Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 7 Issue 1
13 Article(s)

Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 1 (1980)
  • Ji Zhong, and Qun Li

    The historical process and some aehievements in the field of laser science and teohnology in China are presented briefly.First of all,an epitome is given to the readers,and then the entire process of the development of the first ruby laser in our country is revealed.It is shown that various types of lasers were developed in competition during 1960’s,and laser application researches emerged one after ano- ther in 1970’s,moreover,an urgent appeal for enhancing the fundamental res- earch was made.A typical laboratory is introduced.The opto-eleotronio industry in pregnancy attracts wide attention.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 1 (1980)
  • Qiu Peihua, Zhao Jiran, Cheng Shuqin, Wang Wenyao, and Gao Fuyan

    The nonlinear two-photon absorption of Nd ions in Nd-doped laser glasses was studied with single picosecond laser pulses from a mode-locked Nd glass laser.With the aid of ex- periments and theoretioal oaleulations,we obtained the cross section for two-photon absor- ption of Nd ions σ=(6.16±1.1)×10-33cm4/W,the nonlinear absorption coefficient r= (1.65±0.29)×10-12cm/W and profiles for the function relationship between the optical intensity and the transmissivity.The peak output intensity for Nd glass amplifiers is limi- ted by two-photon absorption.It was determined experimentally that the maximum peak intensity of the amplifiers is Imax=(4.15±0.73)×1010W/cm2.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 13 (1980)
  • He Huijuan, and Lu Guoxian

    Fluorescence lifetime of Nd3+4F3/2 state in NdP5O14 crystals at room temperature was in- vestigated.Fluorescence two-exponential decay which limits the optical gain of NdP5O14 at high excitation intensity was observed.The phenomenon is analyzed theoretically with en- ergy transfer process.A τ-meter for selected pumping of a pulsed rh-6G laser is briefly described.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 18 (1980)
  • Wang Tingfu, Chang Chunyu, Sun Hungjian, and Li Shichun

    Matrix optics was used to obtain the equivalent cavity parameters of resonatrs with thick lenses.The properties of the resonators are analysed according to the thermally stable conditions,and design formulas,tables and charts of thermally stable fundamental mode operation for various kinds of solid state lasers are given.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 23 (1980)
  • Zhou Yueliang, Zhu Wunshen, Yun Yanshen, and Song Ruizhon

    By using photo-preionization and corona discharge preionization simultaneously,TEA CO2 laser of 1 atm.was operated normally without additive He gas.Experiments on life-time were made,operating lifetime of over 1×106 pulses for the active gases was obtained under two different conditions.The device can be operated at a repetition rate of 20 pps with internal ciroulation and cooling of active gases.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 29 (1980)
  • Fu Kejian, and Song Yun

    Investigations on POPOP dye vapor pumped by a molecular nitrogen laser are briefly described and a preliminary study on electric excitation of the dye vapor is also introduced.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 33 (1980)
  • Chen Shangyong, Weng Wenjuan, and Tang Chunming

    Organio photochromic material is a new record and display material,and has been used in laser display of holography.Our experimental investigations on the decoloration of organic photcchromic films under the action of laser beam are reported.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 36 (1980)
  • Li Yushan, and Jin Feng

    The coupling gap of prism-film couplers has been measured by iso-thickness interference. The mode propagation constants of thin-film waveguide,refractive index and thickness of the film have been measured at different coupling gaps.Effect of the coupling gap on the measurement errors of film parameters has been analyzed by Tien and Ulrich’s theory of prism-film coupler.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 42 (1980)
  • Wang Lianzhi

    High temperature quartz window with optical contact for the vapor laser has been developed.The optical performance and the durability of the optical contact are the same as that of the optical contact for the room temperature window.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 46 (1980)
  • Chang Zunkui

    Pulsed electrodeless discharges used as laser pumping provide high peak power,high UV content,high optical coupling effieienoy,long life-time and good reproducibility. These unique features seem very promising for high power atomic iodine lasers.A Tw order laser amplifier of 20cm diameter and 8m long pumped by this scheme is proposed. The characteristics of such pumping system are discussed.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 49 (1980)
  • Yu Kaiyi, Wang Huanden, Fang Wuji, Qian yulan, Li Xindi, and Jin Tingzhen

    Operation characteristics of alkali metal vapor lamps are described.Experiments show that the factors such as input power of lamps,filling quantity of mercury,alkali metals and noble gases,geometrical size and thermal conductivity of the condensor,and operation modes(Pulsed or CW)have direct influences on the distribution of the radiation energy for the lamps.The radiation efficiency for alkali metal lamps is one time higher and the over all laser efficiency is 20% higher than that of the xenon lamps with same size.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 52 (1980)
  • Cao Hongru

    Fundamental principlies,application and reeent development of the spin-flip Raman laser are presented in detail.Stress is laid on the establishment of the physical concept and image rather than the complicated numerical derivations.A comprehensive introduction on the development of the spinflip Raman lasers abroad is given,and the features and possible trends for the development are analyzed.

    Aug. 08, 2012
  • Vol. 7 Issue 1 58 (1980)
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