Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 15 Issue 7
17 Article(s)
Ma Xiaoshan, Pan Peicong, Hu Zhiwei, and Wu Guamgzhao

Beryllium hexa-aluminate crystal doped with chromium (BHA:Cr3+) has been grown for the first time. The absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra of BHA:Cr3+ have been measured. Vibronic side band of the fluorescence spectra, is from 700nm to 1000nm.

Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 403 (1988)
  • Fu Shufen

    Regarding electrons as waves, we obtained an expression of phase changes produced by a Mollenstedt biprism. The effect of mechanical stability of the biprism on interfe-ren field vrere analyzed baaod on the expression. A scheme of a stable biprism was given and the results of electron interference and electron holography were presented with this biprism as electron beam splitter.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 408 (1988)
  • Wen Genwang, Wang Luya, and Liu Songhao

    Chis paper reports the calculation results of (CrO6)9- transition metal cluster on D3d symotetry site by means of spin unrestricted MS-Xa method. It gives out the single electronic eigenvalues and wave function, discusses the electronic structure of Y3Ga6O12:Cr2+ laser crystal and calculates the 10Dq crystal field parameter and the energy splitting due to low symmetry distortion of the lattice site by Slater transition state concept. The calculation results are in good agreement with the experimental results.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 412 (1988)
  • Mao Sen, Mao Hanfen, and Li Wenqing

    The composition of antilaser eye-protection glasses of multispectral band as well as optical, spectral characters, physical and chemical properties were studied.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 417 (1988)
  • Hua Jianwen, and Chen Mingyi

    Theoretical analysis of error, sensitivity and range of 3-D displacement vectormeasurement using phase comparison method are described and experimental results are offered. Some proposals for improving sensitivity are discussed.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 425 (1988)
  • Liang Zhenbin, Guo Sigan, Zheng Shunxuan, and Yu Yongan

    A new sensing method of optical fibre ourrent is proposed and the experiment has been conducted successfully.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 445 (1988)
  • Fang Shankang, Liu Enquan, Hou Xueyuan, and Sun Tuning

    In view of spectrographic analysis for DNA, a good laser mutagenic effect have been obtained by irradiation with two wavelengths (1=260nm, 2 = 266nm) from Datachrom-5000 tunable dye laser and mutant also have heen selected. The enzymatic activity of raw starch glucoamylase is increased to 27% in average and the maximum is 43%.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 447 (1988)
  • Li Licong, and Li Gongliang

    In this paper, we put forward a theory of multispectral line, singles longitudinal mode of a Zeeman laser. Using the Raeah model of Ne atom, we calculated the oscillation frequency and light intensity of a 632.8nm He-Ne longitudinal Zeeman laser and made a discussion about the results obtained.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 385 (1988)
  • Qian Meizhen, Cai Ying, Liu Peng, and Ling Yiming

    In this paper measurements and theory of properties of He-Ne lasers with flat discharge cross-section are described.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 391 (1988)
  • Xu Gan, and T. A. King

    We report a small laboratory size photodissociation iodine laser oscillator-two-stage amplifier system, which can provide single mode laser output with pulse widths of 1ns~ 2s, energy of tens of mJ~10J, peak power of~10MW. Discussions are concentrated on the system design, various mode selection, pulse generation techniques and their performances.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 395 (1988)
  • Huang Dexiu, Liu Deming, Zhang Qichao, Fan Ghenjun, and Li Longqin

    Semiconductor laser amplifiers of both Fabry-Perot type (FP-SLA) and traveling-wave type (TW-SLA) have been investigated theoretically and experimentally. The gain characteristics of semiconductor laser amplifier was analyzed and advantages of quasi-TW-SLA were pointed out.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 400 (1988)
  • Qi Jianping, Lou Qihong, Hou Yunsheng, Ding Zean, and Wang Runwen

    Effects of buffer gas on stimulated Eaman scattering in Pb vapor are analyzed theoretically. The result shows that the effects consist of the collision between the buffer gas atoms and the Pb atoms and the absorption of the buffer gas. The dependence of Baman conversion efficiency on laser parameters is analyzed. The calculated results are in agreement with those of the recent experiments.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 421 (1988)
  • Wu Zhongxiang, Cu Zexiang, and Chen Liying

    Based on the measured parameters of high pressure transverse flow discharge CO2 lasers and their changing rule, simulated calculations have been made on the theoretic curve of power, efficiency and coupling degree and their variation with gas pressure, which indicates that the optimum output of the CO2 laser can be obtained "at the working pressure of ~1 atm and the CW output would be cut off at~2 atm.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 431 (1988)
  • An Chengwu

    A strong field at v is applied to an inhomogeneous laser medium and a very weak probing signal at v’ is used to measure the gain G(v’,Iv)in the medium. By means of the rate equation theory of laser and available mathematical approches, some results have been obtained, 晈hich can much better represent the hole burning on G-v’ curve and improve some present results of the rate equation theory.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 434 (1988)
  • Liu Jinsong

    By introducing the transfer matrix of phase-conjugate mirror (PCM) which has explicite frequency variable, it has been derived that the Gaussian modes and stability condition in a phase-conjugate resonator (PCR) bounded by two PCM’s which are formed via a nondegenerat four-wave mixing. The effect or frequency-flipping of PGM on the mode properties of the PCR has been discussed.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 437 (1988)
  • Zhang Xubin, Liu Bingmo, Liu Jinting, and Wang Tianjuan

    Optogalvanic effect and its radial dependence of rubidium with BF discharge are reported. The comparisons between pure rubidium cell, rubidium cell with buffer gas (argon) and pure neon cell indicate that the radial dependences of optogalvanic effect are different obviously. Qualitative explanation of the U-type radial dependence of optogalvanic effect of rubidium cell is given.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 440 (1988)
  • Xu Yingwu, Zhang Jinru, Deng Yumei, Jiang Shoupin, Lian Shaohui, and Hui Linkai

    At room temperature, the UV fluorescence due to the induced two-photon absorption from trypsin, thyrog-lobulin, hemoglobin and albumin have been observed when they are excited with the radiation of second harmonic of Q-switched Nd: YAG laser.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 7 442 (1988)
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