Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 53, Issue 8, 20240162(2024)
Image clarification algorithms for atmospheric particulate matter interference: research and prospects (invited)
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Xiyuan LUO, Meng XIANG, Yanyan LIU, Ji WANG, Kui YANG, Pingli HAN, Xin WANG, Juncheng LIU, Qianqian LIU, Jinpeng LIU, Fei LIU. Image clarification algorithms for atmospheric particulate matter interference: research and prospects (invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2024, 53(8): 20240162
Received: Apr. 15, 2024
Accepted: --
Published Online: Oct. 29, 2024
The Author Email: XIANG Meng (