Opto-Electronic Advances, Volume. 7, Issue 2, 230072-1(2024)

Generation of lossy mode resonances (LMR) using perovskite nanofilms

Dayron Armas1, Ignacio R. Matias1,2、*, M. Carmen Lopez-Gonzalez3, Carlos Ruiz Zamarreño1,2, Pablo Zubiate1, Ignacio del Villar1,2, and Beatriz Romero3
Author Affiliations
  • 1Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Department, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona 31006, Spain
  • 2Institute of Smart Cities (ISC), Public University of Navarra, Pamplona 31006, Spain
  • 3Experimental Science and Technology School, Rey Juan Carlos University, Mostoles 28933, Spain
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    Figures & Tables(4)
    Experimental setup used to characterize the sample and cross-section detail of perovskite coating on the coverslips.
    SEM image of the cross section of a coverslips coated with perovskite film: (a) The mean value of the thickness measured on different portions from sample was 114 nm. (b) The mean value of the thickness of the sample 2 was 276 nm. (c) The mean value of the thickness of the sample 3 was 648 nm. (d) XRD pattern of perovskite. (e) Complex refractive index real part (Re N or n) and imaginary part of extinction coefficient (Im N or k) of perovskite obtained from spectroscopic ellipsometry.
    Evolution of calculated LMRs in the transmission spectrums vs. coating thickness and overlay of the experimental LMRs minimums.
    Theoretical and experimental transmission spectra of perovskite thin films with different thicknesses on planar waveguides: (a) 114 nm, (b) 276 nm, (c) 648 nm.

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    Dayron Armas, Ignacio R. Matias, M. Carmen Lopez-Gonzalez, Carlos Ruiz Zamarreño, Pablo Zubiate, Ignacio del Villar, Beatriz Romero. Generation of lossy mode resonances (LMR) using perovskite nanofilms[J]. Opto-Electronic Advances, 2024, 7(2): 230072-1

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    Paper Information

    Category: Research Articles

    Received: May. 5, 2023

    Accepted: Aug. 29, 2023

    Published Online: May. 24, 2024

    The Author Email: Matias Ignacio R. (IRMatias)

