Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, Volume. 39, Issue 6, 927(2022)

Review of co-phasing error detection for synthetic aperture imaging system based on deep learning

Huimin MA1、*, Lei TAN1, Jinghui ZHANG2, Pengfei ZHANG3, Xiaomei NING1, Haiqiu LIU1, and Yanwei GAO1
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    MA Huimin, TAN Lei, ZHANG Jinghui, ZHANG Pengfei, NING Xiaomei, LIU Haiqiu, GAO Yanwei. Review of co-phasing error detection for synthetic aperture imaging system based on deep learning[J]. Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2022, 39(6): 927

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    Paper Information

    Received: Jul. 3, 2022

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Mar. 5, 2023

    The Author Email: Huimin MA (

