Chinese Journal of Lasers
Ruxin Li
Volume: 13 Issue 8
19 Article(s)

Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 1 (1986)
  • Tang Tonghong, and Xu Zhizhan

    Equation describing Brillouin backscattering are obtained in one-dimensional inhomogeneoua plasma. Based on the equations, the scattering spectra are calculated both for linear and nonlinear multimode instability. For thermal noise source, the spectral shape is dependent on the ion-acoustic wave damping, the plasma inhomogeneity and the incident light depletion. The resultant spectra including these affects are in agreement with experimental observations.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 449 (1986)
  • Tang Jingguo, Du Dingxu, Xue Kang, and Zhou Zhongbi

    A 30 ns ruby laser pulse is compressed to about 6 ns with acetone (CaH6O) by SBS. The Stokes pulse is then amplified again in a laser amplifier, the energy gain is greater than 5, and the tatol power gain is about 60. The characteristics and applications of the technique are discussed.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 457 (1986)
  • Wang Shifan, and Fan Yalin

    A fast algorithm for quantitative determination of minute spatial displacement field is discussed. First, fringes observed with orthogonal slit aperture is used to determine two components of object displacement transverse to the observation direction. Then the projection transformation is used to calculate spatial displacement. The projection matrix, operational formula, FOETEAN program and experimental results show that this algorithm is convenient and valid for dealing with minute displacement and deformation of complex objects.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 462 (1986)
  • Yang Xiangchun, Zhang Xinnan, and Liu Te

    Calculation results on frequency doubling and frequency summing phase matching parameters for different wavelengths using KDP type crystals are given. Experimental verification was performed, and tunable wavelength down to 218.3nm has been obtained.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 466 (1986)
  • Cheng Zuhai

    The effect of deformation and angular deflection of resonant mirrors on the output characteristics of an unstable conf ocal resonator are analysed and studied experimentally. The equations of the critical angle of the convex mirror are derived. The theoretical and experimental results are in good agreement.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 470 (1986)
  • Qiu Peihua, Li Qun, Wang Wenyao, Zhuang Dakui, and Luo Yi

    Using laser light (μ=1.06 μm) as the fundamental wave acting on the monolayer of the laser dye adsorbed by the smooth surface of the fused quatz or K9 glass, the SH and TH signals from different kinds of dye molecules are observed.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 475 (1986)
  • Zeng Yongjian, Qiu Mingxin, Su Genbuo, He Youpin, and Huang Bingrong

    Characteristics of the second harmonic generation at three lines, 514.5, 496.5, and 488. 0nm, with a urea crystal by Ar+ laser light is reported in detail for first time. The phase mismatch at azimuthal angle due to thermal effect was found. The dependence of frequency-doubling efficiency upon other parameters is given.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 478 (1986)
  • Chu Cheng, Lu Zaitong, Shi Ruigeng, Wang Zhijiang, Zhang Lifen, Hu Yu, and Shi Jinchuan

    We have succeeded in obtaining laser action in a free-electron laser baaed on stimulated Baman scattering. This paper presents a brief account on the output and measurement of the free-electron laser radiation in Ka band.The design methods of drift tube,emitting and receiving horns and filters are summarized together with radiation measurement results.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 482 (1986)
  • Zhong Mincheng, Yang Zhengmin, Luo Zhongnan, and Fu Shiping

    This paper introduces the fundamental. principle and experimental method of diagnosing flame by laser Raman spectroscopy. It can measure three dimensional distribution of temperature and concentraction in flame. The experimental results are in agreement with real distributions.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 485 (1986)
  • Liao Shiqiang, Bian Shuheng, and Sun Shundi

    A new frequency modulation system for lasers by heterodyne bias frequency-locking is proposed and developed. The technique can be used in heterodyne or coherent single mode optical communication. Experiments on grating-tuned CO2 laser system and Zeeman He-Ne laser system are described. Radio broadcast has been relayed in the locked system successfully. The conditions for practical optical fiber communication with semiconductor laser of heterodyne bias frequency-locked system are discussed.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 489 (1986)
  • Li Ning

    A new version is suggested in this paper which is possessed of both the off-axis and the [110] mode properties of slow shear wave in TeO2, and modified Dixon formula having universality under this construction have been derived, which shows better trade-off between the off-axial and the [110] modes. It makes the designing for the slow shear wave cells in TeO2 more flexible when the formula are used. The high frequency cells is appropriate for real time processing of the signals with instantaneous wide band.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 493 (1986)
  • Li Xishan, and Fan Cheng

    The refractive index change of optical glasses caused by self weight and external force has been measured using double exposure holography with an accuracy of ±1×10-6.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 498 (1986)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Throuth the observation of HpD distribution of the early blastocyst and midtrimester embryo tissues of experimental rabbits by PNQ3 fluorospectrophotoineter, the authors suggest that the affinity of HpD the blastoeyst tissue is quite similar to that of the cancer tissue. The possibility of using photochemical effect of laser with HpD terminate the early pregnancy in rabbits is suggested.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 501 (1986)
  • Liu Shou

    This article introduces a simple method of making two-dimensional transparency rainbow-holograms. Using this method,a diffuse slit Fresnel hologram, called master hologram, can be made first. By means of master hologram, any necessary transparency rainbow-hologram can be produced simply by laser beam. All conditions for the experiments and the results are given in detail.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 503 (1986)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    This paper studies the central dark-space of CW Ar+ laser beams.The relationship between dark-space of beam cress section and discharge current has been measured, the spectrum of laser beam observed, and the forming cause for the central dark-space discussed.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 505 (1986)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    CO2 laser and photosensitive effect were used in the treatment of 34 cases of malignant face tumors, of which 33 cases have been cured, with a curative effciency of 97%. In comparison with those using CO2 laser or photosensitive effect separately, the curative effciency is remarkably increased.

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 507 (1986)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 510 (1986)
  • [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Aug. 02, 2012
  • Vol. 13 Issue 8 511 (1986)
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