Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 53, Issue 8, 20240162(2024)
Image clarification algorithms for atmospheric particulate matter interference: research and prospects (invited)
Fig. 2. Comparison of other algorithms with bilateral weighted histogram[20]
Fig. 3. Comparison of the other algorithms with the CLAHE + Guided filtering[24]
Fig. 6. Comparison of the effect of other dehazing algorithms and MWTO dehazing algorithm[32]
Fig. 7. Comparison of the effect of other dehazing algorithms and saturation line prior dehazing algorithm[34]
Fig. 11. Comparison of the effect of other dehazing algorithms and LU Z dark channel dehazing algorithm[45]
Fig. 12. Comparison of various other algorithms with NANDAL S anisotropic diffusion algorithm[48]
Fig. 13. Comparison of various other algorithms with NLTV algorithm[50]
Fig. 16. The dehazing result of LIU[57]. (a) Raw image; (b) Dehazed result using the proposed method; (c) Magnified region on the green rectangle A in Fig.(a); (d) Magnified region on the green rectangle B in Fig.(a); (e) Magnified region on the green rectangle A in Fig.(b); (f) Magnified region on the green rectangle B in Fig.(b); (g) Histograms of Fig.(a); (h) Histograms of Fig.(b)
Fig. 17. LIANG's dehazing results[61]. (a) Dehazed color image; (b) Dehazed infrared image; (c) The fusion image of visible light and near-infrared haze images; (d) The fusion image of visible light and near-infrared dehazing images is the final dehazing result
Fig. 18. TIAN’s dehazing results[64]. (a) Raw intensity; (b) Imaging results by M-PDI; (c) Intensity profiles by raw intensity, traditional PI, and M-PDI; (d) Contrast distributions of the object obtained by raw intensity, traditional PI, and M-PDI versus optical thickness
Fig. 19. Images in the corresponding target[65]. (a) Clear water and (b) Turbid condition; (c) Stokes vector elements for the direct measurement (D), separated scatter (B) and target (T); (d) Generation of numerical plots for the direct measurement and separated target
Fig. 21. Comparison of experimental results[66]. (a)-(d) Polarization images corresponding to polarization angles of 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135°; (e) Polarization image with minimum airlight; (f) Polarization image with maximum airlight; (g) Total intensity image; (h) Detection results of Schechner method; (i) Detection results of WANG and LIU’s method
Fig. 22. The restoration result of LIANG[67]. (a) Original hazy image; (b) The dehazing image of Fig.(a); (c) Original hazy image with specular surface scene; (d) The dehazing image of Fig.(c)
Fig. 23. Comparison of various other algorithms with the LIANG Z polarization algorithm[69]
Fig. 24. Comparison of various other algorithms with AOD-Net algorithm[71]
Fig. 25. Comparison of various other algorithms with variational and deep CNN-based dehazing methods[77]
Fig. 27. Comparison of various other algorithms with unsupervised dark channel dehazing methods[85]
Fig. 29. Comparison of various other algorithms with semi-supervised dehazing methods[89]
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Xiyuan LUO, Meng XIANG, Yanyan LIU, Ji WANG, Kui YANG, Pingli HAN, Xin WANG, Juncheng LIU, Qianqian LIU, Jinpeng LIU, Fei LIU. Image clarification algorithms for atmospheric particulate matter interference: research and prospects (invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2024, 53(8): 20240162
Received: Apr. 15, 2024
Accepted: --
Published Online: Oct. 29, 2024
The Author Email: XIANG Meng (