Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 15 Issue 10
21 Article(s)

Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 1 (1988)
  • Li Buiyong, and Chao Liankou

    A new e-o waveplate is reported. Compared with ordinary e-o modulators, this device can control not only the phase -difference between o-beam and e-beam, but also the direction of the main axis of the waveplate, i. e. to change the ratio of amplitude of o-beam and e-beam.Hence we can get any states of polarization from one state of polarization using ths device. It can also be used as an e-o rotator.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 590 (1988)
  • Zhang Zaixuan, Ding Dajun, Jan Yumo, Liu Hang, Sing Guide, Ren Yulin, and Jin Qinhan

    Ultraviolet laser enhanced ionization spectrometry (UVLBIS) is used for tracs element detection. The practical detection limit ofj sodium (Na32S1/2 5P1/2,3/2) was shown to be 10-12g/ml.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 623 (1988)
  • Wang Chaohua

    Properties and structure of magnetic materials for manufacturing magnetic compressors are theoretically analysed. Experimental results of compressing pulsed discharge with magnetic compressors wound around domestically ferrite toroids are given. The results are in agreement with the theoretical analysis.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 625 (1988)
  • Ning Xifa, Tao Jianquan, and Zhang Dapeng

    A high repetition rate power supply is constructed for quasi-CW solid state lasers.It provides large current rectangular pulses at repetition rates of 50~200pps.The device has a ripple coefficient of <0.1% and shot-to-shot fluctuation within 1~0.1%. A theoretical analysis on the choppers in the power supply is formulated systematically.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 627 (1988)
  • Wang Ghengfei, Jiang Zhankui, Zhou Dafan, and Liang Xiuqing

    The natural radidiative lifetime of some low-lying excited levels have been determined from measurements of time-resolved laser induced fluorescence in atomic beam. The levels were selectively populated by the light of a pulsed tunable dye laser pumped by an exeimer laser or a Nd:YAG laser.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 629 (1988)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    17 cases of II-III degree prolapse internal hemorrhoid were treated by photocoa-gialation therapy with Nd:YAG laser light. Altogether 50 piles were photocoagulated and satisfactory I’esults observed. Pathological sections including eleetromicro scopic findings revealed that the repair of mucosal dammage was complete and the laser burn was reversible.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 637 (1988)
  • Zhang Jiwei, Dou Zhaohua, Shang Baohong, Fan Rang, and Hu Weihong

    Che effect of He-Ne laser on micronuclei in peritoneal macrophagocyte of mice is reported,The results suggested that the mice’s DNA was obviously injured by He-Ne laser light.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 638 (1988)
  • Dong Xiaoyi, Zhang Jianshong, and Sheng Qiuqin

    It is deduced theoretically that the degree of spatial coherence of optical waves can be modulated and demodulated by using a Baman-Nath A-0 modulator and two dimension optical gratings, the optical signals can be transmitted in two channels and the wavefront miltiplexing of optical waves is realized. Experiment with Baman-Nath A-0 modulation of two dimension travelling-waves has been done.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 615 (1988)
  • Chen Yan

    Direction of off-plane displacement resulted from any complicated deformation can be judged by introducing additional off-plane and vector analysis into holographic interfero-metry; The value and direction of the relative off-plane displacement between any two changes of various states of a sequentially deformed object in different intervals can be observed simultaneously on a single holographic plate by combining this method with multiplexing holography.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 634 (1988)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper introchices a method of real-time double-exposure interferences with Fe:LiNbO3 crystal as recording: material and He-Ne laser as light source. Stresses are applied to transparent objects and the interferornetric patterns are shown.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 636 (1988)
  • Lin Qiang, Lu Xuanhui, and Wang Shaomin

    A four-wave mixing phase-conjugator pumped by a Gausr’an beam has a reflectivity with asymmetric lateral Gaussian distribution. Beam transfer matrices for this phase-conjugate mirror(PCM) (including self -pumped cases)are presented. Applying these matrices to PCBs, it is concluded that an elliptical Gaussian beam oscillates within the cavity.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 577 (1988)
  • Gou Sankui

    An effective procedure to solve the equation is derived by starting from the classical dynamic equation of relativistic electrons. The gain curve obtained here is remarkgfoly different from that of the previous conclusions. Moreover, it was found that the saturated laser field is directly proportional to the square of the initial electron energy and inversely proportional to the wiggler field, which is the new result of this paper.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 581 (1988)
  • Huang Chaoen, Han Pengdi, Chen Denjin, Liu Youchen, and Liu Wei

    6.5 W CW green light has been achieved in a Nd:YAG laser by using KTP crystal grown by an improved fiux technique in our institute as intracavity irequency-doubler. An average output oi 33 W at 532 nm has been demonstrated when an acousto-optical Q-switch operating at 25 kHz was used. The stability of KTP doubler was also checked.

    May. 13, 2020
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 586 (1988)
  • Chen Shisheng, B. Sigel, and S. Witkowski

    We report here the jet-like structure appearing at the area far away from the target area directly irradiatad by laser beam. These jet-like structures were attributed to the unipolar arcing produced by "sheath potential" arising from the electrons, especially from the hot electrons which escape from the laser-irradiated-targets.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 593 (1988)
  • Lou Qihong, Huo Yunshen, Dong Jinxing, Ding Zean, Wei Yunrong, Ding Aizhen, and Gao Hongyi

    SBS charactaristies ia high pressure H2 are evaluated for pumping laser with stable, plane-parallel and unstable laser resonators. By using a ring aperture to select the part of laser beam with best beam quality, more than 90% Banian photonconversion efficiency was obtained with a pumping energy of 40mJ.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 598 (1988)
  • Chen Shuahao, and H-J. Weber

    Absorption spectra, oscillator strength, radiative lifetime of R-line in Na4Ge9O20: Cr3+ were investigatoed in the temperature range of 10K and 300K. The measured temperature dependence of B-line was explained by a theoretical model which supposed that the population in excited states abode by Boltzmann distribution. A new method for determining positions of Cr3+ in complex crystals has been developed.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 602 (1988)
  • Zhang Yixin

    Compensation and reflection amplification effects of the quasi-conjugate mirrors etc on the frequency correlation function of the light beam dkplaeelnent and displaeaiaeat variance of the laser beam in the turbulent atmosphere were studied.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 608 (1988)
  • Hu Chun, Tang Fuzi, Cao Zhuangqi, and Chen Yingli

    Experiment of nondegenerate four-wave mixing was demonstrated with proton exchanged LiNbOa planar optical waveguide. Exciting counterpropagating guided waves in opposite ends of the waveguide with prism couplers, second harmonic generation radiating normally to the surface was orbserved in the region where the guided waves overlapped.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 612 (1988)
  • Zhao Donghuan

    Excitation electromagnetic field on central axis in the helical system is analysed. It is shown that in the bifllar winding heliz of the same direction (phase difference) at opposite current excitation, its electromagnetic field of the central axis is similar to a periodic wiggler magnetic field of cirenllar polarization.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 620 (1988)
  • Li Linlin

    A model for negative frequency feedback (NPFB) semiconductor lasers (LD) is presented and the quantum noise of this type is analyzed. NFFB can not only induce the reduction of FM noise, but also the spurious intensity modulation.

    Aug. 13, 2012
  • Vol. 15 Issue 10 631 (1988)
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