Key Laboratory of Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Materials, School of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi’an 710121, China
High quality β-Ga2O3 single crystal nanobelts with length of 2?3 mm and width from tens of microns to 132 μm were synthesized by carbothermal reduction method. Based on the grown nanobelt with the length of 600 μm, the dual-Schottky-junctions coupling device (DSCD) was fabricated. Due to the electrically floating Ga2O3 nanobelt region coupling with the double Schottky-junctions, the current IS2 increases firstly and rapidly reaches into saturation as increase the voltage VS2. The saturation current is about 10 pA, which is two orders of magnitude lower than that of a single Schottky-junction. In the case of solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation, the photogenerated electrons further aggravate the coupling physical mechanism in device. IS2 increases as the intensity of UV light increases. Under the UV light of 1820 μW/cm2, IS2 quickly enters the saturation state. At VS2 = 10 V, photo-to-dark current ratio (PDCR) of the device reaches more than 104, the external quantum efficiency (EQE) is 1.6 × 103%, and the detectivity (D*) is 7.5 × 1012 Jones. In addition, the device has a very short rise and decay times of 25?54 ms under different positive and negative bias. DSCD shows unique electrical and optical control characteristics, which will open a new way for the application of nanobelt-based devices.
【AIGC One Sentence Reading】:The study presents a dual-Schottky coupling device using ultra-long β-Ga2O3 nanobelts, demonstrating excellent photoelectric properties, especially in solar-blind UV detection.
【AIGC Short Abstract】:The study presents a dual-Schottky-junctions coupling device crafted from an ultra-long β-Ga2O3 single-crystal nanobelt. This innovative device demonstrates remarkable photoelectric properties, particularly under solar-blind ultraviolet light irradiation. With a fast response time and high detectivity, it offers a promising new avenue for nanobelt-based device applications.
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As a typical ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor material, β-Ga2O3 has a large band width (4.4−4.9 eV)[1−4], critical breakdown electric field strength (8 MV/cm) and high Baliga figure of merit (3444)[5−7]. Due to these excellent properties, it has the broad application prospects in power electronic devices and solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) detectors[8−12]. Compared to the bulk materials, β-Ga2O3 nanobelt has the larger surface volume and the higher surface density of states. Therefore, it can carry carriers more effectively and improve the performance of the device[13−15].
At present, β-Ga2O3 nanobelts are synthesized by the various methods including chemical vapor deposition (CVD)[16], gas-liquid-solid method[17], gas phase transmission[18]. Feng etal.[19] grew β-Ga2O3 nanobelts by directly evaporating Ga in a controlled environment. Most of the prepared nanobelts were tens of nanometers in diameter and tens of micrometers in length, and a solar blind UV detector was prepared on a single nanowire which dark current reached the order of pA. Chen etal.[20] prepared Ga/β-Ga2O3 nanowire structure with CVD and deposited gold electrode on it to prepare Au/β-Ga2O3 nanobelt Schottky-junction photodetector. The descent speed of the detector reached 64 ns. Kim etal.[21] developed an ozone-treated β-Ga2O3 nanobelt field-effect tube photodetector with a rejection ratio of more than 8 orders of magnitude.
A large number of studies have shown that Ga2O3 nanobelts have good optical and electrical properties, but up to now the width of the grown β-Ga2O3 is mostly only a few microns and the length direction is limited, which greatly increases the difficulty of device’s preparation and hinders the application process of nanobelts[22, 23]. At the same time, the mainstream junction-type optoelectronic devices of nanobelts are mainly concentrated in Schottky devices with the fast response speed, but these devices also own the large dark-current problem due to the simple structure. Therefore, fabricating large Ga2O3 nanobelts and extending the device to more complex structures should utilize the excellent potential of the nanobelts.
In this paper, ultra-long and ultra-wide Ga2O3 nanobelts were prepared by carbothermal reduction method without catalyst. The width of the grown Ga2O3 nanobelts can reach more than 100 μm. The surface morphology and crystal quality of Ga2O3 materials were analyzed and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, the dual-Schottky-junctions coupling device (DSCD) was fabricated by using the synthesized nanobelt as the N-type channel of the device and Ni/Au as the electrode. The electrical performance of the device was tested, and the effects of different UV light intensities on the device was explored.
β-Ga2O3 nanobelt was obtained by catalyst-free carbothermal reduction. During the growth process which is following the vapor-solid (VS) growth mechanism, the generated Ga2O3 vapor could be directly deposited on the substrate for nuclear growth. Firstly, the corundum boat and plate were ultrasonically oscillated in organic solvent for 20 min, and then the β-Ga2O3 powder with the purity of 99.9% and the carbon nanotubes with the purity of 95% were fully mixed at the ratio of 1 : 1.5. The surface of the boat was covered with three pieces of plate. Nitrogen was introduced into the furnace as as a protective gas. When the temperature of the furnace rose to 900 ℃, the corundum boat was pushed into the central temperature zone of the diffusion furnace and kept for 90 min until the temperature dropped to room temperature. Afterwards, the corundum boat was taken out and the synthesized β-Ga2O3 nanobelts would attach to the corundum plate[23]. SEM, XRD and TEM were used to analyze the surface morphology and crystal quality of the generated β-Ga2O3 nanobelts. Then the nanobelts on the corundum plate were transferred to a beaker containing absolute ethanol, and the beaker was sonicated until the nanobelts were fully dispersed. The dispersed solution was transferred to the SiO2 substrate with a rubber dropper. After lithography and electron beam evaporation processes, Ti/Au (100/50 nm) and Ni/Au (100/50 nm) electrodes were deposited on the β-Ga2O3 nanobelts and then DSCD was prepared. The current−voltage (I−V) and current−time (I−T) characteristics of the device were measured by Keysight B1505 semiconductor characterization system under dark condition and 254 nm UV light with different power densities.
Results and discussion
As can be seen from Fig. 1(a), a large number of nanobelts with the length of about 2−3 mm can be clearly observed. Fig. 1(b) is an enlargement of the yellow dotted box of Fig. 1(a). It shows that these grown nanobelts range from tens of microns to 132 μm. The thickness of these nanobelts is about 100−200 nm. And their surface are very smooth and uniform. Fig. 1(c) shows that the XRD patterns of the obtained nanobelt is corresponding to the β-Ga2O3 standard mode (JCPDS card number: 43−1012) at the peak position. There are no other crystalline phases or impurities in the generated Ga2O3, which indicates that the synthesized nanobelt is monoclinal β-Ga2O3 nanobelt[24]. It can be seen that the grown nanobelt has obvious single-crystal diffraction spots and also presents superstructures from Fig. 1(d). Fig. 1(e) shows the TEM low-magnification image of the nanobelt. It can be observed that the edge of the nanobelt is straight. The surface of the grown nanobelt is neatly arranged as can be seen in Fig. 1(f). The lattice space is 0.286 and 0.293 nm, which corresponds to plane (400) and plane (201) in Fig. 1(c) respectively, and the growth direction is consistent with the theoretical value. No obvious lattice defects and amorphous layers were found in Fig. 1(f), indicating that the grown nanobelt had excellent crystallinity.
Figure 1.(Color online) (a) SEM diagram of synthesized ultra-large nanobelts which are about 2−3 mm in length. (b) The enlargement of the yellow dotted box of (a). Maximum width of these nanobelts is up to 132 μm. (c) XRD pattern of nanobelt. (d) Electron diffraction patterns of selected regions. (e) Low-resolution TEM image of nanobelt. (f) High resolution TEM image of nanobelt.
Figure 2.(Color online) (a) Schematic diagram of device structure. (b) Image of the actual fabricated device. (c) Energy band of Schottky-junction under positive bias. W is the width of depletion layer. (d) I−V curves of Schottky-junctions of S1−O1 and S2−O2, respectively.
In order to study the electrical properties of grown nanobelt, DSCD was fabricated based on β-Ga2O3 nanobelt. Fig. 2(a) shows the schematic diagram of the device structure. Ohmic contacts and Schottky contacts were fabricated on one nanobelt[25]. S1 and S2 are Ni/Au electrodes, which can form Schottky-junctions with β-Ga2O3 nanobelt. O1 and O2 are Ti/Au Ohmic contacts and used to verify whether the Schottky-junction characteristics of S1 and S2 are worked. Although the width and length of the grown nanobelts are relatively large, but they are easy to be broken by ultrasonic vibration, so the width of the nanobelts used for the final preparation of the device is slightly smaller. The final length and width of the nanobelt in the actual fabricated device were 600 and 12 μm, respectively. The space between S1 and S2 was 500 μm. The distance between the two adjacent electrodes of Ni/Au and Ti/Au was 6 μm, and the width of the Ni/Au electrode on the nanobelt was 6.5 μm.
To verify the formation of good Schottky-junctions between Ni/Au electrodes (S1 and S2) and Ga2O3, the forward biases were applied to S1−O1 and S2−O2 electrode pairs to test their I−V curves.
Equations for the current I of Schottky diode is:
where A is the area through the current flows, J0 is the reverse saturation current density and I0 is the reverse saturation current. V is the applied voltage. n is the ideal factor. A* and T are the ideal Richardson constant and temperature, respectively. In the Eq. (1), I0 is mainly affected by the barrier height qφB0. In Fig. 2(c), when the forward bias is applied, the electron barrier height on the Ga2O3 side decreases, so the electrons in the Ga2O3 flood into the positive electrode, and the current will increase exponentially. Fig. 2(d) shows the experimental I−V curves between electrodes S1−O1 and S2−O2 at room temperature. The two I−V curves present the consistent Schottky diode characteristics. Under the forward bias, the current of the device reaches about 2.3 nA at 10 V. The small current indicates that the electron density Nd of the nanobelt is very low, which is caused by less oxygen vacancies and also verifies the good quality of the Ga2O3 nanobelt further[26, 27].
Since S1 and S2 electrodes form two Schottky-junctions with Ga2O3 nanobelts, they can constitute a DSCD. In a sense, DSCD is like a bipolar transistor with the floating base. Here, S1 and S2 can be the emission region or collector region, and Ga2O3 nanobelt serves as the base region. Then S1 and S2 can be biased at VS1 and VS2 respectively to drive the device operation. Fig. 3(a) shows the experimental IS2−VS2 curve of DSCD under the condition of grounded S1. IS2 which is the current at S2 begins to increase rapidly when VS2 is larger than 1 V (A−B stage). Once VS2 is beyond 2.5 V, IS2 enters the saturation state (B−C stage). DSCD shows obvious transisitor-like current saturation characteristics, and its saturation current is maintained at about 10 pA. DSCD presents the IS2 curve very different from IS2O2 curve of a single Schottky-junction device, and IS2 is much smaller than IS2O2 as shown in inset of Fig. 3(a). The physical mechanism of above phenomena is shown in Fig. 3(b). When no bias is applied to S2 (VS2 = 0 V), its Fermi level EFM2 is equal to the Fermi levels of S1 and Ga2O3, EFM1 and EFN, respectively. In this case there should be no current flowing in the device as shown in the upper part of Fig. 3(b). When VS2 > 0 V, EFM2 decreases, as shown in the bottom part of Fig. 3(b). This results in a high EFN relative to EFM2, which positively biases the junction S2, so that electrons are rapidly extracted from Ga2O3 into S2 to form IS2. As the electrons in the Ga2O3 region are transported to the S2 region, the energy band EFN decreases. This results in EFM1 being higher than EFN and then the formation of their differernce ΔE1. This time, the Schottky-junction formed at S1 is in the reversed biased and electrons enters into the Ga2O3 region to form IS1. According to Eq. (1), regardless of the direction of current, IS1 and IS2 at the two junctions are as follows:
Figure 3.(Color online) (a) Experimental IS2−VS2 curve of DSCD in the case of VS > 0 V. (b) Schematic diagram of energy band of device with grounded S1. The upper part is the case of VS = 0 V. The bottom part is the case of VS > 0 V. (c) Experimental IS1−VS1 curve when S2 is grounded. (d) Band diagram when VS2 is negative. (e) Experimental IS2−VS2 curve in the case of VS2 < 0 V.
Based on the principle of continuity of current, IS1 = IS2:
According to Eq. (5), as ΔE1 increases to 60n meV, , ΔE2 will reach the maximum value ΔE2max, thus:
This means that as VS2 continues to increase, the base conduction band and EFN near S2 are lower, so ΔE1 continues to increase, while ΔE2 will remain constant after increasing to the maximum ΔE2max.
Based on Eqs. (3), (4), and (7), IS2 is as:
According to Eq. (8), the A−B stage of IS2 in Fig. 3(a) begins to increase with the increase of VS2. After ΔE1 increases to 60n meV, IS2 changes little with the increase of VS2 and enters a saturated state. The saturation value of IS2 is I0 which is about 10 pA, as shown in the B−C stage in Fig. 3(a). Theoretically, the reverse current IS1O1 of S1 junction in the inset of Fig. 2(d) should be basically I0. Compared with IS2 of DSCD which rapidly enters the saturation state, the current IS2O2 of single Schottky-junction increases exponentially with the positive VS2 as shown in Eq. (1). As a result, IS2 of DSCD in the semilogarithmic coordinates in Fig. 3(a) is more than two orders of magnitude smaller than IS2O2 of single Schottky-junction at 10 V. To verify the above mechanism, the bias-setting conditions of S1 and S2 are exchanged. Namely, S2 is grounded and VS1 is scanned. So the IS1−VS1 curve should then take on a similar shape as the IS2−VS2 curve. Fig. 3(c) shows that IS1 really increases with the increase of VS1, and finally enters the saturation state with magnitude of 11 pA. Due to the saturation current of DSCD in foward VS2 is only several pA and the off current is about 10−14 A, so the current ratio of on/off is about 102. Further, according to the above mechanism, if S1 is grounded and a negative bias is applied to S2 (VS2 < 0 V), electrons should flow from S2 to Ga2O3, which causing the Fermi level EFN to rise as shown in Fig. 3(d). So the S1 junction is positively biased, which makes the electrons flow into the S1 region from Ga2O3 region. And then IS2 should be negative. If the above inference is correct, the current direction is opposite and the IS2 curve should also be similar to the case of VS2 > 0 V. Fig. 3(e) exactly shows that with the increase of |VS2|, the current |IS2| increases rapidly and then enters saturation. Additionally, the current of DSCD is much smaller than that composed of single Schottky-junction, which may be due to the coupling between two Schottky-junctions and the floating Ga2O3 base region.
As mentioned above, the floating Ga2O3 base region plays a special role in modulating the current. So when the device is under the solar-blind UV light, the photogenerated electrons in the Ga2O3 base region must cause the change of the energy band. If S1 is ground and VS2 = 0 V, EFM1 and EFM2 are equal and there should be almost no dark current in the device[28]. However, the accumulation of photo-generated electrons Δng0 in the base region during 254 nm UV light illumination will definitely cause the entire energy band to shift upwards, and then induce ΔEFN which is the change of EFN. The relationships between them are as follows:
where G is the generation rate of photo-generated electrons and τn is the lifetime of excess electrons.
From Eq. (10), as Δng0 increases, EFN will be higher than EFM2, which makes both S1 and S2 Schottky-junctions form a positive bias effect. As shown in Fig. 4(a), these photogenerated electrons will cross the potential barrier and enter the S2 region to form IS2[29]. Therefore, the measurement of I−V characteristics can directly focus on the change of current caused by photogenerated electrons generated by UV light in the base region. Fig. 4(b) shows the experimental IS2−T curve when UV light power densities P is 709 μW/cm2. It can be seen that IS2 has a good consistency. The current is approximately 2 × 10−14 A when UV light is off, and the photocurrent increases to 2 × 10−13 A when UV light is on. This result is basically consistent with the above hypothesis, which means that the photogenerated electrons can indeed interact with the floating base region. Furthermore, when the bias is applied to VS2, the photogenerated electrons will be coupled with VS2, and affect the current of the device more significantly[30]. Fig. 4(c) shows the IS2−VS2 curve under different power densities of solar blind UV light. Compared with the dark condition, the IS2 increased significantly with the increase of P from 405, 709, 1023 to 1820 μW/cm2. This result is attributed to the positive bias applied to VS2, which decreases EFN as shown in Fig. 4(d) and thus causes the S1 junction to reverse bias to form a depletion region with width of W:
Figure 4.(Color online) (a) Schematic diagram of energy bands and current generated by photogenerated electrons at VS2 = 0 V. (b) Experimental I−T curve under UV switching conditions at VS2 = 0 V, (c) I−V curves of different power densities of 254 nm solar-blind UV light irradiation. (d) Energy band diagram of the device under UV light at VS > 0 V. (e) Comparison of IS2O2, IS1O1 and IS2 under UV illumination. (f) The relationship of P and IS2 under different VS2.
where ND is the electron concentration of Ga2O3 nanobelts and Vbi is the self-established potential.
UV light produces a large number of photogenerated electrons in W. At the same time, the neutral region also produces some photogenerated electrons. These two photo-generated electrons flow towards S2 to form a photo-current Iph:
In Eq. (12) the first term is the photocurrent generated in the depletion region, and the second term is the photocurrent generated in the neutral region. Lp is the diffusion constant of the hole. Where α is the UV light absorption coefficient of Ga2O3, h is Planck's constant, and ν is the UV wavelength.
Since IS2 = IS1 + Iph and IS1Iph, IS2 can be derived:
As can be seen from Eq. (14), at the same light intensity, the depletion region W increases with the increase of VS2, so these photogenerated electrons are rapidly pushed to S2, making IS2 increase rapidly, as shown in Fig. 4(c). According to Eq. (13), G increases with the increase of P, so it appears in Fig. 4(c) that IS2 increases with P. When P is very large, the photogenerated electrons Δng is very large, which makes IS2 rise faster. Especially when VS2 enters the high voltage stage, W will become larger, which leads to a large number of photogenerated electrons Δng accumulation in the conduction band valley near S2. Therefore, S2 becomes positively biased and the recombination effect near S2 becomes significant, where the recombination rate Re of residual carriers is[31]:
According to Eq. (15), the increase of Re induced by quite a lot of Δng hinders the increase of G and promotes it to stabilize. So Iph reaches saturation after a rapid increase, which in turn causes IS2 to enter a saturated state. This result can be seen in Fig. 4(c) that IS2 enters a saturated state at around 7.5 V when P is 1820 μW/cm2.
In order to further verify the mechanism of current generation caused by photogenerated electrons, Fig. 4(e) shows the comparison between the current of S1−O1 single Schottky-junction at reverse bias mode and S2−O2 single Schottky-junction at forward bias mode under 1820 μW/cm2 UV light. It can be seen that the IS1O1 is very small, which further validates the IS1rIph condition in Eq. (12). Although IS2O2 is close to IS2, but it is still smaller than IS2. The reason is that the DSCD also has the depletion region W of the S1 junction compared with the single Schottky-junction device, so more electrons are generated and the current is larger. The difference between the two currents ΔI in Fig. 4(c) reflects the contribution of W to the current. In addition, under the UV irradiation of 1820 μW/cm2 in Fig. 4(c), the photo-to-dark current ratio (PDCR) of the device at 10 V exceeds 104, which is far higher than PDCR of 102 of the single Schottky-junction IS2O2 before and after illumination, indicating that DSCD has good UV response characteristics. Fig. 4(f) shows the relationship between the power densities of UV light P and IS2 at different voltages. It shows that the larger P is, the greater the change of IS2 under different bias voltages (VS2 = 6, 8, 10 V). At the same UV power density, the higher VS2 is, the greater the change of IS2 after irradiation is.
Figs. 5(a) and 5(b) show responsivity R (0.74, 0.96, 1.34, 3.31 A/W), PDCR (5.48 × 102, 1.097 × 103, 2.196 × 103, 1 × 104), External quantum efficiency EQE (3.6 × 102%, 4.7 × 102%, 6.5 × 102%, 1.6 × 103%), Detection rate D* (1.67 × 1012, 2.15 × 1012, 2.99 × 1012, 7.42 × 1012 Jones) under the different P from 405, 709, 1023 to 1820 μW/cm2 at V2 = 10 V. It can be seen that R, PDCR, EQE and D* increase with the increase of UV light intensity[32, 33].
Figure 5.(Color online) Photoelectric parametes at VS2 = 10 V under different P. (a) PDCR and R. (b) EQE and D*.
Fig. 6(a) shows the IS2−T curves with different VS2. Note that the larger the positive and negative bias are, the larger the photocurrent IS2 is. The rise and decay times are the critical indexes for the photoelectric detector[34, 35]. Fig. 6(b) shows the rise and decay times of IS2 with different forward biases. The rise time under the VS2 positive bias of 2, 4, 5 and 10 V ranges from 36 to 52 ms, and the decay time ranges from 43 to 55 ms. Fig. 6(c) shows the rise time of 30−35 ms and the decay time of 25−28 ms under VS2 negative bias from −2, −5, −7 to −10 V. The rise and fall times are very short in both cases, which indicates that the device has excellent solar blind UV light response characteristics[36]. From Fig. 6(d), it is found that when the UV light is turned off, IS2-off does not return to the value of dark current IS2-dark. This is because of the large Δng0 generated in on-state, which rapidly undergoes recombination process when UV light is turned off. However, During Re process, the photogenerated electrons does not completely disappear, and Δng1 still existed, so IS2-off with a certain value would still be remained, as shown in Fig. 6(e). Moreover, when VS2 is larger, Δng1 is larger, so the IS2-off in Fig. 6(a) is larger. Fig. 6 (f) extracts the IS2-on and IS2-off from Fig. 6(a). It shows that both of IS2-on and IS2-off have a nearly linear relationship with VS2:
Figure 6.(Color online) (a) Experimental I−T curves with different VS2 under 709 μW/cm2 UV irradiation. (b) and (c) Rise and decay time curves under conditons of VS2 > 0 V and VS2 < 0 V, respectively. (d) Schematic diagram of current of UV light turn-on and turn-off cases. (e) Schematic diagram of recombination process of generated-electrons during turn-off time. (f) Relationships between IS2 and VS2 during UV light turn-on and turn-off conditions.
Here, a and c are the slopes of IS2-on and IS2-off lines. They are 1.186 × 10−10 and 6.231 × 10−11, respectively. ΔIS2, the corresponding difference between IS2-on and IS2-off, also increases linearly with VS2, and its slope is 5.63 × 10−11.
In this paper, high quality and ultra-wide and ultra-long Ga2O3 single crystal nanobelt were prepared by catalyst-free carbothermal reduction method. The results of SEM, XRD and TEM show that the prepared nanobelts are β-phase single crystals. The DSCD was fabricated based on the grown ultra-long nanobelt. Compared with the single Schottky-junction device the current of which increases exponentially with the increase of voltage, DSCD quickly enters the saturation state with the increase of applied bias, and the saturation current is only 10 pA, which has good output current characteristics. When the device is irradiated by UV light, the Ga2O3 region generates photogenerated electron−hole pairs and accumulates electrons. This leads to the upward shift of the floating base region EFN and then reduces the height of the Schottky barrier where the electrons reach the S2 region, and then the output current increases. As the power density of UV light increases, the current increases and becomes saturated soon. DSCD has a rise and decay time of 30−50 ms under different VS2, and has good solar-blind UV light response characteristics. Under 1820 μW/cm2 UV light, the PDCR of the device is more than 104, R is 3.31 A/W, EQE is 1.6 × 103%, and D* is 7.5 × 1012 Jones at VS2 = 10 V. This paper should be beneficial to the preparation of devices and related chips based on β-Ga2O3 nanobelts.
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