.

    Results and discussion

    Fig. 2 illustrates the schematic representation of the growth process for IGZO thin films deposited by thermal ALD. In this process, we respectively used (3-dimethylamimopropryl)-dimethyl indium (DADI), trimethylgallium (TMGa) and diethylzinc (DEZn) as the indium precursor, gallium precursor and zinc precursor. Ozone acted as the oxidant. The temperature during ALD process was maintained at a constant value of 250 °C, which resulted in self-limiting behaviors for films with respect to substrate temperature. The growth rate per cycle (GPC) for each sub-cycle was determined by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), yielding values of 0.09 nm/cycle for In2O3 sub-cycle, 0.04 nm/cycle for Ga2O3 sub-cycle, and 0.15 nm/cycle for ZnO sub-cycle. Purge processes were performed using N2 after each precursor deposition step. To control our ALD process effectively, we modulated the cyclic ratios of In : Ga : Zn to be 3 : 1 : 1, 4 : 1 : 1, 5 : 1 : 1, 6 : 1 : 1, and 9 : 1 : 1. This means that within each super-cycle, one sub-cycle of Ga2O3 and ZnO were deposited sequentially, then followed by n (n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 9) sub-cycles of In2O3 on top of ZnO surface. Successive super-cycles were deposited until the set film thickness was reached. For convenience, IGZO films corresponding to different n values are termed as 311, 411, 511, 611, and 911, respectively.

    (Color online) Schematic of the growth process of IGZO thin films.

    Figure 2.(Color online) Schematic of the growth process of IGZO thin films.

    • Table 1. Atomic percentage of IGZO thin films with various In2O3 sub-cycles.

      Table 1. Atomic percentage of IGZO thin films with various In2O3 sub-cycles.

      SampleIn (%)Ga (%)Zn (%)O (%)In/GaZn/Ga

    Before analyzing device characteristics, further investigations focused on examining physical characteristics of IGZO films with various In2O3 sub-cycles. Firstly, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to investigate elemental compositions and oxygen vacancy in IGZO films. The calculated atomic percentages were summarized in Table 1. It is found that, as the In2O3 sub-cycle number increases, the atomic percent of In gradually increases, and that of Zn and Ga gradually decrease. Furthermore, the In/Ga ratio increases from 1.36 to 3.98, while the Zn/Ga ratio almost maintain unchanged. These results indicate that changing the In2O3 sub-cycle number is a suitable path to determine the cationic composition of IGZO films during ALD growth. In order to investigate the effect of oxygen-related defects in different IGZO films, the O 1s spectra were measured and shown in Fig. 3. The O 1s spectra were separated into three correlated sub-peaks through deconvolution, specifically at 529.25 eV for the oxygen bonded to completely coordinated metal ions (M–O), 530.25 eV for oxygen bonded to under-coordinated metal ions (VO), and 531.25 eV for oxygen associated with impurities like hydroxyl groups (O–H)[17]. The respective figure provides the calculated proportions of these three components in relation to the total area. It can be observed that the areal ratio of the VO peak consistently increased as the number of In2O3 sub-cycles rise. This is attributed to a higher incorporation of In than Ga and Zn, which promotes the formation of VO due to In–O having weaker bonding strength compared to M–O bonds where M = In, Ga, Zn[18].

    (Color online) O 1s XPS spectra with deconvoluted sub-peaks of IGZO films with various In2O3 sub-cycles. (a) 311; (b) 411; (c) 511; (d) 611; (e) 911.

    Figure 3.(Color online) O 1s XPS spectra with deconvoluted sub-peaks of IGZO films with various In2O3 sub-cycles. (a) 311; (b) 411; (c) 511; (d) 611; (e) 911.

    Fig. 4 exhibits the changes of carrier concentration, resistivity and hall mobility for 311, 611 and 911 IGZO films. As expected, the carrier concentration increases from 3.1 × 1020 to 5.6 × 1020 cm−3, along with In2O3 sub-cycles increasing from 311 to 911. Previous studies have demonstrated that VO serves as shallow donors in IGZO films and as a source of carriers[19]. Thus, the increase in carrier concentration with In2O3 sub-cycles is consistent with the increase in VO shown in Fig. 3. The hall mobility of IGZO films also exhibited a monotonic increase from 19.4 to 33.2 cm2/(V∙s) as the number of In2O3 sub-cycles increased from 311 to 911. This can be explained by the fact that electron carriers find an effective percolation pathway through the larger atomic radius of In, facilitating enhanced mobility[18]. Consequently, higher levels of In content lead to improved mobility due to easier percolation and reduced effective electron mass[20]. Additionally, the resistivity decreases with an increasing number of In2O3 sub-cycles owing to elevated carrier concentration and hall mobility.

    (Color online) Changes of carrier concentration, resistivity and hall mobility for 311, 611, and 911 IGZO films.

    Figure 4.(Color online) Changes of carrier concentration, resistivity and hall mobility for 311, 611, and 911 IGZO films.

    Based on our analysis about physical properties related to different atom compositions in IGZO films mentioned above, the CAA-TFTs with IGZO as channel films were fabricated, and the electrical properties of the CAA-TFTs were explored. Fig. 5(a) shows the optical microscopic top view of the CAA IGZO FET. Fig. 5(b) shows schematic front view of the CAA IGZO FET, and the red boxed section is observed by TEM, which is shown in Fig. 5(c). As can be seen, each layer demonstrated well-formed structures with flat sidewalls exhibiting nearly vertical slopes, while ensuring uniform deposition on vertical-channel regions. Fig. 5(d) shows energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) mapping of the elemental distributions of each layer. Both TEM image and EDS mapping confirm that ALD technology is highly suitable for multilayer thin film deposition in vertical structures.

    (Color online) (a) Optical microscopic top view of the CAA-TFT structure; (b) schematic front view and (c) cross-sectional TEM image of the CAA-TFT structure; (d) EDS mapping of the elemental distributions of each film layer.

    Figure 5.(Color online) (a) Optical microscopic top view of the CAA-TFT structure; (b) schematic front view and (c) cross-sectional TEM image of the CAA-TFT structure; (d) EDS mapping of the elemental distributions of each film layer.

    Transfer and output characteristics of the 311, 611 and 911 IGZO CAA-TFTs were shown in Fig. 6. Decent switching characteristics can be seen for 311 and 611 IGZO CAA-TFTs, while 911 CAA-TFT is difficult to be turned off originating from the highest carrier concentration of 911 IGZO. VTH was determined to be the gate voltage (VGS), at which drain current (IDS) is 100 pA × (W/L), and VDS is 1 V. The VTH of 311 CAA-TFT and 611 CAA-TFT are –0.5 and –2 V, respectively, consistent with the increasing IGZO carrier concentration from 311 to 611. SS were also extracted from dVGS/dlogIDS, and given in the corresponding graph. The field effect mobility of 311 and 611 IGZO CAA-TFTs are calculated to be 0.003 and 0.009 cm2/(V∙s) according to the following formula, far smaller than their corresponding hall mobility. The field effect mobility (Eq. (1)) may be degenerated by serious scattering causing by various scattering sources, such as HfO2/IGZO such as HfO2/IGZO interface roughness, HfO2/IGZO interface dipole, trapped charge in IGZO or HfO2, and so on. This would lead to small on-current (Ion) and large off-current (Ioff), as well as small Ion/Ioff ratio. Moreover, the output curves displayed some Schottky characteristic indicating poor contact resistance. Therefore, in order to further improve CAA-TFT device performance, process optimizations to reduce these traps and the contact resistance are very essential.

    (Color online) Transfer and output characteristics of (a, d) 311, (b, e) 611, and (c, f) 911 IGZO CAA-TFTs.

    Figure 6.(Color online) Transfer and output characteristics of (a, d) 311, (b, e) 611, and (c, f) 911 IGZO CAA-TFTs.



    In this work, we proposed a novel vertical CAA structure to fabricate IGZO-based thin film transistors, whose channel length is only 65 nm. In order to obtain better step coverage, thermal atomic layer deposition technique (TALD) was developed to deposit IGZO film in the vertical structure. Firstly, we investigated the IGZO film physical properties via XPS by tuning In2O3 sub-cycles during ALD process, including the atomic composition, oxygen vacancy, and OH-related impurity. Then, the corresponding carrier concentration, mobility, and resistivity were obtained by Hall measurement. It can be seen that as the In atomic percent increases, both the carrier concentration and mobility increase, as well as oxygen vacancy. Finally, the TALD IGZO films with different atom compositions were implemented into our short channel CAA-TFTs to explore the impact of IGZO films on the device performance. These findings pave a way to break through the technical problems for the continuous scale of electronic equipment and high-density 3D integration.


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    Yuting Chen, Xinlv Duan, Xueli Ma, Peng Yuan, Zhengying Jiao, Yongqing Shen, Liguo Chai, Qingjie Luan, Jinjuan Xiang, Di Geng, Guilei Wang, Chao Zhao. Implementation of sub-100 nm vertical channel-all-around (CAA) thin-film transistor using thermal atomic layer deposited IGZO channel[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2024, 45(7): 072301

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    Paper Information

    Category: Articles

    Received: Jan. 22, 2024

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Jul. 18, 2024

    The Author Email: Ma Xueli (XLMa), Xiang Jinjuan (JJXiang), Wang Guilei (GLWang)

