Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 41, Issue 8, 0823003(2021)

Light-Matter Coupling of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors in Micro-Nano Optical Cavities

Xiaoze Liu1,2, Xinyuan Zhang1,2, Shunping Zhang1,2, Zhiqiang Guan1,2, and Hongxing Xu1,2,3、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China
  • 2Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano-Structures of Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China
  • 3The Institute for Advanced Studies Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China
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    Figures & Tables(10)
    Schematics for some fundamental properties of 2D semiconductors. (a) Schematic of atomic structure of TMD MX2[13]; (b) upper: triangular prismatic structure and honeycomb lattice structure of monolayer MoS2; lower: hexagonal structure of valley band of degenerate states (K and K') and selection rule of valley band transition[36]; (c) 2H phase of monolayer TMD hexagonal lattice and SHG under symmetry breaking of spatial inversion[37]; (d) schematic of single photon properties of defect states in 2D materials[38]
    Optical control for 2D semiconductors. (a) Relationship between PL intensity of charged exciton and exciton X0 and gate voltage Vg[72]. Solid line is model curve predetermined by theory; (b) electrical control of SHG resonance intensity with gated voltage[49]; (c) schematic of Zeeman effect under magnetic field for degenerate valley electronic energy band[80]; (d) schematic of Stark effect under ultrafast optical field for degenerate valley electronic energy band[81]
    Fundamental features of 2D heterostructures. (a) Configuration of energy band of type-II heterostructures. Magnified image depicts spatially indirect interlayer exciton[98]; (b) schematic of twist angle-dependent Moiré lattice in 2D heterostructures
    Schematics of various micro/nano-cavities. (a) Schematic of FP optical cavity with two DBRs; (b) schematic of WGM cavity formed by total reflection along ring perimeter; (c) schematic of PCC with photonic crystal defect nanocavity[6]; (d) schematic of PCC of BIC mode[122]; (e) schematic of plasmonic nanocavity[126]
    Schematics of CQED principles. (a) Schematic of coupling process between excitons and cavity photons; (b) schematic of fluorescence enhancement of Purcell effect in weak coupling regime; (c) schematic of anti-crossed exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime. P+ (P-) represents upper (lower) polaritons
    Weak coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and dielectric micro/nano-cavities. (a) Purcell effect of weak coupling between monolayer MoS2 and PCC nanocavity. Purcell effect has polarization dependence on optical cavity[141]; (b) schematic of ultra-low threshold laser of monolayer WSe2 in PCC nanocavity[143]; (c) schematic of monolayer WS2 microdisk laser[144]; (d) schematic of CW near-infrared laser of monolayer MoTe2 nanobeam cavity at room temperature[145]; (e) structural diagram of monolayer WS2 VCSEL[146]
    Weak coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and plasmonic nanocavities. (a) Purcell effect of weak coupling between plasmonic nanocavity and 2D semiconductor for enhancing Raman and fluorescence intensities[149]; (b) control of valley degree of freedom through coupling between plasmonic nanocavity and 2D semiconductor[140]; (c) weak coupling of quantum emitters with defect in monolayer WSe2 and plasmonic nanocavities[69]
    Strong coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and plane FP microcavities. (a) Structural diagram for first demonstration of strong coupling between monolayer MoS2 and FP microcavity at room temperature[155]; (b) structural diagram for strong coupling between monolayer MoSe2 and open FP microcavity[156]; (c) schematic of 2D polarized exciton polaritons with valley degree of freedom in strong coupling regime; (d) schematics of nonlinear optical principles of 2D polarized exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime[161]; (e) optical valley Hall effects based on nonlinear optical response of 2D exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime[162]; (f) structural schematic of open FP microcavity for control of 2D exciton polariton and polaron via carrier concentration in strong coupling regime[163]; (g) structural schematic of sample for realization of electrically pumped 2D exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime[164]
    Strong coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and micro/nano-cavities with different structures. (a) Sample schematic for realizing strong coupling between monolayer WSe2 and plasmonic nanocavity[173]; (b) sample microscopic image with strong coupling between monolayer MoSe2 and plasmonic array[178];(c) sample schematic for the strong coupling between monolayer TMD and one-dimensional PCC[135]; (d) sample schematic with strong coupling between monolayer WS2 and BSW mode in DBR substrate[183]
    Laser generated by coupling between PCC nanocavity and interlayer excitons of 2D semiconductor heterostructures. (a) Sample schematic for lasing actions based on coupling between 2D semiconductor WSe2/MoSe2 heterostructure and one-dimensional PCC nanocavity[184]; (b) schematic for lasing principles based on coupling between 2D semiconductor WSe2/MoS2 heterostructure and two-dimensional PCC nanocavity[185]; (c) left: schematic for measurements of Michelson interferometer; right: interference pattern of indirectly exciton lasing, which indicates spatial coherence of interlayer excitonic laser[184]

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    Xiaoze Liu, Xinyuan Zhang, Shunping Zhang, Zhiqiang Guan, Hongxing Xu. Light-Matter Coupling of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors in Micro-Nano Optical Cavities[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2021, 41(8): 0823003

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    Paper Information

    Category: Optical Devices

    Received: Oct. 13, 2020

    Accepted: Dec. 21, 2020

    Published Online: Apr. 10, 2021

    The Author Email: Xu Hongxing (

